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Pregnancy and Hair


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Someone enlighten me. Please. My entire life I had slick stick straight hair. Three pregnancies later and it was curly. I switched to Devacurl cuts after my third. I finally embraced the change. Now I find myself 10 weeks pregnant with suddenly stick straight hair.


I've always thought curly or straight hair had something to do with the shape of the hair shaft. I can understand pregnancy changing hair in the long run. But I still have the exact same hair on my head that I did 10 weeks ago, so what is happening? Science has an answer, right?

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I don't know. My hair grows really fast and gets really thick when I'm pregnant. It is normally really straight and on the thin side. I've wondered how it could change so much too. My stylist once knew I was pregnant before I was telling people because of the change in my hair.

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My fine, straight hair became thicker and curly/wavy after 4 pregnancies (or somewhere along the line). I didn't really notice until I got it cut shorter, though. The length pulled the curls down too much, I guess. 


I have no idea how hair changes during pregnancy. I could look at a long length of hair and see exactly where the thin part was and the thicker part started and continued. It could be possible that the shape changes, too.

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I have no idea but my hair has changed as well and it is confusing the heck out of me. Like you, I have always had stick straight hair. I had a perm in high school (don't judge me, all the girls did) for pete's sake!


Now? Now frequently get compared to Merida...from Brave.  I have crazy wavy hair that is in ringlets.  I don't call it curly because, to me, curly hair bounces back if you pull a lock out, and mine doesn't do that. But I have had to learn a whoooooole new hair care way of life in the past year. I am not kidding when I say that it still takes me aback when I look in the mirror in the morning.  My mom and my sister separately accused me of getting a perm and both did not believe me when I told them that it just changed. 


When I asked the hairdresser the answer is always the same "hormones" but no one can tell me HOW. And let's face it, when it comes to women that is the answer given for anything.


Here is what I think:


Ok, so I know how hair is made and what makes it curly or straight. I think that this is sort of like leaves in the autumn. I think when I was younger I was making better quality hair. The keratin was thicker. The curl was always there, but  you couldn't see it because the hair strand was so thick. I should add that I have a LOT of hair.  So, as I get older maybe I am making poorer quality hair and that is allowing the curl to show?




Really, I am grasping at straws

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I've always thought curly or straight hair had something to do with the shape of the hair shaft. I can understand pregnancy changing hair in the long run. But I still have the exact same hair on my head that I did 10 weeks ago, so what is happening? Science has an answer, right?

My formerly straight-haired neighbor growing up became curly when pregnant. She wondered if her second pregnancy would send her back to straight, but, no, it stayed curly! Fairly ringlet-y. She is/was a redhead (caucasian).


**I think that's the first time in my life I've said "caucasian."....Carry on!

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My hair was also stick straight before pregnancy. After the first, I could tell the texture was no longer baby fine. I had it cut super short, then saw some waves as it grew out. After the fourth child, I again had it cut really short, then as it grew back I saw big CURLS! Some even do the ringlet thing. It is incredibly annoying LOL I did have a curly haired friend who told me her hair was curlier before pregnancy, which I didn't believe until she showed me pictures. She nearly had an afro before.


For the record, I have auburn red hair (that is greatly faded now) and she had medium brown, both of us very fair-skinned caucasian.

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My curly girl daughter had hers go stick straight with her first pregnancy.  She wants her curls back!  Mine never changed that way; I just lost handfuls of hair and had these irritating little hairs grow back around my forehead. I looked like a 5 year old who had taken scissors to their bangs.

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