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Living in Italy -- May 2014


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This month has really been a whirlwind.  I want to believe that June will be more clam, but the first two weeks are already full...proof that when you move to another country, your hectic life can still follow you!  There is no escape!


We have a WONDERFUL little pizza place about a block and a half from my house.  I just walked there to pick up dinner for the kids tonight.  My oldest son could have done it...but I wanted to see what it was like first.  The road is busy, no sidewalks, it was a bit nerve wracking -- but there are worse things.  Pretty sure my Legomaniac can handle it.  I'll just have to get comfortable with the idea ;)  Ahh, those "letting go" moments.  I'll get there.


I have a WONDERFUL co-op for fresh pastured meats, raw milk, pastured eggs, organic honey, wonderful olive oil & infused olive oil, fruits and vegetables.  My husband said we need to stock up on the things we really enjoy here...but most of what I'll miss are things that don't pack well.  Mozzarella di buffala, filletto, the CITRUS (I can't remember when I've had such incredible citrus...and I grew up in CA and lived in FL for a few years).  


I'm getting ready to purchase my first "I bought this in Italy" things...hand-painted (on lava stone) olive oil and balsamic vinegar bottles that I can leave out to look pretty and be useful.  I have a problem with spending money on things that I won't use...so this has a legitimate use AND is pretty and unique.


Last weekend we participated in a service project at a nearby Abbey...gardening, cleaning...weeding.  It will be the first of many visits.  It was perfect for families with multi-age children.  We'll be going back soon to pick cherries (the Abbey has ancient structures on it, and saw quite a bit of action during WWII...there's a museum we'll go to as well.)  Serving and learning at the same time!  There are other service projects we'll be working on in the Naples area, too.  Meanwhile, my oldest son (who is in Boy Scouts) was at the Order of the Arrow Ordeal (achieving brotherhood).  Their service project was to clean 4,000 graves at the American Cemetery in Florence.


We are enjoying the house (as much as we can, anyhow).  My husband has been TAD elsewhere most of the month.  He's seeing the world!  I'm driving the van...with the kids...to everything on their schedules, plus mine (my husband usually takes care of the Boy Scout activities, I do swimming, homeschool field trips, doctor appointments, speech therapy...those kinds of things).  Unfortunately, it seems like everyone is trying to cram everything into the last 3 weeks of school (on the calendar).  Note to self:  Unpack your husband's clothes, so you can stop tripping over everything, and he'll know where to find it.


Unpacking -- I have gotten all of my books sorted.  They've been sorted back into their boxes (mostly), but at least I can find them if I need to (right?).  I am still missing some things, but I'm pretty sure they are buried in a couple of boxes I haven't opened...mainly because I don't know where to put things.  Added to the list of broken items...my Waterford Pitcher (wedding gift from a former USNA history professor/debate coach I worked with for 7 years) :(  My biggest hassles these days are keeping the children OUT of things.  I've taken measurements of places we need storage items or furniture...trying to look for the right things (don't want to spend too much money... I want it to be functional and look nice (well, if it's out...storage that goes in my closet, not so much!)


Diving into life -- I'm now the fundraising chair for BSA Troop 007, I'm also the Mom's night coordinator for Naples Christian Homeschoolers (meaning, I plan the meetings/topics/speakers/events for the mom's get togethers).  We've already decided to have an early meeting in August to work on schedules and organization strategies (We have a LOT of new moms...just since I've been here, we've added a minimum of one new homeschooling family to the group.  This growth is not due to families moving in, it's due to families pulling kids out of the DoD schools.)  We had a curriculum fair of sorts last night...let's just say I filled up half of the table space ;)  FLL, WWE, LoF, AoPS, TT, RS4K, Killgallon, WWS, MCT, SoTW, VPSPOL, The Classical Historian, Explorer's Bible Studies, Stebbing's books, Drawing with Children, Homeschool in the Woods, and various supplemental book samples for art, history and science.  I'm also spearheading some AHG Trailblazer organization.  Ponygirl is going to swap volunteer work at a local stable for lessons...


And, in other news, my oldest two will be swimming on the Naples Tiger Sharks team!  My next two are trying out.  The four oldest will be doing summer swim, and my Ponygirl will be going to a Peak Performance Swim Camp in July.  I'm also hoping (very much) that I'll be adding a friend's 6th grade girl to my daily school.  I could really use some more steady cash, and some of the subjects she'd be doing would overlap with my rising 7th grader and my 5th grader (and I'd rather do THOSE than what I currently have planned!) Financially, things open up for us in October...but I'd just like a little more breathing room than my freelance work is allowing :D


Update on girl med e'vac'd to DC...she has a very rare form of Leukemia...very rare for Adults and extremely rare in children.  She has just finished her first round of chemo, and is still on a vent, but is improving.  The other kids and the father will be back in Naples 07 June to pack out.  I'll be helping with all of that, too.  


I pop in from time to time (as internet access allows), hopefully, that will get fixed FAST, because we have things we cannot do without internet!


Much love to all!



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It sounds like you're finally starting to get really settled. I know it's been a long time coming. I've enjoyed reading your updates. I always thought it would be so exciting to pick up and move somewhere really far away, but then I remember what a creature of habit I am. I'll just live vicariously through people like you!

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Unpacking -- I have gotten all of my books sorted.  They've been sorted back into their boxes (mostly), but at least I can find them if I need to (right?).


If the first thing you worry about when unpacking is the books......  You might be a homeschooler.

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That is so cool! I am out of likes for the day, so I'll just have to like you here!


Recently, DH said he thinks it would be great to move to another country. He asked for suggestions! If you knew DH, you would appreciate how bizarre it is that he would suggest it. He is the most Amero-centric person I know.


I suggested France. He offered Norway or Australia. (Two places that could not be more different!)

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It's so much fun to read your adventures. It's been a few years since we've been on an overseas posting and (sometimes) I miss the excitement of discovering new things everyday. It's nice to hear you're settling in and starting to have fun. After what you went through with finding housing, if anyone deserves so fun, it you!

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