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PS - what was your biggest surprise?

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If you've had any kids go from homeschooling to a public school, what was the biggest surprise for you or for them?  I'm curious about elementary in particular, but would love to hear about any grades.



For my dd13 it has been the noise - by the time she's been there a month it will probably be just background noise.  

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Took a bit to get used to such a long day (ballet right after school, so dc had not been out of house for so many consecutive hours on a regular basis). First two weeks were exhausting, but body became acclimated after that. Pleasant aspect was late high school start time, which is 8:50 T-Th, and 9:50 on Mondays. Makes mornings so much more relaxed. Also pleasant: thoughtful literature, and history teachers. I was prepared for that not to be the case. World Language teacher did not speak English in class at all which was another good thing. Power School is a great way to communicate with teachers and see assignments, too. I was very impressed. Ftr, it was the Maths teacher who was the pokiest about updating. Interesting. Not so good thing is the sheer size of the school. It's a city unto itself, although in many ways that can be seen as a positive due to incredible diversity. Maybe college acclimation will be a walk in the park after this. I'm a little bummed that school is starting back up soon as I like the freedom from precise scheduling. ;) Dc is on the fence. Liked school, but loves not going to school. ;)

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We're only one week in but it's been exhausting so far. She didn't realize how much down time she had as a homeschooler. Even if she was doing school the same number of hours, some of those were spent moving around, chatting with her sister, laying on the floor reading, etc. By Friday last week when I picked her up she just leaned her head against the window in the car and closed her eyes the entire way home.

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My daughter's currently at her 3rd day of public school 7th grade.  She's been unprepared for the time constraints.  Two-minute locker time between classes is tricky for her (partly because she's slow about figuring out how the combination lock works to get into her locker).  She says she's not able to use the restroom all day long because of only 2 minutes to get to the next class.  She's also having a hard time with time limits in the classroom.  On Friday the Grammar teacher asked them to write 2 sentences about something they liked and she only got one down on paper before it was time to turn in the paper.  Then, she forgot to write her name on it!

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I have a just back to school high school freshman.  She went to school from k-3 to 3rd grade.  Homeschooled 4th-8th.  She loves it.  I love hearing about the discussions, debates, and general interaction.  Most surprising thing for me-they were so easy going about placing her in pre-ap, honors, and AP courses.  First day was a bear though...lost 2x, needed 3 schedule changes due to being late registrar and classes full, and she had tears at the end of the first day...was really nervous about the tears...but she adjusted quickly and really is thriving.


I personally hated dealing with the elementary school when mine went.  It was always a hassle like they didn't want you around or to ask any questions.  We skipped middle school at school altogether so can't speak for it.  I do like them going back for high school though b/c I am sort of surplus.  kwim?

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She went to school from k-3 to 3rd grade.  Homeschooled 4th-8th.  


This will hopefully be us, exactly!

may I ask, did you have to show any sort of test scores, curriculums, what have you to have her placed into the AP classes? I am just curious how this works in practice, especially in schools where APs are very popular and every one does every AP imaginable ;)

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DD went to high school this year for the first time since she's been with us.  She is a special needs student, so in that respect her day is somewhat different structurally than a typical high school student.  But for our DD it was definitely the noise - especially the bells.  She is hyper sensitive to loud noises anyway, but even the low volume hum of large crowd conversation has been a huge adjustment for her.  I think for our DD, the structure of her school day has been a relief though - she doesn't have to think about what to do next on her own.  She also hates that she has to shower and get dressed every morning now.  ;)

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This will hopefully be us, exactly!

may I ask, did you have to show any sort of test scores, curriculums, what have you to have her placed into the AP classes? I am just curious how this works in practice, especially in schools where APs are very popular and every one does every AP imaginable ;)


We went in with a report card made in Homeschool Helper and her Iowa test scores.  They were very accommodating.  We did have to sign a contract that she couldn't withdraw from the AP course and would stick it out the entire course.  You did have to have pre-req's on testing and report card to be placed in those classes.  I am assuming they relied more on the IOWA test scores b/c they barely gave our homeschool report card a 2nd glance.

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My daughter's currently at her 3rd day of public school 7th grade. She's been unprepared for the time constraints. Two-minute locker time between classes is tricky for her (partly because she's slow about figuring out how the combination lock works to get into her locker). She says she's not able to use the restroom all day long because of only 2 minutes to get to the next class. She's also having a hard time with time limits in the classroom. On Friday the Grammar teacher asked them to write 2 sentences about something they liked and she only got one down on paper before it was time to turn in the paper. Then, she forgot to write her name on it!

I taught in Christian schools for many years, and the things you've mentioned occured often with previously homeschooled kids. Don't worry. Your dd will adjust. Most seventh-grade teachers expect an adjustment period for all the students.

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The thing that amazed me most when I went in for the first time to sign my kids up for part-time classes was hearing this: "We believe the parents are ultimately responsible for their children's education. We just come along side and help." It took me 60 full seconds to get my wits about me! Not what I was expecting!


Needless to say, I have two kids who will be going there full-time this year. It is an excellent public Classical charter set up with houses (a la Hogwarts). 


My biggest surprise has been that such a school exists!!!

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My biggest surprise was how angry the teacher was when I told her my ds who was five at the time could read. She actually told me it wasn't true and that since Kindergarteners are not tested on reading skills there was no way to prove it. I think she was in denial because differentiating lessons is a lot of work. The school finally did test him when an intern arrived to help teach that class and suggested testing. He tested fluently on a fifth grade level and began doing sixth grade reading comprehension work with the intern during reading time. I was glad he was learning, but the teacher remained very cold toward me. Other parents noticed as well. Since then I've had some great teachers for my boys. She was the first and I was shocked having never gone to school myself.

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Mine don't go to public school but private and most of these things have been true for us.  The exhaustion and learning to be organized have been hardest for most of my dc.  But like kids do, they adjust well.  We adults tend to have a harder time with stuff.  

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