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If you eat healthy, but eat similar foods daily for your meals...


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What are those things?


What do your standard breakfast, standard lunch and standard dinner look like?


If you rotate through a few menus, please share them.


I just want to keep myself eating mostly paleo, but I need it to be easy, and I want to have more of a set thing for at least breakfast and lunch when I'm generally alone anyway. I'd also like to just rotate through about 10-12 meals for dinner.


I'm just tired of trying to come up with stuff, brand need a true plan to keep me from falling off the good eating wagon.

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I have no stress planning breakfast or lunch. For breakfast I keep on hand eggs, bread, and I have premade smoothie kits in the freezer. I also keep oatmeal and cream of wheat in the pantry, but most mornings DS and I eat eggs and toast.


Lunch here is usually leftovers or a sandwich.


Dinner is the killer. I get so,e serious slumps. For summer I use the grill a lot. I have some sort of seasoned rice in the rice cooker, meat on the grill, and either a salad or grilled vegetables. You can rerun thus combo with different meats an vegetables for a good long time before anyone notices. My family just doesn't read that kabobs and fajitas are basically the same thing as far as the cook's concerned.

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2 servings of fruit (or more)

1 protein (meat, egg, yogurt, nuts)

Option of a grain/starch if desired


Large serving of water



1 or 2 veggies

1 protein (meat, usually)

2 or 3 fruit

1 serving of grain/starch (bread, etc)

Large water


"Afternoon Tea"

Cold or hot tea

1 serving of fruit

1/2 serving of protein (nuts, cheese)

1/2 serving of grain/starch (popcorn, crackers, cereal)

Option of a small treat (cookie, etc)



Major protein serving (meat, usually)

3 side veggies, or salad, or some of each

Grain or starch as needed to make it feel like a meal

Frui or fruit salad (served towards the end of the meal)

Large water



(I have various things that "count as water" -- including infused waters, and water with a splash of juice plus stevia, and chilled tea without sugar.)

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Coffee with 1tsp coconut oil

3 egg whites with salsa (this is the thing I am most likely to skip, lol)

might have a green smoothie instead or only the coffee



Micro broccoli or micro kale (I eat a LOT of it)

.5 cup beans or baked tofu, but you could use chicken breast or some kind of meat you cook and keep in the fridge

topped with lemon juice or maybe some soy/sesame oil/hot sauce


late afternoon:

green tea with 1 tbsp chia seeds

some kind of protein: tuna on romain lettuce leave is my fave, but could be .5 cup plain greek yogurt with fiber 1 cereal


evening meal: depends on the day and how many calories I have left


usually it is just a green smoothie with:

half a small apple


romaine lettuce

ground flax

lemon juice and a bit of rind

whey powder

maybe .25 of an avocado, again, depending on calories left for the day. Usually I don't have it.


Might be:

micro steamed purple cabbage and a red pepper

with maybe a salmon fillet or more beans or egg whites if I skipped dinner etc. But I keep it to a veg and protein.


My have to haves in the house is a big 3lb bag of prepped broccoli and a 1lb bag of washed and chopped kale and a 2lb bag of washed romaine lettuce. I got through at least that much every week. I also always have a head of purple cabbage and several red peppers and some baked sweet potatoes in the fridge. It makes it very easy to make a meal. 

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BREAKFASTS are usually-

Plain Greek yogurt with either cocoa or raspberry jam on top

Eggs-scrambled, fried, or in a burrito

Maple sausage from Applegate Farms

Bacon. Yum.

High protein waffles from Kashi

Smoothies-fruit, milk, protein powder


LUNCH is not as Paleo inspired. We have a lot of days that we need to pack picnic lunches or get lunch out.

Sandwiches-turkey, cheese and tomato, egg salad

Salad-ceaser, spinach, ginger, cabbage

Raw veggies-grape tomatoes, snap peas, carrots, celery, mini cucumbers, and bell peppers are some of our favorites.


DINNER-we have a food delivery service that brings six months of meats at a time, so I have all the proteins easily accessible. The way they are packaged makes them very easy to thaw quickly in want water. It's better quality (grass fed, humanely raised and slaughtered) and less expensive than store bought meat. Plus I love the convenience.

So dinner is-

Always a salad of some sort to start with

Protein, veggie and sometimes a starch. Not always.

Twice a week or so I make something vegetarian, like beans or lentils.

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Most mornings I eat oatmeal (not paleo) that I don't sweeten but I do add a tiny bit of dried fruit or sliced banana to. If not oatmeal, then eggs with avocado or guacamole and a bowl of berries.


Lunch I always eat salad, as much as I want. Mixed greens with some canned salmon, sardines, or leftover chicken or fish if I have it, or hard boiled egg. Lots of veggies and I like to add guac or avocado instead of dressing if I haven't already had some. Also, greek olives or black olives for some good fats if I'm not having some form of avocado. I usually eat some fruit too. (Berries or a nectarine.)


I hardly snack but if I do I try to have an apple or carrots. I add peanut butter if I'm starving and that fills me up. (Peanut butter isn't Paleo but I don't like almond butter.)


Dinner is hard for me because I love to cook and love to try new things, so I get bored fast with Paleo dinners.  Easy meals we like that are Paleo are baked wild salmon with roasted asparagus, broiled tomatoes and garlic. Baked chicken legs with roasted veggies. Chicken stir-fry with lots of veggies. Paleo just seems to be variations of meat or fish and veggies and it bores me. I know you can get creative and make zucchini noodles or cauliflower rice and I need to, but it takes more prep and planning than I seem to be capable of lately. Sweet potatoes are okay I think but my people don't like them. I do like the Well Fed cookbooks for ideas.


Now if I could just get over my sugar addiction because I still eat too much dessert and I love to bake.

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Breakfast: two eggs, either boiled or fried in butter, coffee with coconut milk or "bullet proof" (if it's going to be a long day, I also add an egg or two to the billet proof coffee


mid-morning snack: nuts, avocado and a piece of fruit


lunch: salad  (three cups of greens, with olives, tinned fish, seeds, and a little olive oil)


dinner: meat, veg and frozen berries with dark chocolate for dessert


For example:

Monday: heart with gravy with steamed veg

Tuesday liver with onions and mushrooms with steajed veg

Wednesday: ground beef with steamed veg

Thursday: fish with roasted veg

Friday: ground pork with steamed veg (roast chicken with roasted veg for special occasions)

Saturday: sausages with steamed veg

Sunday: pork chops with steamed veg

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Not red squirrel, but chia is a great add in to any drink, hot or cold. It's like bubble tea :)


Mango green tea iced with chia and a little cream is delightful. I personally add it into my iced coffees as well. Love!


As in chia seeds?  Not chai tea, correct?  Wouldn't that make it kind of slimy, or I dunno, chewy?

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I don't eat paleo, but I do eat healthy foods:


Breakfast: oatmeal or oat bran with 1 cup or raspberries and/or blueberries or

1 or 2 eggs (with Omega 3) with sauteed onion, garlic, spinach, sometimes mushrooms and guacamole


Lunch: varies. Often leftovers, but I can also get into a rut. Some "rut foods""


huge salad with various greens, walnuts (or other nuts), and whatever fruit/veges I have around to add. Sometimes I eat chicken or shrimp or some kind of cheese on this. I've started just using vinegar for dressing, but sometimes add olive oil.


Sardines on pasta with tomato sauce and red pepper (I go for the sardines for the cheaper alternative to salmon for Omega 3, but have to hide the taste/texture in the tomato sauce. I like it once in the sauce.)


Curried veges: Trader Joe's carries a mixture of frozen veges I like called Harvest veges (I think!) It has brocolli, red pepper, onion, tiny corn cobs, maybe water chesnuts (?) I heat that up while I make a curry sauce with tumeric, pepper, cinnamon, red pepper and add to a sauce of peanut butter, water and vinegar. Sometimes I add fruit like a few raisins or some chopped apple to that. I do that for the veges and tumeric and other spieces.

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Great ideas! I like the idea of salad daily, because I make great salads, but I absolutely detest making salad. :(


I'm not hung up on strict paleo; I will definitely eat dairy. I am trying to eliminate most grains, but will probably have some rice now and then.

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I have fallen into a basic couple things this summer

Bfst-either two eggs scrambled over cooked, diced zucchini and mushrooms or an almond milk, banana, pb and spinach smoothie

Lunch-giant bowl of greens, a handful of cheese(omit if paleo), and a sprinkle of pumpkin seeds-I could live on this, sometimes I'll shake it up and add salsa for dressing and avocado

Din-another huge salad, a protein and a ton of veggie


If I'm really hungry mid afternoon I'll have an apple and string cheese or a handful of almonds


I'm not paleo or anything really, I just eat what I like. I tend to find something I like and eat it for months and then move on to something else. Last winter I ate gallons of veg soup but not so much salad.

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You reminded me that I saw a yummy looking breakfast dish on Pioneer Woman's cooking show last night.  I would make the hollandaise. :)





I also thought her yogurty, adobo sauce looked good.  http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ree-drummond/low-carb-lettuce-burgers.html


See all the low-carb recipes at 



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Not red squirrel, but chia is a great add in to any drink, hot or cold. It's like bubble tea :)


Mango green tea iced with chia and a little cream is delightful. I personally add it into my iced coffees as well. Love!


No. It's really not like bubble tea. If it were like bubble tea I would have it at every meal.  :lol:



As in chia seeds?  Not chai tea, correct?  Wouldn't that make it kind of slimy, or I dunno, chewy?


Yes, chia seeds. They are a good source of omega 3s and fiber etc. I put 1 tbsp of chia into about 16oz of matcha green tea. I do let the tea cool down a bit before I add them. And yes, it does make the tea sort of gloopy but I am use to it. I just swallow it down. I don't chew them, that is for sure.

You don't have to put chia into liquid, that is my choice. You can mix it into your oatmeal or sprinkle them on a salad. I just find that I remember to have the both of them when I put them together.


I don't like chia in my smoothie. It makes a smoothie super thick, too thick for my tastes.

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I'm about to pick up my burrito bowls from Chipotle. I have a problem. Everything I wrote before was a lie. I just get Chipotle every night.

My idea of heaven! LOL


I eat low carb and mostly whole foods; definitely healthier than most people I am intimately acquainted with. :)


Breakfast is almost always a small bowl of the healthiest cereal I can find with 2% milk over it because it's fast and easy and mindless. If not that, 2 eggs, either soft boiled, fried in butter or in an omelet with sausage, mushrooms, peppers and onion. Usually with milk to drink.


Lunch is often leftovers from dinner the night before. If not, it's a salad with lots of veggies with an Italian dressing and sometimes eggs or tuna. Sometimes it's a smoothie. Sometimes it's veggies and hummus and a fruit and some kind of dairy.


Snacks: Cottage cheese, cheese chunks, olives, nuts, pickles, veggies and dip, fruit, dark chocolate, egg, yogurt.


Dinners are almost always a meat, 2 or 3 veggies (I love broccoli, green beans, brussels sprouts, cabbage, tomatoes, kale, salads, zucchini, etc). Sometimes a fruit (watermelon, berries, prunes are my favorites), potatoes or sweet potatoes. I also ADORE taco salad with beef and black beans and tons of veggies. We have that almost once a week. We usually eat taco soup a night or two later (beef or chicken, broth, tomatoes, jalepenos, onion, garlic, black beans, corn). Yum!



My favorite foods other than glazed yeast doughnuts, blueberry or sour cream cake doughnuts or boston creme doughnuts are vegetables and meats. :) If I can avoid doughnuts, I can do really well with healthy eating. :p

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