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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Woke up at 3:30 am!!! Might as well start the day by figuring out what I'm doing today. I


-quick clean upstairs

-quick clean downstairs

-get air in the tire

-spend the day with sister and her kids!!! We'll be playing outside a lot, talking school plans for the year, and playing board games!

-baby sit other niece and nephews for my brother

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Recovering from illness, teething, and DC colds. Feeling energetic but will probably have to have a low productivity day.


Also woke up at 3:30 but was hopeful I'd fall back asleep. Oh well.


Science camp transport. -- done!

Buy indoor sneakers me, new shoes DC -- done! Bonus is there were a TON on clearance and I got two more sizes up for DC! All at 1/4 price! And they had free exclamation points! :)

Clean kitchen and living room

Research cleaning systems for myself

Laundry 2-3 loads

Visit library

Change sheets master bed

Return redbox

And I can't forget: HWT, reading, sight words, read alouds

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OT for big boy

Pick up library books

Pick up DVDs from friend




Leftovers for dinner


Had cabbage for dinner last night. I won't be doing that again anytime soon! My normally sleepy baby didn't go to sleep until 1:30 and then was up at 3:30 and 5:30. And I have to get up at 6:30 on Fridays, so I didn't get back to sleep after the 5:30 wake up.

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Kathryn - hope you make that nap a priority today!!


LEave @8am for a Home School Group Planning Meeting - we are planning out the years activities, working on our co-op, etc. We have breakfast together - it is so nice, I am dressing up a little bit! I'll get home by 2, I think.



Make dinner, farm out the dishes to one of the girls

Make shopping list for tommorow



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Good Morning!



Laundry in dryer

Bible study




To Do:

Package sold curriculum and take to PO

Pick up boys from my moms

Kohls, Target, Costco, Library


Free afternoon and evening (probably work on school stuff and read a book:)


Dinner: Chicken tenders, mac/cheese, peas and coleslaw

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Good morning everyone!


A string of sleepless nights have left me profoundly grateful for coffee this morning.


Enjoying our company, probably heading up to Target today for bathing suit shopping with them.


Need to vacuum


making chicken chow mein for supper


Gorgeous weather here at last.


Have a great weekend!

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Yay for Friday - 




15 minute tidy up

laundry going


to do:

drop off dry cleaning

drop off goodwill

go to my sister's house

go to Ikea

coordinate metro pick up

go dh to pick up table and chairs from craigslist guy

Dinner:  pizza with cousins


I set up a bullet journal (a la wtm discussion from about a month ago) on Monday and I've had a well organized week!




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Another beautiful morning :)


Today looks like

--exercise: may do this in the evening while dd takes her online class since we have to eat dinner before 7 (we're usually a late dinner in the summer family :))

--gardening and yardwork

--check schedules w ds

--make sure dd finishes her math work for the week before class (3 challenge set problems to be turned in; reading/book problems for tonight's topic)

--finish planning all the ancient history w the books I have on hand (more potential supplemental books are coming from the library)

--errands: get cash, grocery store, library

--write detailed list for the girls to do the shopping at the farmers' market on Sunday

--decide what to wear tomorrow at the reunion!!!!!!!!!

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Orientation for my freshman Day 2.


We got home around eleven last night. DH had to fix something on the car. Back up at 5:30 and on our way. She's in language placement for Russian right now, a warm welcome, then off to registration which parents are NOT allowed. ( Love that, sarcastic face, because you know, the academic advisor is deeply invested in her education. )


We're here until almost three then back home.



Don't have baby.


Those are my plans.

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It's sunny :)

- dishes- done

- laundry- done

- tidy house- done

- finish dmil gift (she likes crochet dishclothes so I'm making her one)- done

- read/ pintrest

- dinner- meat thawed

- clothes shopping with dd2 for both girls while dh takes dd1 putt putt golfing

- bedtime routine

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Good morning (technically still before noon here)!


Already done:


dropped off dd at a friend's

doctor appt (reflux is bothering me up in throat)


To Do:


take ds to warm ups for swim meet here in town (2 day event)

help in concession stand most of the afternoon and early evening

relax at home after a day I'm sure will be hot and tiring


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OK - just making a list isn't enough for me this morning.  I'm going to do my timer thing.  But first. . . so far today I have:


done Lumosity

done my human care including breakfast, meds etc.

done pet care for dd since she's gone 

said good bye to my son who went off to his volunteering gig


Now for my first 15 min. in the kitchen.

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Went to the library and took care of library stuff.  Finished the very last edit of my Bible camp lesson #2.  Need to send that off in a bit.


Pharmacy stop.  Is it bad that they see me coming down the aisle and turn around and get my meds without even having to ask my name?


Quick grocery shop done.  Now I have bread.  I've been forgetting to get bread for a week.  

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We are home from the swim meet. Ds is finishing near last in his age category, but we're very happy with how he has improved his time from last month to now. I can't believe that 2 months ago he could only dog paddle and wouldn't even put his face in the water!


I only had to help in the concession stand for the last 2 hours of the day!



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Hey all :)


Did a boatload of school planning today. Picked up two bags of library holds, did the grocery shopping, did some banking for The Boy, and went to the local orchard for cherries, peaches, and plums :D


I made fantastic refried beans using garden jalapeños :D


Stressed out about my 30th reunion tomorrow. Actually went back on Facebook for the first time in years (seriously, I think it's been at least two years, maybe 2.5 or 3) to see what events are planned. I couldn't find details about anything other than the 5K tonight and the dinner tomorrow might, despite other things being listed :( I guess we'll arrive in the late afternoon, then. Stuff starts at 6pm.


Dd19 helped me decide which dress to wear :) I know what to wear for here, I know what to wear for the past-there, but I don't know what to wear for the current-there. Awkward. None of my friends returned after college, though some have parents still living in the town. I don't want to be the one "putting on airs", you know? (Of course, you may not if you never lived in an insular small town. I was only there for my high school years, though my parents lived there for a decade...and left more than twenty years ago :lol:)


Where is the chocolate??????

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