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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning! It's another glorious day here :) (I'm waiting for a return to the usual disgusting heat and humidity...)


Today is dd's last day of intensive. She greatly enjoys it but will be happy for a regular class schedule instead!


Up ahead:

--dh will drop dd off so I can

--exercise earlier than usual so that dd19 and I can

--go shoe shopping (flats, rain boots for her) before she has work


And then I will

--stop at the library, post office, Staples, grocery store

--go to the orchard 'cause we need more peaches :lol:

--do house stuff and Friday chores

--continue with book reorganization

--maybe work on more elementary science olympiad things

--make dinner early (for us) as dd has class at 7:30


UPDATE w new list (sigh--dd was called in early)


--house stuff and Friday chores

--continue w book reorganization

--work on ESO things

--dash to orchard before close


--check out some new AP Human Geography resources; add good ones to schedule

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Yay its Friday! The kids and I are going to a bouncy house play place with my mil this morning so I'm trying to get as much done as possible before we leave at 9:30.

-clean out car
-pet sit am, afternoon,pm
- help kids clean up downstairs
- get all 3 kids showered
- pick up CSA share
-get an actual time figured out with dh to go look for a new car

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Good Morning...


I agree Lucky...I got up and opened all the windows and turned off the AC for the day...sounds like Sunday is when heat and humidity will return here.  Fall is just around the corner though.


Already paid the bills, opened the windows and tidied the house.  

Heading to the bank shortly and errands all day.  


Have a lovely Friday!  :biggrinjester:

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It's a beautiful day!  Good morning everyone!

Morning chores all done

Mom coming over to get garden tomatoes

need to call Dr, home infusion folks and pharmacy to make sure all the new med prescriptions are sent to the right places and good to go

Laundry has piled up a bit while I had been tackling other cleaning projects so I promised myself I would get that done today

Year planner done but need to break it up into weekly to do lists for youngest

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Must sign ds up for soccer!

Can tomatoes

Ds to soccer practice and back

Dd to soccer practice and back

Dd to birthday party

Enter receipts

Go through more boxes in basement

Get chicken feed so they don't starve to death!

Iron shirt for wedding

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Dd19 was just called into work early so no shoe shopping for us. No errands for me. Dh will pick up other dd on his way home (he leaves work early on Fridays during the summer to avoid beach traffic). I hope to get to the orchard early this evening because I hate going there on the weekends with all the crowds.

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Argh. Can I start today over or fast forward a couple days?


I'm supposed to finish unpacking, wash two bathrooms, clean kitchen, mop floors again, tidy up toys, and go to library.


In reality I'll probably nap, go to the library, go to bed early and wake up early tomorrow to do the rest (or some) before family visits.


At least we did HWT for 2 min, reading for five min, and 20 min read alouds. Sigh... And I feel accomplished with so little.


Done: nap

Finished unpacking



Spot mopping!


Toy pickup!

Burned scented candle

Watched some TV

Built some Lego stuff with DC

Read aloud a lot of books

Yes!!! What a difference a restorative nap makes. I am glad I cancelled plans to rest so I could take care of home :). Well worth it. Now I can get a good night rest, sleep in as late as possible, and enjoy family instead of running around stressed tomorrow.

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School is never going to get done at this rate. Got the credit union/bank stuff done and then the boys wanted to count their piggy bank money. Just finished that when baby waked up hungry. Feeding her and then need to eat lunch. I did get her diapers in the wash at least.

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Let's see... I didn't get the bathrooms cleaned yesterday so I did that first thing this morning

Washing bathroom rugs

Cleaned out the dishwasher--I think it was trying to create a new life form uggg  never had that before!  I'm going to run a vinegar rinse later today

Take #1 to work in a bit

Could really use some prayers today for a potentially serious fallout--thank you 

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** school

** clean up house


I don't have any lofty goals today. I'm tired. It's been a very rough week. Kids have been giving me grief, found out a friend from church has stage 3 ovarian cancer, the daughter of another old friend was just diagnosed with leukemia, there are issues at church that, while on the surface don't seem important, I believe have roots in something much more serious.... I'm just emotionally tired and I don't know what to do about it. I've been trying to exercise every day.... It's just so hard to keep up with things.

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chiropractor done

dd - done with baking cookies with extras for us!

gassed up the car


starting to clean out the car.


Oh and the first load did not get dry in the dryer?  The lint catcher was full (the kids didn't empty it) so I'm hoping that it is working correctly now that I've cleaned that out.  I really really don't have time for a broken dryer today. . . 

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It's amazing what you can get done in five hours when you're the only one home! I took the opportunity to complete turn out the laundry space---it's a double door closet in the kitchen with my washer and dryer and two large cabinets, plus space for brooms, ironing board, and such. Well, it's also the only "dumping place" in the house so you can just imagine :eek:


It is now beautiful. Woe betide anyone who dare disturb such beauty!



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What a fantastic day! Aside from pet sitting when dh gets home I'm done with everything else for the day. My brother, sil, and niece will be over shortly to play boardgames and watch a movie after the kids are asleep!


Tomorrow we go minivan shopping which scares me so much because I don't want to get a crappy one!

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Picked ds up from volunteering

Did library stuff

McDonalds for lunch

dropped dd off at friend's house

took ds to allergy shots

took ds to guitar store

tried to find props for camp for dd.  I'm a bit ticked at her because she threw out the perfectly good stuff we had without checking to see if stores carry any more.

Ate a late snack which is going to be dinner.

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