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I might have lost my garden to frost last night


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We had a light frost here overnight.  I meant to cover up the tomatoes, etc. but then wasn't feeling the best and went to bed early and it never got done.


How soon will we know if the plants survived or if we need to get more?


3 weeks ago we had 2 inches of snow, last week it was 88 and yesterday we had windchills of 30 with a cold rain and then frost over night.......waiting for spring to get to west Michigan.

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My kids were anxious and last week it was 88 with a low of 70............I should have known better as this is Michigan.  Typically we don't plant until Memorial Day but it had warmed up so much that we tried it.


My not staying on top of it last night and making sure things got covered might have been our downfall.


Will I be able to tell soon---as in today or tomorrow if the plants survived?

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It has been SNOWING this morning.  At least it isn't sticking, but still....


While I am sure my bok choy, kale, lettuces, radishes etc that have started to come up will be fine, I KNOW the heirloom tomatoes I transplanted last week will have not.  Their leaves have pale yellow patches on them...luckily, I still have duplicates I have not transplanted.


However, I just discovered that the nursery where Joe has "worked*" for the past year DOES carry heirloom varieties, so next year I am not starting from seed at home (and moving the baby plantlings from window to window to follow the sun each day) but just waiting and buying my plants from the nursery!


I am so over trying to keep my seedlings away from the cats/dog and in the sunlight.


*the nursery exists to provide job training to disabled teens and young adults.

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Oh no! We're in MI too and I have never been so glad to have a kidney stone this week preventing me from planting. I was seriously planning to dig up the gardens and plant this week because generally we're safe mid-May.

Ouch! I hope you feel better very soon! :grouphug:

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Looks like 9 of our 12 tomato plants made it but 3 did not and the 3 green pepper ones look OK.  The cucumber, pickle, squash and zucchini didn't make it.............of course, those were the most expensive plants.  Guess we try again next week.  Maybe we should get the plants today so as I am sure they will be in high demand as I am betting we aren't the only ones that lost plants.

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Spray them with water, but not just in the morning before the sun hits them. If you spray them after the sun is down, and again before it comes up, they will have a coating of ice/water that will protect them from damage through the night and from the shock of the warmth coming from the sun. Little things like that are what helps me get my garden in a little earlier then some.

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Do you mean the plants or the actual tomatoes? Those don't come until much later.

The plants themselves. I wait until 2 or 3 weeks past average last frost date to set out tomatoes. But then, I live in the south, and we have a long growing season :D. I think if I lived up north I'd set up a portable greenhouse I could put over the garden beds till frost was past. You could make something out of PVC pipe and sheet plastic pretty easily.
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My dh is a seed/seedling salesman.  He loves customers like all of you!  Repeat business is his friend.  LOL  Thank you all for supporting our family. 


One thing we have learned is it is better to wait for the soil to warm up before planting. You can plant now or plant again in two weeks and you will be able to harvest both crops at the same time. The plants don't grow very quickly in cold soil. But, I am like all of you and would try it anyways just because the weather is so nice and I just want to get out and play. 



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