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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Well since it's right before bed I guess I'll post my list for tomorrow.


-Pet sit morning, afternoon, and evening

-meet friend at park

- finish organizing/cleaning my room

-finish putting laundry away

-kids kung fu

-find a planner that I like for the school year

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Good morning!


Margaret, what an eventful day! I hope all goes well. 


Jean, hope your computer is okay. 




breakfast and lunch for dh


To Do:

breakfast for the rest of us

take car to have a noise checked out

while waiting on car, dd's new college is right next door, take her to get her student ID

pray car has nothing expensively wrong


more work on school planning


clean office

make dh's breakfast so I can sleep in




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All righty then :D


--dd at intensive 9-4:30


--continue w books and bookcases

--house stuff: daily chores, Thursday chores


--make haircut appointments

--try to find a good gyno for dd19

--order one book I forgot about, oops



Dd19 and I may be meeting her old Girl Scout troop and moms tonight for dinner if she doesn't have to go into work :)


If she does have to work, we're grilling burgers (salmon, turkey, or beef) with some green beans and roasted potatoes.

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Good morning... Brrr it's chilly

- dishes- done for now

- fold laundry

- tidy house- round one done

- booked for lunch?

- pay bills- just have the one I need to drop off left

- dh is taking dd1 to look at a pop up camper after work (it needs work done to it but it's in our price range and gives us something to do this winter) then is taking her to the fair

- read/crochet/self educate

- pack Dh's stuff for his camping trip this weekend

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- bedtime routine

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Good Morning...



  • establish walking routine again...I'm starting back a 2.5 miles a day and building back up. 
  • house tidy
  • research 
  • wait to hear from DD--she's seeing her dr today
  • cook something yummy for dinner
  • watch a movie and relax

Have a great day everyone.


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I. Am. Tired.




This baby.... if he's next to me at night is convinced I'm a 24/7 snack bar.  It's now 9AM.  Guess who is sleeping sound and contented?




Finish the front steps, weeding, sweeping, cleaning.

Finish sweeping the cement drive.  (We chipped a ton of trees last week and they ran electric to the shed so it's a mess.)




Dental appointment with a "root canal specialist" at 2:30.  That doesn't sound great, does it?  Yeah, not to me either. 

How can ONE tooth end up costing over $2,000??  That's nuts.

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Way to go, Lucky! I have gained at least three pounds since the middle of July. I can report that sitting on bleachers for swim meets does not work.


Margaret, have a safe trip!


I have a bunch of things to do today.


Finish list for weekend and head out to the store

get food for dog

lunch with my mom and maybe sister for dd1's birthday

sports administration stuff

school stuff

start the actual packing for ds1

get house ready to leave

pizza for dinner

Have a great day, everyone!

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Way overslept.  


Scuttlebutt seems to indicate that people with Avast virus protection are having WTM trouble but. . . I still have Avast, logged in this morning and all my social groups are back. . . .?


Lucky, I've lost 3 pounds too but haven't paid any attention at all to what I'm eating.  I call it the funeral diet.  

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Lucky, I've lost 3 pounds too but haven't paid any attention at all to what I'm eating. I call it the funeral diet.

See, that's when I gained weight! I gained 20 pounds in the three years that covered my mom's illness and death, my dad's sudden death, and the selling of my parents' house. (Stress eating stinks.) That's a lot of weight for someone 5'1"!


In the past year I've been losing and gaining the same five pounds. Now I am three pounds below that lower amount, so I am hopeful this will work.

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Today's been a bit of a rough day.  I'm hoping that putting things down that I've done will make me feel better!


Human care done

Pet care done

*** as long as those two are done, we're ok, right?!


kitchen cleaned

1 load of laundry folded and put away

Ds has been working on camp stuff.  He's making it way more complicated than it has to be but I'm staying out of it.  

Dh is off to work.


Talked to my eldest sister 

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Call trash company back DONE

Schedule work on van DONE

Coordinate with DH on when to go to credit union DONE (tomorrow morning)

Call or email DS's OT to quit DONE!!!

Make dinner

Done all but make dinner. Completely forgot that scouts started back tonight. We just got back and I'm feeding the baby while DH warms up leftovers.

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