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I have a lump in the pit of my stomach

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I start school today.

I don't know why, but I feel sick

I hate that I'll be away from the girls, the homework, the pressure, the drive, parking, etc.

I don't even know if the professor will let me in the class, I need to petition - but I need to get in this class, because I need to go to school after 4pm - I don't have the luxury of taking day classes.

This has been a family decision, I'm going back to get my MA so I can teach p/t while still homeschooling the girls. I want this, dh wants this, dds support me. But as I sit by the pool looking at them playing and watching the clock, because I have to leave in 1/2 hour, my stomach hurts.....

We don't start homeschooling till after Labor Day, I wish my school started after theirs, maybe I'm mourning the end of summer - where did it go?

Sigh- thanks for listening to my whine

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Yes, please let us know how it goes. You were on my mind this morning...still praying you get into those classes. Ick, I remember the anxiety I used to get when thinking about parking. Pray for God to give you a parking space. I always feel silly, but the kids and I always pray for a parking space in a crowded lot and then we get all excited when He gives us one. :)



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Yes, all those things are true. But, think of all the great stuff that comes with going back to college: getting together with other adults to have intellectual adult conversations, the smell of a university library, the thrill of an awesome grade on a paper you worked so hard for, etc. I am working on my doctorate right now and it seems like a long haul so I have to focus on the positive or I'll go nuts!

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I know you're nervous now, but in no time you will be on your way--an MA, how exciting! You will love it! It is so much easier than all the tedium of a BA--so much shorter, you are studying what you love, it will fly by in comparison, and you and your dc can sit together and do homework, side by side (and complain together!! :) ).


I think you are so brave to do this while homeschooling! I have 2 BA's, 2 MA's, and part of my phd, all done before my dd, while I was working full time, and I honestly don't think I could take a sewing class and survive now! I admire your courage and strength, and know you will come out shining!

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I feel like such a ninny, it went fine. The professor was great, no problem took me in and the class was fun. Thanks so much for the prayers, and Monica I found a parking space in record time - THANKS - I know it was your prayers. So, one down, two to go...




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I feel like such a ninny, it went fine. The professor was great, no problem took me in and the class was fun. Thanks so much for the prayers, and Monica I found a parking space in record time - THANKS - I know it was your prayers. So, one down, two to go...



Still praying for you! I'm so glad things went well today! I have thought about getting my MA - not the right season in life now. But maybe one day. ;) I truly admire you for doing that AND homeschooling AND everything else we ladies have to do ~ wow! Blessings to you.

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