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Exercise Thread ~ September 28th - October 4th


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Will soon try out a Jackie Warner workout - new DVD that I got on sale recently. 


ETA: That one is not for me at all. I can't jog or run in place anymore. I'm now going to do her other DVD which I really like - Personal Training with Jackie - Crunch Free X-treme Abs. 

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Testing is over! I made a tactical error and didn't take snacks- all, in my family, who tested later in the day lacked our normal umph- including me. Which was frustrating. I also landed wrong at some point during a Thai combination and twisted my knee. Which is very frustrating. But nothing is swollen today and I passed:)

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Congrats, Rieshy!


I spent the weekend hiking.  On Saturday my dh and I took our 2 yougest on a 2.5 mile hike.  The trail is strenuous, but there's a waterfall at the end and they enjoyed it.


On Sunday I wanted a long hike.  My dh and I traveled down to the Great Smokey's to hike.  We've never done that, despite living here for a lot of years. We stopped at the center to get a good recommendation.  We decided on Alum Cave trail, which was 5 miles round trip.  It was a bit strenuous.  But when we got there we decided to continue on to the top (!) to Mt. LeConte.  It was a very steep climb.  In all, the round trip was 11 miles!  It was probably not the wisest decision, but fun.  My legs were toast by the end. 


We also had an exciting dinner.  We stopped at a Ruby Tuesday's because I had a coupon.  I got salmon, but it was undercooked.  I just sent it back, but when the manager brought it back to the table he said that he was sorry about the salmon, and he let us know that the kitchen was on fire!  We could stay, the fire was contained, but we could leave whenever we wanted. 


I did finish my fish and downed my wine, and we still payed for the meal.  We didn't feel right not paying or stiffing the waitress.  


Anyway, we got home and I did some yoga, then another yoga practice this morning.  I don't feel too badly, though I think after all of the driving I have to do today, I will. 

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I did my stepped up yoga practice. 


I had done a power yoga practice on Saturday, so that combined with poor sleep last night left me tired and I had to push myself.  (I had made a deal with myself "just 10 more minute" and I could quit.  well - then the most intense part was over and it was no big deal to finish.)

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Congrats, Rieshy!


I spent the weekend hiking. On Saturday my dh and I took our 2 yougest on a 2.5 mile hike. The trail is strenuous, but there's a waterfall at the end and they enjoyed it.




We also had an exciting dinner. We stopped at a Ruby Tuesday's because I had a coupon. I got salmon, but it was undercooked. I just sent it back, but when the manager brought it back to the table he said that he was sorry about the salmon, and he let us know that the kitchen was on fire! We could stay, the fire was contained, but we could leave whenever we wanted.


I did finish my fish and downed my wine, and we still payed for the meal. We didn't feel right not paying or stiffing the waitress.


Anyway, we got home and I did some yoga, then another yoga practice this morning. I don't feel too badly, though I think after all of the driving I have to do today, I will.


That's a little too exciting!


Today I did weights and stretching and rolling. Missed my normal long run time- but martial arts class is in an hour.

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Skillwork, stretch, roll.     I am still going to MA too.   My belt testing is coming up quick and I'm feeling a little stressed about that too.    :gnorsi:     I think I may be doing too much.  I feel like I've been put through the meat grinder and the salad spinner.  :willy_nilly:


I didn't get my hot bath yesterday and owing to the mess from yesterday, I'm going to have to clean my oven today, so no time for the bath today either.  


I have an idea!!


Let's skip out today and get massages!   YES!



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Skillwork, stretch, roll.     I am still going to MA too.   My belt testing is coming up quick and I'm feeling a little stressed about that too.    :gnorsi:     I think I may be doing too much.  I feel like I've been put through the meat grinder and the salad spinner.  :willy_nilly:


I didn't get my hot bath yesterday and owing to the mess from yesterday, I'm going to have to clean my oven today, so no time for the bath today either.  


I have an idea!!


Let's skip out today and get massages!   YES!

Oooh, boo on meat grinding and salad spinning!  And YES! I'm on board with massages.


I ran this morning.  I really needed it. My dad is being a bit of a pill post surgery (not to mention just all the craziness that is life) and let's just say exercise is keeping me upright and functioning.  Really, when your legs are burning and you are gasping for breath everything else goes away  :lol: . I hope you all have lovely, productive, peaceful, as if you've had massages days.

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I ran this morning!  It was 3 slow and a bit difficult miles, but I ran.  I could feel my hamstring.  It was hard for my left leg to open up, but I'm unsure if that's from the injury or Sunday's 11 mile hike. :)  I came back and did kettlebell, TGU's with added presses, squats, push-ups, pull-ups and swings.  I have a goal of doing maybe 200 more swings today.  I would also like to do some restorative or yin yoga before bed, but I don't know if that will happen.


And yes, Lisa, when you whole body is focused on just getting through your run, everything else melts away, at least for a bit.

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Everyone is doing such a great job, passing tests and running and stretching!  Wowzer!


On Sunday I ran and yesterday, monday, I did squeezed in 45 mins of Tracy Anderson. I was going to run again today, but we are having big thunderstorms. And not those nice summer storms where you are fine running in the wet drippy outside. Now it is cold and drippy and YUCK!


So... am maybe going to do Tracy again this evening? I need to figure that out.


I have been doing the same Tracy DVD over and over again. I know I should do something else, like Meta etc BUT when I look at older Tracy Anderson DVDs the instruction is just so crap. And her form is crap, lol. I like this one because I don't even have to really look at it except for the occasional glance to make sure my form is right. During the summer I managed to do this DVD every week day for about a month and after 4 weeks I could totally see a difference in my butt.

Maybe I will just do the all fours part of Meta and do my other DVD for arms and abs.  I wish she would redo Meta with her new found ability to give instruction and maintain some form.

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Tuesday- co-op day so I missed my recovery run. But since I missed my long run on Monday- oh well. But I did do my martial arts class plus a kettle bell class. I can now dead stop 70 pounds- which is more than 1/2 my body weight and double press with 2- 24lb bells.


In other words.... I am sore!

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I did same old Tracy last night and will be running tonight after dinner.


So I went to Amazon to look at other TA stuff and she has a new DVD coming out next week. It is 'mat workout for beginners'. It has 3 25 min workouts with instruction one one disc. I guess you do one until you master it and then move on to the next. It was 12$ so I pre-ordered it. I am willing to take a chance for 12$. My hope is that she keeps making new workout DVDs with more instruction. She has released a bunch and they are all less expensive than most and have instruction. She is def on a roll this year.


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Well, proving I'm crazy I ran this morning.  Then I did a yoga thing from Sadie Nardini I found on the net.  I really like her.  She's a little hip, gives good instruction and really packs a lot into 30 minutes.

Snickerdoodle (which I must ad is what dh calls our girls as an endearment) when I don't run my family sees crazy.

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Good morning beautiful ladies!  


Stretch those hammies and quads!   Don't forget the calves and ankles!      Roll those trigger points!   Work on upper body mobility!


The coffee is brewing and after warming up and stretching we're gonna have a great workout!  


The sun is shining so slap a smile on your face!

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Y'all make me laugh. Personally my coffee has not had its normal efficacy.


Thursday- evil training session with weights focusing on hip strength and upper body.


Today? Cinnamon rolls and a long recovery run if I can wake up- plus spinning hook kicks and a new kata I need to learn.

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T, W, Th hill hikes -- 1 hr. I've switched up my route to include steeper hills both up and down. I can feel different muscles working--quads on the inclines, glutes on the declines. Loving this! Today more of the same. My ideal is 5 days of hill hikes and two days of yoga but so far the hill hikes are winning out. Are any of you ladies fitbit users?

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Yesterday was my weekly yoga class in the city.  This new teacher is incredible.  I wish I could take multiple classes with her a week.  


Today I've done nothing. I didn't sleep well (the wind was incredible) and I'm normally wiped out on Friday's.  Thursday's are co-op days, which means leaving the house at 6:40, droping the kids off at 8:00, yoga at 9:00 and a full day of running around town doing my shopping.  I pick the kids up at 4:30 and we get home by 5:45 if there are no traffic issues (there was yesterday, so an extra 30 minutes). The routine seems to wipe me out, and on Friday I have no energy for anything.  The wash is getting done, and we will eat dinner, but I want to just lay in bed all day. 


I'm hoping for a short run tomorrow and maybe a short hike.  

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So I tried running today, and it was a complete fail.  I had decided to go super easy, taking walk breaks every 5 minuets, but my hamstring hurt from the moment I stepped out my door. :(  I feel like crying.  But I determined to have it push me further in other ways.  I've been focusing my kettlebell and yoga on rehab, but now I just want to focus on them. Lots more kettlebell and yoga, more KB swings for cardio condtioning and no thought of running, not for at least 6 weeks, maybe longer.  I do have to be careful with yoga. Last night I did a 1 hr fast primary series (I love Astanga Primary), but even though I didn't push it, all of the forward bending was too much.  So I have to stay away from Astanga, and stick to Hatha or flow.  I want to work on opening my hips and backbends.  With KB I want to be able to get up to squating my two 12kg bells (52#) I had been able to do a 44# 1 rep max, but I've backed off the strength of the squats because of running and then rehabing, but now I want to go for it. :)  


Sorry, I'm rambling.  I'm sad and angry all at once.  I need to get myself to together, we are heading out for a 5 mile hike. :)

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So I tried running today, and it was a complete fail. I had decided to go super easy, taking walk breaks every 5 minuets, but my hamstring hurt from the moment I stepped out my door. :( I feel like crying. But I determined to have it push me further in other ways. I've been focusing my kettlebell and yoga on rehab, but now I just want to focus on them. Lots more kettlebell and yoga, more KB swings for cardio condtioning and no thought of running, not for at least 6 weeks, maybe longer. I do have to be careful with yoga. Last night I did a 1 hr fast primary series (I love Astanga Primary), but even though I didn't push it, all of the forward bending was too much. So I have to stay away from Astanga, and stick to Hatha or flow. I want to work on opening my hips and backbends. With KB I want to be able to get up to squating my two 12kg bells (52#) I had been able to do a 44# 1 rep max, but I've backed off the strength of the squats because of running and then rehabing, but now I want to go for it. :)


Sorry, I'm rambling. I'm sad and angry all at once. I need to get myself to together, we are heading out for a 5 mile hike. :)

Kettle bell is always an enormous workout for my hamstrings. I am sorry the running is out for now- but I am wondering whether a break from both wouldn't speedup the healing process-(I am hoping you don't throw anything at me.)


I don't mean a long break but maybe a week hiatus while eating well and sleeping and stretching with rolling several times a day. - now that's starting to sound like a daydream so I'll add in get some massages and have your children rise up and call you blessed.

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Negin, I've heard good things about the Warrior Workout, what is it like?


Kim, I am sorry you had runfail. I know you are in rehab, does your PT have any suggestions for returning to running?


I bought a real foam roller yesterday, it should be here on monday. My excuse is my dh's PT....even though they don't use a foam roller, lol. Oh, and all the kids in the ballet company use them, so it would be good for my son, right? Not that he will ever use it :001_rolleyes: He thinks he is going to be flexible and pain free forever.


I am going to look at some youtube videos or something for the roller. I need fast things. I won't use it if it needs another 45 mins after a workout, kwim? And my son certainly won't.


I was all set to run last night, at 8 bloody pm, I had my hand on the door when it started to pour. :mad:  So, I did a leslie sansone walking video called 5 mile advanced walk. I find walking for fitness weird. I tried to make the walk as challenging as possible, running in place and moving my arms and even doing some moves as jumps etc. The walk called for holding weights and I did that the whole time. But I just don't feel it as a workout. Last night, my legs felt worked out, not sore but I knew I had done something. But my heart rate just doesn't get up there. I could have held a conversation throughout the whole thing and I didn't get sweaty. Warm? Yes I got warm and my breathing got deeper, but nothing approaching workout level. So, I don't really know if it is doing anything.  OTOH, it is easy on the joints and good for a rainy day.


And I got six workouts in this week!  :party:

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Kettle bell is always an enormous workout for my hamstrings. I am sorry the running is out for now- but I am wondering whether a break from both wouldn't speedup the healing process-(I am hoping you don't throw anything at me.)


I don't mean a long break but maybe a week hiatus while eating well and sleeping and stretching with rolling several times a day. - now that's starting to sound like a daydream so I'll add in get some massages and have your children rise up and call you blessed.



I was keeping the squats light, and there was never any pain.  Single leg deadlifts are recommended, so I focused on those, but didn't go too heavy either.  According to my dh (he's a family doc, and also consults at a PT center) the only real rule is if it hurts, stop.  Nothing with kettlebell hurt, but I will be mindful of it as I go forward.  Yoga can hurt.  I have to be careful not to stretch that leg.  Forward bends tend to hurt, no matter how much I bend my knees.  Stupid, stupid hamstring.  


I think the reason the kettlebell doens't hurt is because the load is on all 4 parts of the hamstring.  Running injured the outermost part.  When too much load is on just that part, it hurts.  Even stretching, if I do it right, doesn't hurt, as long as it's not hitting that outermost hamstring. 

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