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Our exchange student needs aTI 84 Plus calculator for Public High School math class..

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Check on Ebay. Also you might check Office Depot, Staples, etc. they often run deals at the beginning of the school year.


My dd's online class listed the TI84+ as a requirement, I emailed her teacher saying we have the 83+ and he said that would suffice - I think the 84 has more memory but for most functions a "lesser" calculator will work just fine.

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You can find some on e-bay for around $80 right now that were demos for teacher training.


Ask if there is a 'class set' of calculators--but you would still need something for homework.


For Algebra 1 and Geometry you can probably get away with using a $15 TI-30XIIS or a TI-34 series that have a multi-line display.


For high school math the teachers really want the students to have a calculator with a multi-line display---so much easier to use than the old scientific ones (less errors because you see everything you input--as in the WHOLE problem).

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We used them in high school algebra and chemistry classes 20+ years ago. They are very expensive. That is an item which should be covered by the student. Can you talk with the local coordinator to see if an item can be borrowed? We have an active exchange program (AFS) locally and many items are loaned out for the students' convenience.

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I just had to buy this calculator for my dd who is in public school algebra I. It was very expensive, but I justified the purchase knowing it will take my dd through college math and science. One calculator for 8 years of school. I can do some pretty awesome things!

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