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It's Not Official Until it Makes the Siggy- Final Curriculum Plans- Add yours!


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AAR Level 2

HWOT 1st Grade

Spelling Workout A (Maybe....I just picked this up (TM and WB) for 3 dollars at a used book sale)

Singapore Math 1A




Singapore Kindergarten Essentials A

AAR Pre-Level




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How do you get writing done with 3 students in one schedule block? This is impossible here and no matter what I've tried it's a fail. Same with Rod & Staff English. It's teacher intensive for me but maybe I've missed something … 


Great schedule! ;)


I'm curious about this too! R&S seems to be teacher intensive for me as well.  Trying to move towards a little more independence, but haven't seemed to make that work yet.

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This is what I've planned and purchased, though we probably won't get to most of it until October:


Lial's Basic College Math, Key to Fractions, Decimals and Percents (already started this)

Oak Meadow Ancient Civilizations & English 6

Phonetic Zoo (already started)

Galore Park Jr. Science 3 (only the topics we haven't already covered before)


Not bought yet, but 90% sure I will use:

Ellen McHenry Elements of Chemistry, then either The Brain or Carbon Chemistry

GP Latin Prep 1

CAP W&R 3&4

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Math: Singapore 5B & AOPS Pre-Algebra

English: MCT Town, Killgallon Story Grammar, & Writer's Inc

Logic: Mind Benders??

History/Literature: K12 Human Odyssey I & literature for those time periods

Geography: MP Geography I & II

Science: Story of Science: Aristotle w/lots of supplementary science books

French: Galore Park French II & Tell me More French

Art: Artistic Pursuits: Upper Elementary

Music: piano & harp lessons

Extra: ballet


4th & 1st grader together:

History/Literature: Ancients (I have a long list of real books w/Usborne Book of World History as the spine)

Science: Biology (I have a long list of real books with RS4K/Focus on Biology as the spine)



Math: Singapore Math 4A & 4B

English: MCT Island & a daily writing block

French: Galore Park French I

Art: Artistic Pursuits: K-3, Bk.3

Music: piano lessons

Extra: cub scouts, soccer, & baseball



Math: Singapore Math 2A & 2B

English: daily writing block, journal writing, & studying most common spelling words

French: Skoldo 1

Art: Artistic Pursuits: K-3, Bk.1

Music: piano lessons

Extra: ballet & softball



Math: Singapore Essential Math K

Handwriting: HWT PK & Kindergarten

  & if he's ready for it:

Phonics: Reading Reflex w/lots of early readers

Extra: soccer & t-ball

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My DD is insisting on structured school learning instead of the more free-form we had been doing, so we agreed on three days per week. Most subjects are a collection of resources to pull from instead of following one curric.


- Math (3x per week): RightStart Math B, Dreambox, Time-Life I Love Math series, MathStart series

- Reading (3+x per week): mom-made reading list at her level (currently about third grade reading) and longer parent read-alouds

- Handwriting (1x weekly): StartWrite software, doing print and cursive concurrently at her request

- Spanish (1x weekly): Salsa Spanish, DuoLingo. Will probably move onto something else when we've gone through all the Salsa Spanish episodes but I'm not committed to anything.

- Science (1x weekly): Lego Education Early Simple machines, The Private Eye, BFSU, play with a child-friendly microscope, various Thames and Kosmos kits, memberships to zoo and children's science museum

- Spelling (1x weekly): All About Spelling 2, and maybe getting to level 3

- History (1x weekly): mom-made prehistory year, Big Bang to early man

- Art (every other week): Artistic Pursuits pre-k, Usborne Complete Book of Art Ideas, Usborne Big Drawing Book

- Music (every other week): The Story of the Orchestra, additional composer studies

- Additional: beginning computer programming skills, violin, gymnastics, swimming

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How do you get writing done with 3 students in one schedule block? This is impossible here and no matter what I've tried it's a fail. Same with Rod & Staff English. It's teacher intensive for me but maybe I've missed something …


Great schedule! ;)

Our first section takes about 1.5 hours and is the hardest for me to get done. I start my younger two doing their math worksheets while I teach the math lesson the my oldest kid. Then I interrupt my second kid to teach her the math lesson and the English lesson, do flash cards, etc. Then I teach my youngest her math and English lessons. Then back to my oldest to grade his math and teach English. Then back and forth among kids to grade things as they get done. At the end of that we all need a break. Haha


As for writing, many days one or more kids will be working on something independently such as writing an outline, a messy copy, or a neat copy, so that frees me up to work with whomever needs me. Teaching writing is mostly done by Mr. Pudewa on the DVDs, so that saves me time, too. Editing takes a long time, and sometimes one of the kids has to wait for me. It usually works out okay, though, mostly because the younger kids don't need too much of my time (yet anyway).

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Mrs Twain -- How long have you been using Studies Weekly? I was considering getting them for K/1 this upcoming year as a fun supplement. Do your kids enjoy them?

I have used Studies Weekly for two years for social studies, science, and health. My youngest likes them, but she is the kid who likes everything about school, especially workbooks. My others think they are okay. Sometimes they are particularly entertaining. One of the best sets is the 4th grade social studies which is state history. (That may vary by state, though.)

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Fourth grade


Language: Second Form Latin

MP Greek Alphabet


Math: Rod & Staff Arithmetic 4


English: Rod & Staff Spelling 5

MP Grammar Recitation II

Classical Composition: Fable

Poetry for the Grammar Stage

MP Literature Study (Heidi; The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Lassie-Come-Home)


Social Studies: MP Geography I (Middle East, North Africa, Europe)

Artner's American History Unit 3 (1775-1789)

Famous Men of Rome


Science: The Book of Insects (CM nature study)


Religion: MP Christian Studies II (second half of Old Testament, using Golden Children's Bible)

Baltimore Catechism I


Art/Music: Mark Kistler's online drawing lessons

Children's choir and piano lessons


Second Grade

Language: Prima Latina


Math: Rod & Staff Arithmetic 2


English: MP Classical Phonics and SRA Phonics 3

New American Cursive

MP Literature Study


Religion: New St. Joseph First Communion Catechism


Social Studies, Science, Art/Music: MP Grade 2 Enrichment

Children's choir and piano lessons

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"It's not official until it happens. Or that's my take on it as the wife of a Marine. "


This is too funny. I'm a former Marine and married to a retired Marine! I agree totally!


7th grade-


AoPS pre-A

WWS1 & 2 (finish last 6 weeks of 1)

AG season 2 & 3

Vocab from Classical Roots

The World in Ancient Times Greece, Rome, China, South Asia, Americas

The Medieval World vol.1

History of US vol.1

The Human Body, RS4K Geology, RS4K Astronomy


3rd grade-



ETC 5,6&7

SpellWell b/Bb


WWE3 (across the curriculum not with workbook)

W&R Fable and Narrative 1

SoTW vol. 1 & 2 (finish 1 and start 2)

History of US vol.1

The Human Body, RS4K Geology, RS4K Astronomy

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Guest cakvd

I'm starting homeschool for the first time officially this fall.  I have always gravitated towards educational toys and teaching my kids, so homeschool seems like a natural progression for me.  I've searched all over and I *think* I will be using Moving Beyond the Page and Critical Thinking company for my gifted 9 year old (4th grade) girl.  I will also start my 3 year old son on critical Thinking company's pre-k items.  


Does anyone have any warnings about Moving Beyond the Page for me?  I haven't gotten the curriculum yet, but the project based, literature based seems to fit with my daughter's learning style.

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I'm done shopping, other than the "thrill of the chase" of the used curriculum board when you get to help out a low income family or a retired homeschooler and save a well-loved used book from the shredder.


I probably won't put ds's first grade curriculum in my sig line because it's not very impressive or unusual: Saxon Math, HWOT, Unpopular Opinion Readers + Bob Books + ETC + Ruth Beechik phonics games, and cherry picked Konos and Konos-inspired activities if we have the time, energy, and inclination.


I don't have any other minor children, but I do like kilts and cupcakes. :lol:

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Probably won't put it all in the .sig, but anyway:


Summer-Herpetology research, Marine Biology coloring book (an addition by DD when we went to the Homeschool bookstore last week)  Big Book of TN history, LOF Advanced Algebra. Piano camp, Cheer team/tumbling




Math-AOPS Beginning Algebra, LOF advanced algebra, LOF Geometry


LA-Lightning literature grades 7-8, Online Etymology class, writing


History-Online class, Early Moderns-Moderns


Science-Uzinggo Biology, Herpetology research, Zoology. Lyrical Life Science Anatomy, Anatomy Coloring book


Latin-Cambridge Latin Course Stage 3 (finish), Stage 4


Grade 2 piano, theory


U13 Cheer team, tumbling



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Final, eh? We're starting in July, when it's not fit outside for man nor beast, and the current plan:


6th grade:


Math: AoPS (& Alcumus & math team)


English: So You Really Want to Learn English

Warriner's Composition: Models and Exercises

Word Wealth, Jr


Latin: Artes Latinae


Greek: Athenaze, and looking for a starving classics grad student as a tutor, because dh just doesn't have time....


French: weekly class, and Foreign Service Institute tapes


Programming & Logic: Dh, using Python For Kids & his own brain


Music: Piano lessons


Art: must get this kid some drawing lessons, but where? how?


Science: TOPS units (various)

Open University intro science course


History: reading through Landmark histories


Civics: Everyday Law For Young Citizens (started this year but got distracted)

Our Living Constitution


Religion: My Catholic Faith


2nd grade:


Language: Speech exercises & practice; ST & CT

LLATL Yellow (old version)

Primary Language Lessons


Math: Key To Fractions, Key To Geometry, lots and lots of games


Music: Cello lessons & String Project


Religion: Faith & Life; Catechesis of the Good Shepherd


Science, Art, History, etc.: Baltimore Curriculum Project - lots of read-alouds, hands-on projects, field trips

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We move on to the next step in curriculum as Ds finishes one. As a result, we often have beginning, continuing, and finishing curriculum as the year goes.


Fifth Grade

English: Literary Analysis and Short Stories; Intro to Literature; weekly essay. If needed Easy Grammar Ultimate.

Spelling: Sequential Spelling 7


Latin: Continue Jenney First Year Latin; Finish Latina Christiana for oral work; Begin Lingua Latina for oral work


Greek: Athenaze Book 1 with YouTube videos and online games


Spanish: Finish Workbook in Everyday Spanish and Spanish Fun; Begin getting Started with Spanish for oral work; Begin Breaking the Spanish Barrier


Math: Finish AoPS PreAlgebra; Continue Intro to Counting and Probability; Begin Intro to Geometry


Science: Continue Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemisrty and GPB Chemistry; Begin Thames and Kosmos Chem 3000; listen to Earth Science Great Courses


History: Herodotus and Ancients past Greece and Rome into Asia and Africa; SeTerra physical geography; Odyssey again more than likely


P.E. : Swimming and Running when we just plain cannot sit any longer!

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Here are my plans for next year:


All together:


Science: Apologia Swimming Creatures with FREE notebooking pages

Geography: Geography through Art 

Gym: They'll do this through co-op :)


ODS, 9th grade: He is off to an art school for high school! It'll be AMAZING for him. They can teach him things that I could never dream of understanding. :)


MDS, 6th grade:


Math: MUS Zeta

LA: Total Language Plus Caddie Woodlawn, The Cricket in Times Square, and Pippi Longstocking

History: Modern-times biographies of famous people around the world using the "Heroes of History" series alongside our geography curriculum 

Art: He'll be getting art lessons from my artsy BFF; also Drawing through History Modern Times


DD, 3rd grade: 


Math: LOF Englewood through Goldfish

LA: TLP The Courage of Sarah Noble and The Sign of the Beaver

History: Biographies of famous people around the world using the "Who Was" series alongside our geography curriculum

Art: Through Geography and our co-op; also Draw. Write. Now. Books 6 and 8.

Music: She is on the Kidworship team at church


YDS, Kindergarten:


Math: MUS Primer (no student book; games, activity sheets, and manipulatives only)

LA: IEW PAL Reading and Writing

Music: At church

Art: At co-op

- Plus LOTS of fun games and activities to teach him the joy of learning!



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I'm not completely finished planning yet but I'll post it anyway.


(10 y/o) 4th/5th grade

CLE Math 400

CLE Language Arts 400 and Living Math

Piano Lessons

Daily Geography Drills from Trail Guide to World History

Art with a Purpose 4

Reading List from 1000 Good Books List



(8 y/o) 2nd/3rd grade

CLE Math 200 and Living Math Co-op

CLE Language Arts 200 or LLATL Yellow (I haven't decided yet)

Reading List from 1000 Good Books List



Both DC:

Portraits of an American Girlhood with some FIAR Volumes 3 and 4 mixed in (not 100% sure how I'm doing that yet)

Foundations 2 Bible Study or Bible Road Trip- Year 1 (not sure yet)

Cooking and Science (mostly for fun)

Art Lessons with Usborne Art Treasury and Discovering Great Artists


ETA: Links to curricula that is not well known.

Note: My younger dd is a git-r-done kind of kid and I'm not pushing any extras on her this year.  My older dd loves anything that can keep her busy and has asked for most of her extras.

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2nd Grade:


    Math - Math u see Alpha

English - BJU English 2

Spelling- Spelling workout B

History- SOTW 2

Science- Mr Qs Life Science

Reading for fluency



reading - ETC (I don't know if I am ready for him to read but he asked)


I am definitely done it is all purchased and ready to go!!!


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After 11 years of homeschooling I still love the planning part.  It always changes during the year at least a little bit.   I tend to overbuy.  I bought 2 history programs and 3 science programs for next year because I just couldn't decide.   I think this is what we are most likely using at this point.  I think I have made my last purchase (MCT Town) aside from maybe needing some reading novels.  


11th grader:

CC Challenge 2

MUS Algebra 2


9th grader:

CC Challenge 1

MUS Pre-Algebra  


4th grade son:

History Odyssey Medieval Level 2 (I may modify a little- he might not be ready for all the work in it but Level 1 this year was not enough for him)

Singapore 5B, 6A, and maybe 6B 

Beast Academy 4A and 4B 

Life of Fred Intermediate Books

Daily 5 Math for 5th grade

Spelling You See D

MCT Town

A Reason for Handwriting- Cursive

Young Writer's Class  (local class taught by a fellow homeschool mom)


4th grade daughter (has dyslexia):

History Odyssey Medieval Level 1

MUS Delta

Life of Fred (A-D)

Daily 5 Math for 3rd grade

Orton Gillingham Tutoring (uses ETC, Spellwell, Megawords, and a few other things with her tutor)

All About Reading Level 2

FLL 1-2

WWE 1-2 (finish 1 and start 2)

A Reason for Handwriting-Cursive


2nd grade daughter:

History Odyssey Medieval Level 1

MUS Beta

Life of Fred (A-D)

Daily 5 Math for 2nd grade


FLL 1-2

Spelling You See B

All About Reading Level 3

Explode the Code (5-7)


Combined for 4th and 2nd graders:  

CC Foundations 

Nancy Larson Science 3

Song School Latin 2

Art  (usually pull art projects from various places- my current favorite is Deep Space Sparkle)

Lego Story Starter

Lego WeDo Robotics





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Have I replied to this yet? Lol. If so, I've changed it up. No worries, though, as I've purchased almost everything :P


DD12 - grade 7/8 (leaning towards 7, lol)


Math: Review pre-algebra this summer with Jousting Armadillos. AOPS Intro to Algebra this fall.

Spelling: Apples and Pears B and C

Grammar: Seton English 7 for Young Catholics; if that goes well, we'll probably add in IEW's "Fix It!" second semester

Writing: CAP's Narrative II

History: Seton's American History 8; second semester we'll add in literature specifically addressing government and civics

Literature: Garlic Press guides for The Giver, Lord of the Flies, and To Kill a Mockingbird (this will be team reading)

Science: Biology, chemistry, astronomy - a la Ruth :)

Religion: Faith and Life 7, the Ablaze books (about daring teen saints), and other literature

Music: Piano lessons outsourced; accordion lessons via skype with her grandfather, hopefully (we'll see about timing here)

Extracurriculars: Soccer or dance this fall. She's doing a 4 week dance intensive this summer, so if she finds something she enjoys there (didn't care for ballet), she'll do that instead of soccer. She'll also do Youth Group at our parish.





Math: CLE 1 and Miquon

Phonics/Reading: PAL Reading with Little Angel Readers

Handwriting: Seton Handwriting K for Young Catholics

History, science, and religion are via literature for Nico.

Music: Piano lessons outsourced

Other: Bricks 4 Kids (lego) club

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Guest Perry2

I've been reading this forum for years, but this is my first post!


DS8 ~ 3rd grade


Math - Abeka 3 & 4

Language Arts - WWE 3, FLL 3, AAS 3 & 4

Latin - SSL 2

History & Science - still deciding :confused1:

Art - Home Art Studio

Literature - Memoria Lit 3

Music - Composer Study and piano lessons



DS6 ~ 1st Grade


Math - Abeka 1

Language Arts - FFL 1, WWE 1, AAS 1 & 2, Abeka Handwriting & Phonics 1

Reading - Abeka 1 & OPG

Literature - Memoria 1

Art - Home Art Studio




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I've been reading this forum for years, but this is my first post!


DS8 ~ 3rd grade


Math - Abeka 3 & 4

Language Arts - WWE 3, FLL 3, AAS 3 & 4

Latin - SSL 2

History & Science - still deciding :confused1:

Art - Home Art Studio

Literature - Memoria Lit 3

Music - Composer Study and piano lessons



DS6 ~ 1st Grade


Math - Abeka 1

Language Arts - FFL 1, WWE 1, AAS 1 & 2, Abeka Handwriting & Phonics 1

Reading - Abeka 1 & OPG

Literature - Memoria 1

Art - Home Art Studio


Welcome!! I'm still in the deciding stag, but getting closer!

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I think I am ready to finish ordering in the next couple of weeks.


5th grade


MP First Form Latin


Skoldo French 2


Elemental Science Biology 2 (co-op)

MP Insects, Birds, Trees


Saxon Math 76

LOF Decimals

LOF Physics


MP Famous Men of Greece

MP Famous Men of Rome

HO Ancients Level 2

supplemental readers


MP Geography I

MP Christian Studies 2


R&S English 5

R&S Spelling 5

Pentime 5

GP SYRWTL English 1

MP Classical Composition 1

Imitation in Writing - Greek Heroes


MP Literature 6 - The Trojan War, The Bronze Bow, Anne of Green Gables, The Hobbit

Kolbe Lit - Wrinkle in Time, Caddie Woodlawn, Secret Garden, Witch of Blackbird Pond, White Fang




3rd Grade


MP Prima Latina

MP Prima Latina Copybook


Skoldo French 2


Elemental Science Biology 2 


R&S Math 3

Singapore Challenging Word Problems 2


GP Jr. History 1 and 2

supplemental readers


MP Enrichment Grade 2



R&S Spelling 3

Pentime 2 and 3

GP Jr. English 1


MP Literature 2 - Courage of Sarah Noble, Little House in the Big Woods, Mr. Popper's Penguins, Beatrix Potter collection





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**Edited to adjust our plans. Of course, they have changed!**


For my soon to be 6th grader- he is doing a variety of summer camps this summer, along with Teaching Textbooks and continuing with Language Arts as much as we can. He will be starting at a small, private school in the fall.


My 1st grade summer plans:  McRuffy Math (finishing up K and starting 1st), AAR1 (finish up), FLL1, WWE1, Piano Lessons, and hopefully Aerial/Circus Classes, continue with Occupational Therapy weekly.  *FLL & WWE are a bust with her. We are going to start Memoria Press 1st Grade as soon as it arrives.**


1st grade plans for Fall (well, we will begin in August, after all the summer camps and classes are over):


Math: McRuffy + Life of Fred


Language Arts: Memoria Press 1st Grade + Read Aloud and Enrichment (minus any additional Christian studies) + SWS, GWG, WWW  (for when we are at her brother or sister's classes and she wants something extra to do out and about.)


Handwriting: New American Cursive 1 (MP)


History: SOTW 1 + AG


Science: Sassafras Zoology + Anatomy- We will hold off on Sassafras, and probably do that next summer. We are going to concentrate on Nature Studies with MP Science Enrichment.


Logic: Lollipop Logic- just whenever she feels like it.


Computer: Keyboarding Without Tears + she loves getting on fun educational websites


Foreign Language: ASL (at her enrichment class) 


Extras: Piano Lessons, Aerial classes, Occupational Therapy + one day a week homeschool enrichment program which will include a variety of classes, not sure what will be available yet.


For my younger (she will be 3 in September):


Preschool 3 days per week. 

Memoria Press Jr K

Beginning Aerial classes or continue ballet

Tag along with her sister for science, and a few other things. She needs to constantly be kept busy.


They also do little kids workout DVDs for fun and simple exercises, usually during a "break" time.



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We are moving into our second year of homeschooling and we are going to school year round, so some of this we will begin this month, but other curriculum we will not start until Sept.  We will just move to the next thing when we finish that last thing.   B)  We don't do everything everyday and some of these resources are supplemental and not used in their entirety.  I am still trying some things out to see what is the best fit for my children.


3rd Grader

Math: MEP 3, LoF Farming - ?, Strayer Upton Practical Arithmetics, Book 1

LA Arts: ELTL 3, BW(poetry tea, some PW), WR Fables, Critical Thinking Co. Reading Detective 3/4 (software), Reading for the Gifted Student Gr. 3

Logic: Logic Countdown, Dr Funster's Think A Minutes A1

Science: Critical Thinking Co. Science Detective 3/4 (software)

The Rest: Scratch computer programing, typingWeb, Guitar Lessons, Gymnastics, EMH PE, Drama


1st Graders (twins)

Math: MEP 1, MUS Alpha, LoF apples - ?

LA Arts: RLTL 2, ELTL 1, BW (poetry tea, some Jot it down)

Logic: Lolipop Logic

The Rest: Scratch computer programing, Piano Lessons, Gymnastics, EMH PE, Drama



Math: Family Math

History: CHOW, SOTW 1&2 (audio and some activities)

Science: BFSU, vol 1

Music: SQUILT, Classical

Art: Art: A World History, Review the elements of art and principles of design with corresponding art projects in various mediums.

Habits Study: Laying Down the Rails

Foreign Language: Beginning Mandarin Chinese, Curclick  (maybe)


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Ok, if I say it here then it must be for realsies. I'm doing the whole year of planning and prep now bc I have house sale/new house to move into and baby due in September. Some of these things we have already started but for simplicity. No curriculum for the toddler... Lol. I didn't list the additional books we are using here like encyclopedic spines.


DD - 1st Grade


Language Arts - FLL1, WWE, Reading Pathways, AAS1/spelling workout A, Reading Eggs online, CHOLL for integration with History, handwriting worksheets in Zaner Bloser style I got from TpT - she'll get plenty of handwriting practice from other subjects.


Math - RS-B supplementing with MM, Mathseeds and Splashmath online.


History/geography - SOTW 1 with the AG, Evan Moore Beginning Geography


Science - Sassafras Zoology and Anatomy with pieces from Elemental as well as lesson build outs of my own, Discovery Science Streaming. For botany, it's all by me.


Spanish - BJU Pasaporte al Espanol Level 1-2


Music - Piano Lessons, Worlds Greatest Composers Volume I by CoaH


Bible - CLE Bible 100 series, Day by Day Bible, and Making Brothers &Sisters Best Friends


Memory Work/Enrichment - Classical Conversations; using the binder style lapbooks from Wisdom & Righteousness; I already printed everything and sorted it so it's ready to use.


Sports/physical fitness - Tennis, Kung Fu, Homeschool Family Fitness activities (book from sonlight)


DS - PK/Kinder


Language Arts - Phonics Pathways, Reading Eggs online, Worksheets from TpT, Phonics Pathways Games book. He will also be attending vision therapy related to a visual sequential memory delay. Reading Eggs online


Math - RS-A, Mathseeds online


Following along with DD in History, Science, Spanish, Bible, And music appreciation. He has violin lessons instead of piano. Starting tennis and already does Kung Fu with big sis. Going to CC as well.


For my son, I make him subject binders like DD, but I remove worksheets and activities above his age. So, he may have an extra maze or coloring sheet where DD needs to write or have other related work.

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Hmm...well I think I am done mostly but I need to just buy it all and stop looking.


DS- 3rd

Language Arts: FLL3, W&R Fables, Caesar's English I, HWOT Cursive, Rod & Staff Spelling

Reading: Lots and lots of good books, Poetry on Tuesdays

Math: MIF 3A-3B, BA 3B-3D

History: Guest Hollow American History, Story of the World 2

Science: RSO Earth and Space

Geography: Legends & Leagues South

Other: Guitar lessons, gymnastics and swimming



DD- Pre-K-K

Five in a Row

Math: Hands on Standards and Horizons K

Reading: AAR Pre and 1, ETC

Science: Elemental Science (Exploring Science)

History: Lots of read-alouds and cross over from FIAR, also tagging along during history with DS7.

Other: Little Mozarts for piano, gymnastics and dance



Sassafras Zoology

Meet the Masters

Song School Latin

Science and Art co-op on Wednesdays

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