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Ugh. Bloodwork.


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SO my blood sugar was 102  :glare:  and my bad cholesterol was high  :glare:  :glare: .  Doc suggested paleo diet and exercise and feels certain I can fix the sugars with that. (I already take meds for my cholesterol, fat lot of good that is doing me).


I hate exercise.  I really do.


But I am going to try- I have to!  Clearly I am headed down a bad path.  :sad: I'm 41!  BMI is 26.3


Since my youngest- seven and a half years ago- I have been unable to lose the 20-30 pounds I managed to attach to myself and I suspect that has a lot to do with it.  ( I get so upset about it when I go into the doctor's and they cheerfully say "Can I  get your weight?" I cheerfully respond with "no" and keep walking. )


Anyone else working on taking care of themselves through diet and exercise?  Any success stories?  I am feeling pretty sad right now.  

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Taking a 20-30 minute walk after dinner might be enough to "fix" your fasting blood sugar.  If it is under 100, it's normal.  Did they do an HbA1c too? Usually gives a better picture as to whether or not you really have blood glucose issues or not.



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Taking a 20-30 minute walk after dinner might be enough to "fix" your fasting blood sugar.  If it is under 100, it's normal.  Did they do an HbA1c too? Usually gives a better picture as to whether or not you really have blood glucose issues or not.

I agree. Also, when my sugars inched up, I went low carb and those 20-30 pounds fell off. Turns out my body has trouble with carbs and I can loose weight eating more calories when I cut out many carbs. Lower carb should help the cholesterol, too.


But, I'm sorry! It's no fun to have to change your diet.

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I'd aim for starting with just a bit of walking to build the habit (or swimming), and then a few days of resistance training, which is great for building muscle mass and helping with insulin sensitivity as well. Start with just 20-30 mins a day or 4-5x a week. I eat lower carb with a strong paleo influence since I have PCOS.  I don't have weight issues, but could easily pack on pounds if I ate more grains.

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Don't know much about blood sugar, however Cholesterol numbers are (wouldn't you guess this? :closedeyes: ) debatable. Some doctors say the current threshold is too low because we need some cholesterol. What is the ratio of your "good" cholesterol HDL and your "bad" cholesterol LDL? If the HDL is high as well, it can balance out the LDL to some extent.




Tried to link the actual article. If it does not come up, simply google HDL and LDL ratio.

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I don't have blood sugar or cholesterol problems but I understand the need to take care of yourself. In the past couple of years I've lost a total of 15 pounds. The last nine pounds had been since January. I began exercising regularly and I lost 5-6 pounds. Then in January I started the No S diet and am down 9 pounds. I would like to lose an additional 13 pounds and I'll reach my pre-pregnancy weight. My "baby" is 12! The No S diet is something I can live with long term. I can do this for the rest of my life. Basically it's very simple, No Sweets, No Snacks, and No Seconds except on days that start with S (Saturday and Sunday or special days). I have three reasonable meals a day and nothing else. I used to be a snacker and they were usually sweet. I feel better and have no desire to stop. There is a book, a website, and a message board. The book isn't necessary but it helped me.


Good luck!


Elise in NC

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That was 5.5 which I gather is "ok"


Great idea about the walk after dinner!! Thanks!

If your HgA1C was 5.5 you don't have to worry about your blood sugar, seriously.  That's an average blood sugar of 111 over the course of the day.  Normal HgA1C is 4-5.9.  Random glucose levels aren't very reliable.

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I joined Weight Watchers (again) and started lifting light weights (3lbs) 3-4 times a week plus walking.  My weight has SLOWLY come down.  But, the amazing news....I've been able to reduce my anti-hypertensive medications!!!!  We started going to the local rec center recently using their machines.  Not sure what that is doing for me yet but with summer's heat, I need an alternative to walking outside......

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Was the 102 a fasting bloodsugar?  A random one?  How soon after you ate was it taken?  What had you eaten prior to doing the bloodwork (if anything)?



*sigh* yes.  It was. I think it was 12 hours bc that was how long I read to do the cholesterol one.  Interesting link Liz! Naturally there is something out there to confuse me more lol.  


I am glad to hear that the blood sugar is  not something to be concerned about.  I have a family history.


Thank you for the weight loss stories!!!!!  I need to hear them :-) and who knows? Maybe I can stop taking some of this other stuff.  

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I would be addressing the bs too, doubly so if that was fasting. My friend went from a 5.3 to a 6.4 (pre-diabetic) in a year and a half, eating normal food, she has a family history of diabetes. My last A1C was 5.3 as well and that was a bit of a sign to me to start watching it. I've had hypoglycemia in the past and a family history of diabetes better to stop it before it starts then try to afterwards. Some of us cannot eat like normal (whether or not any of us should is another question). I'm on a modified Paleo diet now for auto0immune-disease. I finally started losing when I started it, even easier than when I had tried strict low carb and Whole 30 before. I think I lost about 6 lbs in the 3 weeks of just diet and then 5 lbs in the 3 weeks since doing the diet and thyroid hormones. I also feel better as well and can tell my bs is more level, no more issues with cravings and sugar.


eta- FWiw I think it is great your dr. is being proactive as all too often they wait until you are officially sick and diseased to do anything at all. If you address it now you can make small changes as you just need a little bit of adjustment.

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