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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

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Up early again, thanks to cramps. Oh joy :rolleyes: I'm sure I'll get a lot of school prep done this morning, so now I won't feel guilty about reading fiction in the middle of the afternoon :lol:


So up ahead:

--continue working on the AP HG syllabus

--check pricing on textbooks for dd's English class; order

--exercise, prob some treadmill walking as it's feels like 97% humidity and is expected in the 90s today (my treadmill limit is 3.5-4 miles)


--download library ebook that just came in :D


Dinner will be easy----pasta salad w whatever people want. I toss the pasta w various veggies, some raw and some steamed, then each person adds protein of choice (boiled egg, leftover grilled chicken, black beans, cheese(s), turkey pepperoni) and dressing of choice.


Have a great morning and day, all :)

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Good morning! Hope you feel better, Lucky!


I'm not even sure what has to be done today, but here goes.


To Do:

coffee and computer time


tidy house


shopping list for snacks for camp on Friday and our food for home


plan out school for next week (starting back a few subjects)

take dd to library to volunteer

shop for food for snacks and us

pick dd up

clean bathrooms


watch Lost with dh

get in bed earlier (trying to do this in July to get ready for getting up early during school)



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My day seems easy enough. I just hate going to swimming spots and trying to keep baby in the tiny amount of available shade. But I want the boys to be able to have a good time. So, I've limited myself to one swim day per week.


Get food in crockpot for dinner


Early lunch

Get ready and take kids swimming

Wash everyone upon return home

Finish prepping dinner and eat

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Library day!


I consider myself accomplished for the day because I've already cleaned out the hall closet. :coolgleamA:

Yesterday I cleaned out the mud room closet. I feel like bragging. ;)


(Those closets hadn't been thoroughly cleaned out in at least 5 years.)


The only thing left I absolutely have to do today is make dinner.

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- transfer money- done

- dishes- done

- order buckle for dd2's seat- done

- laundry- in dryer

- tidy house- done

- get Dh's meds- done

- get money from CU- done

- library program for dd1 (same as yesterday's just a different library)- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- go to yard sale near me, they have clothes in both girls sizes :)- it's raining right now may go after dh gets home

- school planning?

- bedtime routine

- I would like to read/crochet somewhere in there too

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Kathryn-- :grouphug:  Feel better soon!


I haven't accomplished as much as I'd hoped. I realized dh might be filling out paperwork today, and I knew we needed more held out on our taxes. I sat down to try and estimate what will be due, and WOW! I can't believe how much we are going to owe. It doesn't help that dd turned 17 this year. Why does Congress seem to think that a child turning 17 suddenly doesn't cost you as much money to support? 


I feel some belt tightening coming on for the rest of the year! Hey, maybe it will help with more weight loss! LOL!


Any good advice on finding ways to reduce taxable income?







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:grouphug: Lucky - hope those cramps go away.

:grouphug: Melissa - I hope the mastitis goes away.  


It is hot and that makes me miserable because I swell up like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.  Right now it is 62 degrees outside.  It is 82 degrees in my house.  I have windows open and am sneezing and sneezing from allergies but I have to cool down this house.  

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Vacuum whole house (yes, still hasn't happened!)

Dust shelves in DS's room - DONE!!!

Declutter DS shelves - ha - he won't even notice--if

I start consulting him, it'll never get done, so I'll just

toss what I decide is for tossing. DONE!!!

Dust and declutter shelves in schoolroom.

Big project, so will only start today: make a master

list of all the books in my house.

Finish the laundry - 4 loads to do today

Declutter at least one box in the basement.

Clean the spot under the coffeemaker - it is always

full of dried up little coffee splotches.

Bag garbage in my room. DONE!

Wipe short shelves in my room.

Work on homeschool stuff - making a master binder

for all the important homeschool stuff.

Put together loose music into one binder.

Put loose papers into different folders.

Bring folded clean laundry upstairs

Take shower


Cleaned 90% of the fridge

Cleaned mucky shelf in pantry (onions had leaked!)

1 load laundry

washed most of the breakfast dishes

brought up most of the clean folded laundry

wiped downstairs toilet

scrubbed guest bathroom sink

put clean towel in upstairs bathroom

Darn it, why can't I finish 1 complete task? It's like,

I'm almost done, and then I go: good enough, and

move on!!! I'm always on DS and DH's case about it,

and here I am doing the same thing!

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I just remembered we are having a bunch of people over on Saturday for dh's birthday. Nothing huge just pizza, beer, and board games. But I do have to clean for it! With my miscarriage scare last week, terrible nausea and fatigue,hand my ds being sick this week my house is a complete mess! So I'll start the process today by getting all laundry away and cleaning the kitchen. Other than that I just have to pet sit today.

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Hi all!

I hope everyone is starting to feel better as the day goes by. I am back from am practice with a stop on the way home to pick up groceries. I have to take dd1 over to the cc in a bit and then back home to start some laundry, pick up things, and figure out a plan for dinner.


Then back in a couple of hours for practice.


I really wish I could get more things done around here, but it will have to wait. Um, until August.


Have a great day!

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Not getting too much done today.


Had meeting for CEF Daycamp from 10:30-12:00

Library stop

Grocery stop for things we needed for July 4th


Tonight is church; kid's program

Dinner: Baked Omelet, bacon, biscuits, strawberries


Right now I'm sweltering on the deck so the boys can swim B) .

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There are currently 4 loads of laundry sitting on my couch waiting to be folded and another in the dryer and a 6th in the washer! Dh and I will be having a folding party while we watch Buffy on Netflix tonight! Now I've gotta go pet sit, pick ds up from summer camp, and get dinner started. Once kids are in bed I'll be cleaning the kitchen.

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** two pints (I'm trying to keep up with my garden and I hate spending a whole day canning, so I do two or three pints per day) of tomatoes canned and popped (I love hearing the lids pop as they seal)

** 2 batches of zucchini bread made - one batch traditional loaves, the other I made in a 9x13 pan so I can take it to VBS to serve to the workers. I'd never made it like that before. Worked out good!

** dd had good dentist appointment


** leaving for hair appt. in 15 minutes

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I have been buried in my closet today.  How did I get so much stuff?  Can I throw it all away or donate?  I unwisely decided to put a small bookcase in my closet to hold important books/documents.  I must have decided everything was important.  I'm keeping my Shakespeare collection, but I feel a library donation coming soon. 


Elder ds was sent home from work with heat exhaustion so my big excursion today was buying Gatorade. 

Dd and I might go to the library later for a change of scenery, and I need to buy one of those skirt hanger things for the closet.  I sorted through all of my clothes and filled a bunch of donation bags.  No more "someday, this might fit" . 

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