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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

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a very productive day


went for my usual 6 km walk


got schoolwork with ds10 completed in record time


tidied house


helped organize a surprise vacation for my parents as a special present for my mother who just graduated from university ( she left school at 16 to have me). all 7 of my siblings are pitching in so it wasn't so expensive. We are really really hoping that our parents take the holiday. they haven't been on a holiday together since their honeymoon


fixed my computer so it works on this forum WITH SMILYS :hurray: :coolgleamA: :party:

I am about to cook dinner and all the evening tasks- I also am doing something with chicken


Only 6 days until DH comes home

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Is it Thursday already? :ohmy:


Today's tasks will mostly involve getting ready for our 4th of July party.

Meals & laundry are always a given

Make strawberry pie

Clean master bathroom

Wipe down chairs and sweep front porch (probably have boys do this)

Same with deck

Deal with piles (mostly school planning stuff and library books)

Dust (boys)

Vac schoolroom/playroom

Organize paper products 

Dh will have to get ice at some point


Dinner: Tacos and fries, fruit


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I had a nice couple months break from the anxiety brought on by a school-year activity, but I have to start dealing with it again, so the anxiety is back. Ugh.


For Today:

Bring dh to work

Have meeting requested by ds

Make out elimination diet grocery list with dd15

Help dds move dresser into place

Wrap and freeze rice portions

Bring dds to friend's house for play date

Pick up dh from work (1/2 day) unless van is fixed

Get garden soil

Go to music store

Go to grocery store

Learn about planting peonies


Finish unpacking


Lunch - cottage cheese and fruit

Dinner - cheesy ham and cauliflower (leaving some plain for dd), salad

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Good morning!



On the agenda for today:


get ready

go buy 50 pounds of grapes

meet a friend and her family to pack snacks for the camp again (that might take most of the day)

tidy house (whatever there is time for after we get home)

figure out dinner

make dinner

dh take dd to play practice

me take ds to swimming

laundry (sort it all and do a load or 2)


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I slept like a rock from 9pm to 7am :D



--planning meeting w dsis for AP Human Geography (she had to write her own syllabus for approval by College Board in order for dnephew's school to allow it on his transcript----we have to reconcile out two syllabi and plan the schedule)

--proofread my syllabus for all the required items

--submit syllabus to College Board for approval

--hmmmm weeding? Had storms overnight

--some form of exercise, probably will be able to do Pilates today



The Boy will be home tonight for this weekend :party:

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Brrr... It's chilly outside

- dishes- done

- laundry- in basket to be folded

- tidy house- done for now

- get $- done

- pick up lunch- done

- booked for lunch at park at noon- done

- get a few groceries- dh will get

- dinner- meat thawing

- get dd1's bounce house bracelet and let bounce a bit (it opens at 4 today, you can buy a bracket for $10.00 for all 4 days or pay $5.00 each day)- dh is taking her

- bedtime routine

- school planning?

- read?

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Last night I vacuumed

Today I've 


wiped down the kitchen
started laundry
cleaned one bathroom

My house is cluttered.  I have a pile of stuff in the entryway for goodwill, my dresser because it is a flat surface is a dropping ground for any and everything, my homeschool shelves really need to be purged but yet I sit and ignore ;)

I also need to mop but I may put that off til Monday...

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Hi there!


Back from am practice (it is later on tues and thurs--another reason why it hard to get things done). 

to do:

lunch and clean the kitchen

pick up downstairs

start getting stuff ready for my trip (family wedding, couple of days with mom, and then swim meet- gone for 10 days  :scared: )

figure out some computer stuff-really don't want to do that

get some school stuff sorted

pm practice

track/judo pick up

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Dinner is done (cheese quesadillas with guac and salsa plus fresh veggies from the garden).


Dh had to wait for about 3 hours this morning to get the oil changed and tires rotated, so I'm taking dd to play practice instead of him. Her play is 30 minutes away, so one of us takes her and hangs out in town to pick her up. The bad thing about Thursdays is the library isn't open late like it is on Mondays and Tuesdays.



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Jean, feeling that with your ds.  This morning ds wanted McDonald's on the way home from water polo.  As he ate, I just kept telling him how disappointed Morgan Spurlock would be.  Ugh.  He devoured three McGriddles, two breakfast burritos and a sweet tea.  Must be nice to have that supersized metabolism. 

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