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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning

- dishes- done

- fold mt clean clothes- done

- go to CU- done

- get Dh's meds- done

- library- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- read/crochet/self educate.

- update dd1's back to school list

- bedtime routine

- call possible internet company to find out speed and installation costs- done

- call health department re dd2 immunizations tomorrow (at least that's what I have written down)- waiting for call back

Things to discuss with dh when he gets home:

- what he needs packed for his camping thing this weekend

- getting the girls pictures done (one just dd2 and one with both girls or just dd2 and have together picture done at home, dd1 will have school pictures done next month).

- dd1's hair cut

- budget (probably won't know though until Thursday)

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Day 2 of Peachville


Also up:

--dd intensive 9-4:30


--mass email

--continue working on ESO stuff

--continue w book reorganization

--daily chores

--Tuesday chores

--make baguettes for dinner


The homeschool group's annual Club Night is tonight :D I get to split myself across all three levels of Science Olympiad for question-answering :lol:

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Yesterday was an interesting first day of school. It took me two hours to do first day pictures, then we got company for three and a half hours, which we loved because it was a great aunt and cousin. :) However, it wasn't quite what I had planned. Then we made cookies, you know, because it was a little cloudy and sprinkled for ten minutes. Butterflies cameor of their chrysallises.


My goal for today? More than yesterday. Shouldn't be hard to top.





Algebra and find the missing DVD.

Find missing TT for fifth grade DD.

Feed baby 132 times.

Five loads of laundry

Weed front circle

Clean front step.

Bible with kids

Do Barton with Tim. I've been very bad at that this summer.... Need to get back on track!

Think of something that goes on the grill for dinner.

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Morning all!! Today will be a productive day!


-finish organizing/cleaning home school room

-wash cloth diapers

-pet sit

-drop off key

- kung fu for kids

- make grocery list

-go grocery shopping

- renew library books

Get dinner done before kung fu and get kids fed

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Good Morning..


Took my new steroids for this stupid rash/hives...I will be on some sort of crazy steroid induced high today...cleaning and not sleeping.  This stuff makes me nuts but I have to do it because next week is Nana camp and I can't be under the weather. 


My list--who knows.  I'll probably clean everything like some crazy women.  It's raining, so I'll probably watch a movie at some point.  Make a list for shopping Friday.  


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Good morning!


Today's plans just got shuffled. My restful day of listening to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is no more.





Couch to 5k

Errands with dh

First Lego League boot camp



Prep for 4H fair booth

And please, oh please, get my hair cut



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Okay, last Tuesday's list was a little too ambitious. ( In other words, it didn't get done.  :thumbdown: ) 


So here's my list for today:

  1. Do my Bible study. (I need to work on GOD FIRST!)
  2. Make sure the kids get their chores finished. (They have a lot to help out with today, including take care of all the animals.)
  3. Do my workout. (It's been too long.)
  4. Remember to eat healthy today.
  5. Work on cleaning/organizing school room some more. (I have a ways to go before it's ready by Sept. 2.)


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Good morning!


Today is dd1's birthday! Not too much is planned, she will sleep in and go to practice later. Ds1 is coming with me to Ikea to get a few things. Should be fun. He thinks Target is too big.  :laugh:


I was so tired yesterday, I didn't get to everything on my list. Today though, things must be accomplished.


To do:

clean kitchen after pancake breakfast

finish list for dorm/packing for ds1


more school stuff

planning for weekend family (in laws) "vacation"

judo pickup tonight


I am sure there is much more, but I am flying by the seat of my pants here.

Have a great day!

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well i got to the grocery store!!  Starting cleaning/organizing the home school room.  Its about 1/3 the way done.  It would be halfway done but my 18 month old was in the room "helping" me.  Time to start the cloth diapers and then relax while 18 month old naps 

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Kelly, it's disconcerting to stumble out here with bedhead and bleary eyes and see that you're 1/2 done with the day already! (I know, different time zones and all of that.)


Good morning! And that's all I have to say for myself yet.

Lol, and I am a morning person! Comfort yourself with fact that I am essentially useless after two. :P

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Hey Y'all  :hurray:



Amy--I'm digging your planner!  I can never find one that has everything I need so I end up making one for myself.


Luckymama--I'm coming to your house this winter...those peaches sound awesome and delicious!


So far this medicine hasn't made me as wonky..I'm happy and pray my knees don't swell. 


Today I accomplished:

  • all laundry-washed, ironed and put away
  • did the budget with dh for Aug-Oct 
  • watched Need for Speed...which was good  :driving:  :auto:  I love fast cars
  • washed the bedding for dd to come this weekend...putting up play pens for the babies assembling blankets and pillows 

Off to cook dinner---the family wants chicken fried rice.



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Tammy, shouldn't it keep your knees from swelling?


I had a bit of a mommy meltdown and then put on music for all of us to clean by.

All clean clothes are folded and put away (2 loads worth)

One load is in the washer.

The living room is tidier than it was.

The kitchen is clean

Dh's work meal has been made.

And the library suitcase is ready for a trip to the library.

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Jean...I have auto immune disease and my doctor had a fit when she found out how bad I had been.  I seriously could hardly walk 4 days last week but kept going 100% and got so much accomplished, but I seriously paid for it.   If it starts again, I have to immediately be seen.  So far, so good right now.  

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Working backwards today.



Bass lesson

Violin meeting/audition


Dd to jazz intensive

Ds to dh's work and dentist

Walmart (the 4 youngers did so well I bought them all M&Ms. They were in shock.)

Put away stuff

Started dinner

More laundry

Picked up dd from jazz intensive


A cup of tea and loafing about.


That's about it. I have to check outside now and then to see if we can see the Perseid Meteor shower.

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