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If you are intuitive and have a kid in college...


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Yes -- it did happen twice for us. While we were researching colleges -- probably dc's soph/jr years of high school, once I read about the particular place, I just knew in my heart that it was the best fit for them. Both of them ended up going to those schools.



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I am a very intuitive person. We first learned of the college dd is going to at an event when she was a sophomore, and we stayed at the booth and talked to the rep forever. It sounded like a fit then, but dd didn't have the resume at that point to go anywhere like the school (she won some awards her junior year that made her more competitive.) Then when we were working through where she would apply, I asked her to throw it on the list at the last minute. And then we visited, and dh and I both really felt like it was a place she would be happy at. After all that, though, we had no idea if she would get in or if she would choose the school. She managed to get in, and after visiting again realized that it was a great fit for her. :)

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For oldest, yes.  We all "knew" from our first visit that it was "his" school and thought it looked good before that.


For middle and youngest, not at first.  On paper we thought Pitt would be middle son's choice (it ended up his second choice) and U Hawaii at Manoa would be youngest's (he ended up not applying there as it's mainly a commuter school - he didn't want that).  After visits to their current choices we were positive, but not "sure" until others were compared. Then we were sure with youngest. With middle, we also had to wait until financial packages were offered.  That totally took one of his contenders out of contention.

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My older 2 kids didn't even really include me in the decision making process. They knew where they wanted to go and those were the only schools they applied to. (Well, I take that back. Dd was still ping ponging around with an undecided future major when she first applied to colleges, but then she suddenly found her calling and was completely definitive from that pt on. She will be graduating in Aug and is so happy with her decision. Yay!)


12th grader, though, he is going the last place I thought he would go. It wasn't even on our radar when he first started applying. He simply applied there as a back up plan. He is more than excited about going there.

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My gut was right with both of my kids.

This is so interesting to me. When I was pg with my children, there was always a name that just rang a bell for me intuitively. The gender of each child ended up being the gender of that intuitive name. It wasn't so much thinking, "the baby will be a girl/boy." It was when I said or wrote or thought about the "right" name, there was a certainty, a feeling that, "this is what my child will be named."


I have a notion like this with one of DD's choices, even though it doesn't on-paper seem like it is the most probable. It will be interesting to see if it turns out that way.


P.s. When she wears the t-shirt she got from that college, I get "that feeling." It feels like, "of course she is wearing that shirt, that's where she'll be going." :)

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I believe that I'm a very perceptive and intuitive person.  (That same thing exactly happened to me about names and gender!)  But for the life of me, I never had a gut feeling about their college choices.  It always worked out in the end, but I didn't have the foreknowledge that it would probably or should happen.  We just made it work once it seemed to point in a particular direction (based on child's interests, choices, financial aid, etc.).

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Not at all. I also intuited all three kids' genders correctly before they were born, though I'm not really sure if I'm intuitive as a rule.


For the only child I've sent to college, there were just too many factors that came into it. Unfortunately, it hadn't been a top choice for him, but it has worked out well.


I'll take part of this back-it was my excellent intuition that pushed him to apply to this school, which was not remotely on his radar. I am SO glad I did this. It's been an excellent place for him.

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This is so interesting to me. When I was pg with my children, there was always a name that just rang a bell for me intuitively. The gender of each child ended up being the gender of that intuitive name. It wasn't so much thinking, "the baby will be a girl/boy." It was when I said or wrote or thought about the "right" name, there was a certainty, a feeling that, "this is what my child will be named."


I have a notion like this with one of DD's choices, even though it doesn't on-paper seem like it is the most probable. It will be interesting to see if it turns out that way.


P.s. When she wears the t-shirt she got from that college, I get "that feeling." It feels like, "of course she is wearing that shirt, that's where she'll be going." :)

This was my experience too with naming my kids. Once I heard the right name, without even knowing their genders yet, I just knew that was their name. The other gender name we had chosen in case never quite felt right. it's interesting that they have all always liked their names too.


I do have an idea of a school that might be a right fit, but that time isn't here yet so I don't know if it will work out. My kids don't even know this school exists yet and oldest has his sights set on somewhere else that I really don't see him at - I suspect he won't end up there, but I'm waiting for him to figure that out. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, it did.  I'm not so sure that intuition played as much of a role as just really knowing my son well.  He decided against his first choice - which was far enough from home that he wouldn't be visiting on weekends.  Knowing how close he is to his brothers and family, I was pretty sure he would end up deciding against it even though he really liked it.

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