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Exercise Thread ~ 8/3 - 8/10


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Thank you everyone for keeping the thread going. My computer crashed a week ago and then even though it was fixed, it took until today to be able to get back on these forums. I've missed you all  :grouphug: .


I've been sick with the flu and am still feeling a bit poorly, so no workouts since Thursday. I'm about to do 2 Miles of Leslie - her Walk & Jog (although I no longer jog, due to my injury). 

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Glad to see you Negin, happy to hear it was just your computer keeping you away. Hopefully you and your computer make a quick recover.


I did nothing yesterday due to the lack of sleep and my totally brutal day Friday I was wiped. Not sure on today was going to ride bikes but dh hurt his ankle again. Maybe we'll at least get in a walk. Plan to do core. Planning a low key walk/core week here. We decided that we will not be doing the Warrior Dash, evidently ds has TKD testing on the same day and there is no way to do both with the distance away it is besides the fact that after looking at the budget we really cannot afford the entry fees, which arent cheap, especially for 2. I also have a drs appt in the city a few days later, so assuming dh can get off we are both going to go and go rock climbing and if he cannot go, here's hoping Im brave enough to drive over there myself to go.

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Gosh, Negin, I'm glad to hear you are ok.  Well, except for the flu.   We were worried about you.


Soror, there have been many events that I haven't gone to just because of the price.  All those fun obstacle course runs,  le sigh...they look like so much fun.   A bit of frivolous spending considering how much I've already spent on WO stuff.


Today begins my Monday WO.   I've had to adjust my schedule because the next month I'm going to be super busy and have a wonky schedule.    I'll check in as best I can over Aug, but I won't be back regularly until September.  


I want ya'll to stay safe and healthy, okay?  But most of all, have fun!

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Glad to hear you're ok Negin.  I was wondering. I had a beautiful foggy run through cross country/golf course.  I saw a heron and a fox.  We're leaving for a short vacation this afternoon so other than walking and swimming at the amusement/water park I'm not sure I'll get any exercise until Thursday.

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Gosh, Negin, I'm glad to hear you are ok.  Well, except for the flu.   We were worried about you.


Soror, there have been many events that I haven't gone to just because of the price.  All those fun obstacle course runs,  le sigh...they look like so much fun.   A bit of frivolous spending considering how much I've already spent on WO stuff.


Today begins my Monday WO.   I've had to adjust my schedule because the next month I'm going to be super busy and have a wonky schedule.    I'll check in as best I can over Aug, but I won't be back regularly until September.  


I want ya'll to stay safe and healthy, okay?  But most of all, have fun!

You have fun.


Glad to hear you're ok Negin.  I was wondering. I had a beautiful foggy run through cross country/golf course.  I saw a heron and a fox.  We're leaving for a short vacation this afternoon so other than walking and swimming at the amusement/water park I'm not sure I'll get any exercise until Thursday.

Sounds lovely. Hope you have a wonderful vacation.


Biking this am, at least an hour we were all wiped out after that and are taking it easy now. Did core earlier and hopefully will also get a walk in after supper.

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Thank you all for your kind words. I won't be online much for the next few days. We're leaving for vacation to the U.S., so please keep this thread going. Looking forward to catching up and hearing from everyone once we return in a few weeks. 

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I guess sitting in my school room, planning, and eating TJ's Sea Salt Dark Chocolate Caramels doesn't replace my afternoon lifting session  :confused1:

Feeling PMS-y :banghead:


:grouphug:  I hate PMS.  Not only does it make me tired, but it takes my brain and makes it impossible for me to focus.  Try not to take it too seriously.  It will pass.

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I did 60 mins of TA. I got some light ankle weights hoping to increase the workout. I didn't think it did, but as the day goes on I am not so sure.


I am going to do this workout at least the rest of this week and then I am going to switch to something else. I have never done one workout so many times in a row, and I can see that I am getting stronger, but it's a little boring. OTOH, I feel like I am seeing gains, so maybe I will just take a break and then go back.  Who knows, lol


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Did a walk with the girls yesterday afternoon and 2 (of 3) rounds of the intensives, threw in a couple rounds of push/pull work as well. No idea what I'm doing today other than a walk and core. Dh wants to do canoeing but it likely won't happen this week as ds will be busy with TKD every day to prep for testing. As I'm feeling better I've been spending a lot more time working around the house and some days it is quite enough to leave me wore out. I'm so behind. I've got so much outside and inside I need to do and it seems my body doesn't appreciate being pushed too hard so perhaps that is where I should focus my attention, more low level activity in the form of household and yard work. 

I didn't feel like going but I went anyway. I only did my basic lifts and didn't add anything but at least I made it :yay:

The chocolates must have gave you the energy :)


I guess sitting in my school room, planning, and eating TJ's Sea Salt Dark Chocolate Caramels doesn't replace my afternoon lifting session  :confused1:

Feeling PMS-y :banghead:

Know that feeling. Totally and utterly jealous if your caramels. I've been off chocolate since May and those were one of my favorites.


Ran 3 miles this morning.  I can really feel myself getting stronger and that's a great thing to experience


Planet Fitness with my friend tonight for some light cardio and strength work.

It seems like to me it doesnt take long of really being dedicated before I start to see some change in endurance and strength, it is amazing how our bodies adapt. Not that they always do exactly what we want.

Thank you all for your kind words. I won't be online much for the next few days. We're leaving for vacation to the U.S., so please keep this thread going. Looking forward to catching up and hearing from everyone once we return in a few weeks. 

Have fun Negin!


3.6 mile walk in the a.m.
15 minutes on the elliptical, light core work and then MMA class.

Did I miss it, are you off the boot full time?

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 it seems my body doesn't appreciate being pushed too hard so perhaps that is where I should focus my attention, more low level activity in the form of household and yard work. 


Don't forget to take enough rest and easy days.  We don't get stronger from exercise.  We get stronger by *recovering* from exercise.


If you don't take the rest and easy days, you just get weaker.

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Redsquirrel I woke up at 3 am today and yesterday. Yesterday I went back to sleep but today I just stayed up because I think trying to sleep made me feel worse. I definitely had a slump yesterday afternoon but felt better in the evening. I understand the feeling.

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Up way too early too. Made up for it by walking 4.5 miles and buying donuts:)


MMA again tonight. I am going to try fitting in a FB core workout sometime this afternoon.


Sorror: I am out of my orthotic boot except for when doing MMA also I'm not allowed to run yet. My PT said I have to be able to jump repeatedly on and off a box on just the injured leg before he'll clear me for MMA.

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Know that feeling. Totally and utterly jealous if your caramels. I've been off chocolate since May and those were one of my favorites.





I was off of chocolate.  I felt so much better when I was strictly on the Auto immune paleo diet but now I am back to just paleo.  Sometimes I throw in some GF stuff that isn't paleo.  I need a swift kick in the pants.

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Pilates this morning.  Trying to strengthen that core!  It feels like it wants to collapse sometimes during my runs!


Spent the rest of the day on laundry (am I the only person that really enjoys a well hung line of clothes?) and scraping "country kitchen"  :ack2:  wallpaper boarder off the wall left by the previous owner.  She used it as a ceiling boarder, so I'm sure my shoulders will be feeling it tomorrow.

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I had to overcome my brain telling me to fall down go sleep. I am really tending towards inertia today. It's bad.


So, I did TA, but a different TA that I have been meaning to try. I did Perfect Design 1, sort of. It doesn't have great upper body workout, I have seen most people sat that PD is great for your butt though. So I did the 15 mins arm workout from Precision Design and then did the lower body and abs section of Perfect design. All in all it was about 45 mins? Less than all of Precision Toning anyway. 


The new Precision Toning is great to get you strong enough for Perfect Design 1. I totally felt like I could handle PD, and I knew what she was talking about, lol. I couldn't have done Perfect Design 1 in June, that is for sure.


So, doing a different workout made it go by faster.


Now I just have to stay awake and focused for the rest of the day, until I wake up at 9pm and can't fall asleep.

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Rest day for me yesterday, 2 days with too little sleep was my limit. I did do my core and some walking outside but otherwise just getting and keeping house, cooking and schooling was enough for me. Today is the yoga class, not sure how I feel about going back now. I'm feeling pretty good today, had a refeed yesterday so I slept well last night.

Up way too early too. Made up for it by walking 4.5 miles and buying donuts:)

MMA again tonight. I am going to try fitting in a FB core workout sometime this afternoon.

Sorror: I am out of my orthotic boot except for when doing MMA also I'm not allowed to run yet. My PT said I have to be able to jump repeatedly on and off a box on just the injured leg before he'll clear me for MMA.

That's great!


I was off of chocolate.  I felt so much better when I was strictly on the Auto immune paleo diet but now I am back to just paleo.  Sometimes I throw in some GF stuff that isn't paleo.  I need a swift kick in the pants.

I hear ya, I really do. I'm not super strict now. Ive added back some nightshades. I've added back nuts and seeds. I tried eggs but it seems they were the cause of my morning tiredness so I'm off them again, same with potatoes- it seems they need to be a nightime treat. I just tried cocoa this week and I think it is good but Im pretty sure dairy needs to be gone forever. I'm afraid to reintroduce now because I know that chocolate is a huge weakness and those caramels are so incredibly awesome. I still have some weight I'd like to lose as well but I'm beginning to think that I should give up on that!


Pilates this morning.  Trying to strengthen that core!  It feels like it wants to collapse sometimes during my runs!


Spent the rest of the day on laundry (am I the only person that really enjoys a well hung line of clothes?) and scraping "country kitchen"  :ack2:  wallpaper boarder off the wall left by the previous owner.  She used it as a ceiling boarder, so I'm sure my shoulders will be feeling it tomorrow.

FWIW running is brutal on your core. It is completely discouraged with my core program. I would at least address this on the side. Pilates can be great if you don't have any issue but it can also make things worse. 


I've been hanging clothes as well, it makes me feel accomplished.

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I slept in this morning. I didn't go to bed too late, but I'm dealing with immune issues right now and it seems to have kicked my butt this morning. I decided to sleep. I'm drinking coffee (I don't drink it often) to try and get some energy. 


I'll see if I perk up by this afternoon to do my scheduled workout. Afternoons are hard though.

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Yesterday I didn't get the FB core in but I did do a kettle bell class after MMA. Wow- brutal. I bought Epsom salts on the way home.


Today is rest and recovery day. I drank too much coffee too late in the day yesterday with a friend and didn't sleep. I will be good today and drink lots of water and eat healthy instead of just fueling my tired self with more coffee. I think I can, I think I can... After one more cup.

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I walked on Monday.  I have a few times I will walk in spurts. we live on a steep hill, and I'll walk up and down.  so, I did get 30 minutes of walking-sprints in.  and a total of 7000+ steps for the day. (phone didn't charge overnight, so I didn't always have on me.)


yesterday I did yoga, and 'walking-sprints' up that hill, plus walking around the parking lot waiting for dudeling's carpool to come back from cub camp.   6945 steps.


I plan on doing yoga today.  and walking up that hill.  I gave my daughter my Nordic track skier because I wasn't using it and she does, but I may want it back this winter.  which means - maybe I should start shopping craigslist to find one cheap and give it to her for her October birthday . . . .



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I did 60 mins of TA as usual, lol.  I don't think I have ever done the same thing so consistently. And, I can't believe I am saying this, but my butt is looking better. It's not looking small, but it is looking better. I've been doing barre for a couple years now and I don't think I've ever noticed a change like this before.

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Did 2 rounds of intensives and core yesterday. All the squats and lunges are still killing me but I am getting better. I plan to do them every other day this week, last week I didnt manage any because I didnt feel that great so I started back a bit slower. Hopefully next week I can up it to 3 rounds. I want to be able to do 3 rounds well before moving up to the next intensive. No yoga, I honestly just wanted to stay home with the family, dh and I had a bit of time together and I just didnt want to leave. This is why workout classes haven't worked the last few times, our evening time is too precious and I don't like being away. Today will be a walk and core, nothing else I don't think. I'm trying not to push myself too hard, so 20ish minutes of the HIIT every other day and walking daily seems sufficient. I should throw in some yoga as well but I don't know when, we've started back school and dd3 wants to nurse all during our lunch break.

I slept in this morning. I didn't go to bed too late, but I'm dealing with immune issues right now and it seems to have kicked my butt this morning. I decided to sleep. I'm drinking coffee (I don't drink it often) to try and get some energy. 


I'll see if I perk up by this afternoon to do my scheduled workout. Afternoons are hard though.


Sorry your not feeling well, I hope it is short lived for you.

Yesterday I didn't get the FB core in but I did do a kettle bell class after MMA. Wow- brutal. I bought Epsom salts on the way home.

Today is rest and recovery day. I drank too much coffee too late in the day yesterday with a friend and didn't sleep. I will be good today and drink lots of water and eat healthy instead of just fueling my tired self with more coffee. I think I can, I think I can... After one more cup.

NO MORE coffee, you need sleep! My own poison of choice when Im tired is carbs and food in general.


I walked on Monday.  I have a few times I will walk in spurts. we live on a steep hill, and I'll walk up and down.  so, I did get 30 minutes of walking-sprints in.  and a total of 7000+ steps for the day. (phone didn't charge overnight, so I didn't always have on me.)


yesterday I did yoga, and 'walking-sprints' up that hill, plus walking around the parking lot waiting for dudeling's carpool to come back from cub camp.   6945 steps.

 . .

I live in the hills as well, they can be a total buttkicker.


Ran 3 miles this morning.  Speedwork intervals.  Nothing like running at 95% of your max capacity to let you feel how much further you have to go.


Yep, sometimes we have to push ourselves to see where we are at, it is humbling at times!

I did 60 mins of TA as usual, lol.  I don't think I have ever done the same thing so consistently. And, I can't believe I am saying this, but my butt is looking better. It's not looking small, but it is looking better. I've been doing barre for a couple years now and I don't think I've ever noticed a change like this before.

LOL. I noticed a different in my own butt from kettlebell pretty soon after starting and Im doing upteen squats right now, everyone wants to have a nice backside and it also is good for us, we need the muscles!!!

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LOL. I noticed a different in my own butt from kettlebell pretty soon after starting and Im doing upteen squats right now, everyone wants to have a nice backside and it also is good for us, we need the muscles!!!


When I restarted exercising, after my youngest was about 4, I was doing a lot of weights including tons of squats, in many different positions, with and without weights. That is what I had always done, along with cardio. What happened is that my legs got really muscular and bigger. Like, my quads were straining my pants! It didn't happen all at once, but over maybe a year or 18 months? That had never happened before and it looked really odd. So, I stopped doing squats. I floundered around a bit trying to find a different kind of exercise, did a lot of yoga and pilates and some P90x and Insanity etc. I finally settled on barre and have been doing that for a couple years (mixed with yoga and the occasional Insanity etc) and my quads don't look all professional soccer player anymore.


But I looove squats. I am eying a Tonique DVD for the autumn/winter.


But it is annoying that the one place I can easily put on muscle and look bigger is my quads, because that is the last place I need it. I wish I could put some on in my upper body. No matter what I do my arms and back etc are boney, no muscle. When I was doing squats I was also doing a full upper body weights routine, slowly increasing the weight and trying to get stronger. I did get a bit stronger, am stronger, but get very little visible reward.

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When I restarted exercising, after my youngest was about 4, I was doing a lot of weights including tons of squats, in many different positions, with and without weights. That is what I had always done, along with cardio. What happened is that my legs got really muscular and bigger. Like, my quads were straining my pants! It didn't happen all at once, but over maybe a year or 18 months? That had never happened before and it looked really odd. So, I stopped doing squats. I floundered around a bit trying to find a different kind of exercise, did a lot of yoga and pilates and some P90x and Insanity etc. I finally settled on barre and have been doing that for a couple years (mixed with yoga and the occasional Insanity etc) and my quads don't look all professional soccer player anymore.


But I looove squats. I am eying a Tonique DVD for the autumn/winter.


But it is annoying that the one place I can easily put on muscle and look bigger is my quads, because that is the last place I need it. I wish I could put some on in my upper body. No matter what I do my arms and back etc are boney, no muscle. When I was doing squats I was also doing a full upper body weights routine, slowly increasing the weight and trying to get stronger. I did get a bit stronger, am stronger, but get very little visible reward.

Running has made my quads and calves strain the fabric of pants that actually fit my waist. Skirts are more forgiving. Oh, and yoga pants at home. The world will not see me in yoga pants, just my poor family.
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15  minutes video of Jackie, standing abs this morning (that's actually a reasonably good aerobic exercise, too, though short) and some upper body strength work.


The rest of the day will be spent scraping, washing, and spray painting our metal lawn furniture.  The temp is reasonable today (low 80s) and the humidity is down.  If I can stay in the shade it should be fairly comfortable.  6 chairs, 1 rocker sofa, a large table, and a small table.  Wonder how long that will take? :svengo:

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I did 60 mins of TA as usual, lol.  I don't think I have ever done the same thing so consistently. And, I can't believe I am saying this, but my butt is looking better. It's not looking small, but it is looking better. I've been doing barre for a couple years now and I don't think I've ever noticed a change like this before.

Maybe it's time for you to do Meta. :D



Feel much better today. Still got up late though but that's because my 5 yr old climbed into bed with me this morning. I will always choose little boy cuddles over everything else. I've got my priorities in order. :001_wub:


Did lower body HIIT (taking it easy to avoid further irritating my knee) followed by lower body barre.

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I did yoga yesterday and today. 


dh and I are going to Mt rainier tomorrow, so it will be lots of hiking and probably no yoga as we work to get out early. decent parking at paradise goes fast. 


my step total yesterday was only 5425, but we were cleaning out the garage.  I picked up a couple huge wood wardrobes that are prefect for a garage ($25 for renting the U-Haul to bring them home.).  so, that was hot sweaty work and I enjoyed my shower.  but it didn't count much for steps.

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3 miles "easy" run this morning.  Then a little more spray painting.


My back is killing me since I got up this morning and I can't figure out if it's from: the Jackie abs video, the bending/squating/twisting in yesterday's spray painting session, or just sleeping badly because I went to the bathroom at 3am and never got back to sleep fully.  I might need to dh to bring home some beer tonight.

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I was ill on Thursday so I sat out. Just an annoying little bug, but enough to sideline me. Yesterday, Friday, I was back to myself but had a end of camp ballet performance to attend and that was during my exercise time.  I am hoping to make up for it today with a good cardio workout, but I didn't get much sleep last night. It just wasn't happening, and I don't even have a baby to blame, lol.


So, we'll see if I can scrape up the energy. I had planned to do a really rough cardio workout, but now I just don't know.

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