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Our School Room pics!

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Can I come be your new child? LOL. Everything looks so well-organized and peaceful, *sigh*. I can't believe you have an extra kitchen just for school! That's so awesome! And I love your little art-study area. What a great idea! When my toddler isn't a toddler anymore, I'm going to do that. The poor prints would be thrown to the floor and stomped if I did it now!


Thanks for sharing!!

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What a beautiful, light-filled space you have created! I love how you have it organized, and not jammed with too much stuff. Its a room to contemplate and learn. Really, it's just lovely. May I ask, where do you get your works of art to rotate? Do you just print it off the interenet? Its a great idea.

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I have gathered them from a number of different sources - a few years ago walm*rt had tons of fine art prints that were the perfect size and only $1 each, so I bought lots of them. Sometimes Mich*els and H*bby Lobby will have reasonably priced ones, but usually they cost more than I want to spend. You can also order some from the National Gallery of Art - if you email they will send you a list with prices (I think they charge $5 each now). Another great place to get them is from Ambleside online. They have prints on the site, and a yahoo group that is nothing but a collection of prints by various artists that you can print off.

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