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Does this dishwasher exist?

Vida Winter

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I LOVE my Miele dishwasher.  We're on our 2nd one.  It fits 2X as many dishes as any other dishwasher I've had and runs very quiet.  Our last one ran for about 10 years and that was actually a short life span for a Miele and they gave us a deal on a new Miele.  Our salesman said he'd had one for 14 years with no problem.

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I've had it with Elites. This dishwasher and two vacuums have been the worst and they were all highly rated by Consumer Reports.


Arg - curse that consumer reports.  We bought a highly rated vacuum off their list and we HATE it.   But it hasn't broken yet and works well enough so we're suffering with it until it dies. 

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Consumer Reports doesn't seem to look for the same things I look for.  I have never been satisfied with their recommendations.  Last I looked, they didn't have ratings for decibels, and with a dishwasher or fridge in a main living area (open kitchen / family room), that counts for a LOT in my books.  They don't rate washer/dryer for annoyingness in the little beep that goes off when it is done (the ones that came with our house are good enough cleaners and dryers, but the fact that they sing the first movement from Madame Butterfly -- seriously, the thing is a MINUTE long -- to say, "I'm DONE!" is seriously annoying.  Between that song, my iPhone reminders and the kettle "bell" I am always chasing my tail, never quite knowing where to run and holding my hands over my ears screaming "MAKE IT STOP!"


That said, I will never ever buy anything but a Miele dishwasher ever again.  I am almost ready to start actively wishing for my current dishwasher (which came with the house) to DIE so I can get a Miele.  Easy to load, big capacity, clean, clean dishes.  And as far as I recall, no stinkin' electronic operetta to tell me it's done.


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I have a midrange Whirlpool which is almost 10 years old, and I love it. When it is time to replace it, I will definitely shop first for a Whirlpool. I had one in my last home, as well, for close to 10 years. I've never had problems, my dishes are clean, and it's pretty quiet (that is, we can hear it, but we don't have to turn up the television or raise our voices to talk over it). It holds much more than my dd's Bosch did (I don't know which one she had, though; maybe the models are different?).

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I just got a new Whirlpool to replace my old one that I loved. It works great with a lot less water than my old one. The only thing that I don't like is that I now need to use a rinse aid. I never had to before. However, I think this is true for most new machines, right?


I've never used a rinse aid.


I do, however, use Amway's auto dishwasher detergent, which I cannot recommend highly enough.

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My Kenmore Elite died yesterday, at a most inopportune moment.


Maybe it was doing you a favor.  Last year at this time our "top-rated" Kenmore Elite ruined part of our kitchen floor and the basement ceiling below.   There was a hidden leak...no water ever came out from under the front of the machine.  It's a good thing that it happened during the summer...I only started looking for the problem when I noticed a wet spot outside the house and we hadn't had any rain.   The insurance company also sent their "water detective" to verify that the dishwasher was the source of the problem, and my husband had to cut off the part under the dishwasher that was leaking and send it to the insurance company.   After this happened to us we found out that we weren't the only ones who suffered serious water damage because of this machine. 



Our kitchen was old, so we ended up remodeling it at the same time.    Needless to say, we didn't buy another Kenmore.  We bought a Bosch when we learned about the leak guard system! 

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Sorry Kinsa, Kenmore seems to be hit-or-miss. I guess this one did last a while - almost 9 years, but really these appliances should last much longer. 


Patty, I know what you mean about the chimes - anything that uses a sound alert in my house better be warning me of something a lot bigger than a finished wash or dry cycle.


Laurie, our GE refrigerator did the "hidden leak" thing on us a couple of years ago and I still have a piece of drywall in my laundry room that needs to be replaced. It messed up part of my hardwood floor, too. Just a warning -- it was the ice maker, apparently notorious for leaks. We went with a low-end refrigerator-only fridge and bought a portable ice-maker.


I appreciate the input - now to see who might sell, deliver, install and (gasp) service one of these brands in a rural area.

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I've had it with Elites. This dishwasher and two vacuums have been the worst and they were all highly rated by Consumer Reports.


My Consumer Reports top-rated Bosch dishwasher was a disaster--12 warranty service calls before it was working properly.  I replaced it with a GE that so far has worked well.

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