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Exercise Thread ~ 6/15 - 6/21


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Ran 4 yesterday ....after driving 6 straight hours! I should have stretched! I was so antsy and it was such nice weather ( very rare these days) that I jumped out of the car, grabbed my trainers and iPod, and off I went. Hard run! Went out too fast, and shins are sore! Want to run again today, but should unpack and clean up kids mess first!

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Faithe, I drove 7 hrs yesterday! It must have been the day for long drives.  But I opted for yoga instead of a run. :)  Today I ran 6 miles.  The weather was perfect.  I'm hoping for a whole summer of mid 50 mornings and no humity,  I know that it's unlikely, but I'm hoping. (I can remember 1 summer like that in the 12 years that we've lived here). 

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Faithe, I drove 7 hrs yesterday! It must have been the day for long drives. But I opted for yoga instead of a run. :) Today I ran 6 miles. The weather was perfect. I'm hoping for a whole summer of mid 50 mornings and no humity, I know that it's unlikely, but I'm hoping. (I can remember 1 summer like that in the 12 years that we've lived here).

Oh, those long drives! Still all cramped up. 2nd time this week I made a drive like that. Have my trainers by the door....only got 16 miles in last week...need at least 25 this week to keep up on my 15 k training plan.


I have to find some time for longer runs and some strength training. Last week was a total bust....this is a new week! Time for me to get serious busy again!

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Let me present myself as a cautionary tale: Remember on Saturday when I posted I felt like a train had hit me but was headed out for a martial arts work out anyway? 




I had developed a small charlie horse in both calves but kept working.  




After checking the clock and thinking to myself- time for one more Thai combo with my sensei before I have to hit the showers; I threw a foot jab and experienced blinding pain that took me to the ground.  That little charlie horse from overwork had shortened my calf muscle enough that when I kicked I tore my calf muscle.


So now I'm in a boot and on crutches.  Hopefully I will ditch the crutches by the end of the week but the ortho said depending on how it goes in physical therapy I could be in the boot upwards of 3 weeks.


MA testing is this Saturday.  I won't be there... On the up side I still can do upper body and core workouts and in a week swim or cycle if it doesn't hurt.

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Let me present myself as a cautionary tale: Remember on Saturday when I posted I felt like a train had hit me but was headed out for a martial arts work out anyway?


I had developed a small charlie horse in both calves but kept working.


After checking the clock and thinking to myself- time for one more Thai combo with my sensei before I have to hit the showers; I threw a foot jab and experienced blinding pain that took me to the ground. That little charlie horse from overwork had shortened my calf muscle enough that when I kicked I tore my calf muscle.

So now I'm in a boot and on crutches. Hopefully I will ditch the crutches by the end of the week but the ortho said depending on how it goes in physical therapy I could be in the boot upwards of 3 weeks.

MA testing is this Saturday. I won't be there... On the up side I still can do upper body and core workouts and in a week swim or cycle if it doesn't hurt.

So sorry this happened. Rest up and heal soon.

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Yay Negin!    It's good to be back to the grind, right?


Love this beautiful piece:




Thank you :). It is lovely to be back. 

Wow. I wish I could do a move like that. There are some yoga moves - Crane or whatever they're called - that I can never do. My wrists are just not strong enough. 



So now I'm in a boot and on crutches.  Hopefully I will ditch the crutches by the end of the week but the ortho said depending on how it goes in physical therapy I could be in the boot upwards of 3 weeks.



Sorry to hear this  :grouphug: . Hope you heal okay. Easy to say, but hard to do I know: try and be patient and just enjoy your time of recuperation. Probably not something you want to hear :confused1: . Get some good books or movies and be easy on yourself, if possible. 

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Let me present myself as a cautionary tale: Remember on Saturday when I posted I felt like a train had hit me but was headed out for a martial arts work out anyway?


I had developed a small charlie horse in both calves but kept working.


After checking the clock and thinking to myself- time for one more Thai combo with my sensei before I have to hit the showers; I threw a foot jab and experienced blinding pain that took me to the ground. That little charlie horse from overwork had shortened my calf muscle enough that when I kicked I tore my calf muscle.

So now I'm in a boot and on crutches. Hopefully I will ditch the crutches by the end of the week but the ortho said depending on how it goes in physical therapy I could be in the boot upwards of 3 weeks.

MA testing is this Saturday. I won't be there... On the up side I still can do upper body and core workouts and in a week swim or cycle if it doesn't hurt.


😥. Heal quickly.

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My goal today is not to cry during my WO.  Last time I had to do one of these elements I ended up bursting out in tears.    I'm pretty sure it was because heat and humidity just makes everything more awful than it is.   Today is already hot and humid so....



I hope it went well!  What kind of WO is it?

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Thanks for all the well wishes.  I had my first physical therapy- calf already feels better and I'm walking in just the boot now- crutches are gone:)  I did FB advanced lower ab workout with my boot on- whew.  Couldn't do all the moves but it felt good and didn't put any weight on my lower legs.

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Rieshy, it's good to hear you're on the mend.   I'm sorry you're gonna miss the belt testing.     I can't imagine trying to continue a sequence with a charlie horse.  Mommy, you're a stud.


My WO is done and I didn't cry.  LOL.   Of course, I put the fan blowing right on my face/body but that doesn't diminish the WO, right?   


If you've looked at any of the vids I posted you could probably guess what my end goal is.   :D

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Yesterday afternoon I was able to get in a 30 minute yoga practice.  This morning I ran 5 miles and came home and jumped in my pool!  It was the first time I was able to do that since I normally run while my kids are at swim practice and our pool was out of commission for a week because we got  a new liner. I then got in 3x5 clean and presses and 1 arm rows, followed by 10 heavy swings.  It feels good to get back to some strength work. 

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I'm cautiously posting here. I'm feeling better again so I'm trying to slowly start exercising again. We had a 30 min walk last night while the kids rode their bikes. I was going to sprint but my body isn't ready yet, my endurance and strength are pretty low. Until I can consistently get sleep that is probably par for the course.


Today I did 3 rounds of kettlebell swings, one legged squats, hip thrusts and pull-up work (I'm using suspension straps- cannot remember now what its called). I'm aiming to do 3 rounds a few times a week and walking/biking a few times as well. I think I'm going to use the MuTu System, my abs definitely need to gain some strength. I'm trying not to think about what level I want to be and working where I'm at, it does me no good to push too hard and end up on my butt again.

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I've never heard of the jumper knee bands.  I hope it helps.


Today was a 5 mile run.  I changed my normal route because it started to thunder, so after my park loop I headed home, but when I got to the bottom of my hill it still wasn't raining, so I ran up another hill before heading home.  It turned into quite a workout.  Because of the thunder my 3rd mile was a minute faster than my normal pace, then I added a half mile long hill.  I did a quick jump in my pool (I know I shouldn't have, but it felt so good!) then did some kettlebell.  Today was single leg deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, and swings.  

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I started doing Mark Laham Yoga yesterday morning and then my computer crashed in a very bad way. Had to wait for most of the day until dh could fix it for me.
I'm very soon about to do it again - Mark Laham: Power Yoga - Core Strengthening.

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On Thursday my sensei asked me if I wanted a challenge.  He said that sometimes for testing they like to throw a curveball to a student and handicap them in someway and then make them test with whatever handicap.  He asked me to try testing with my boot on- mostly from a chair, using a cane to simulate my kicks.  It means figuring out how to modify all the moves to do them from a position I'm not used to.


My kids want me to.  It's going to be a little embarrassing- but I've decided to do it.  I worked from a chair at home last night and realized I depend on my legs to tell my body where to go in all my Katas and Thai Combos so I had to rethink EVERYTHING.  I'm excited and nervous, and embarrassed but testing- here I come.


Perhaps now if I'm ever attacked in a sitting position I'll be prepared:)

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