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What age/grade do you start a spelling program?


30 members have voted

  1. 1. Which student(s) should start spelling instruction this year?

    • Neither one
    • DS6 (1st)
    • DS6 (1st) and DS5 (K)
    • Other

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I got Spelling Workout A for my 1st grader. I hate it.  I feel like it is mostly busy work and my son just isn't really learning anything from it.  He doesn't mind doing it, FWIW.  He's just not learning anything from it. He is also a pretty bad speller but I'm sure most kids his age are.  


So I was looking into All About Spelling. It looks like something that might be good for us. Then I thought hey, maybe I can do Level 1 with my K and 1st grader together, kind of kill two birds with one stone. My kindergartner can read, he can read most K level readers on his own and most of the 1st grade ones with occasional help with words. He is slow but he can do it.  But on the website it looks like they say don't start spelling instruction until after 1st grade.  


Sooo when would you start? Should I skip spelling altogether this year? Do it with both boys together? Do it with first grader only?  Time is valuable around here (as I'm sure it is everywhere!) so I don't want to waste time with things that aren't needed but I do think spelling is important!

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If you hate Spelling Workout, and your son isn't learning from it, drop it.


All About Spelling is a good program and can definitely be used with a kindergartner who can read.

Why not try it with both kids together? If it moves too fast for your younger boy, you can separate them later.


(I started spelling with my kids as soon as they knew how to form all their letters.)

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I waited until we were reading well. Actually, I waited beyond that. I think I started in late 2nd grade. It might have been 3rd. I can't remember, but there has been no issue with starting late. My vote is focus on reading only at those ages, but people do love AAS.

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If I'm doing Spalding, the children are learning to read by learning to spell, so in that case it would be spelling from the very beginning.


If I'm not doing Spalding, and the children are learning (or have learned) to read with something else, I don't do a formal spelling until they are 9, and then it would be Spelling by Sound and Structure (Rod and Staff).

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I just wanted to chime in that Spelling Workout didn't workout  :tongue_smilie: for us either. I did try to go beyond just the workbook by having him practice the weekly list words. Even so, the workbook felt like busy work and we dropped it quickly in first grade.


I'm not sure when to start is best, but my 2nd grader has been using Spelling Power since then and loves it. He's a bit young for it probably, but he spells well so it is a good fit for him. 

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I say go ahead and do it for both. It can help with reading. I'm doing it for my 5 1/2. It takes about 15 mins and little to no prep time. If I remember correctly so far it's just 3 letter words or also with words like beach.


Or you could wait til next year. I think a lot of people wait until the 3rd grade.


Or if you don't have time spend 2 years doing it.



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I don't do spelling with my kids until they're reading fluently enough for their spelling book to take over their phonics instruction. Grade/age is irrelevent.


You might consider Sing, Spell, Read, Write level 1 for both of them. It teaches some spelling through the phonics instruction, and level 1 is race car themed.

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We began when the student is reading well. For Dd that was age 6, the beginning of first grade. For Ds, that will likely be age 7 or 8, near the end of first grade or the beginning of second.


I do think that AAS is excellent phonics review and for us it does not feel at all like busywork, partly because I edit the lessons to move faster because Dd is a good speller.


I would keep kids together if it works, for sure.

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All About Spelling recommends starting level 1 when a child starts level 2 of All About Reading (or the equivalent). The equivalent appears to be a child reading first grade books with fair fluency.


For what it is worth, we started AAS when my daughter was able to read at first grade level even though she was younger than the typical age. She asked to learn to spell and it was one of the programs easily adaptable for her limited writing skills as we could primarily use the letter tiles at first and then moved to her typing her words on an iPad. It has been working well for her.

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