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Ask a....swellmomma haha


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MG kitty came about when I was having a hard time irl and online and was mad at the world.  I found it doing an avatar search and loved it.  I have tried to change it a couple times since but most seem to enjoy MG kitty enough that I keep it though I know some skip my posts to avoid seeing it.  I have another .gif here too of a sniper kitty that I could use instead ;)

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How are you doing?  You've been quieter on the boards this past year.


lets try this again, I typed a long reply and then got an error message when I hit submit.


Life has been mostly okay.  I pulled back a lot after being hurt which is why I was initially quieter.  Life got worse for a bit, fights in town, dealing with police, my health etc.  But since October it has been slowly improving.


In October I started working at a new diner and got my old job back at the afterschool care(the one I worked at before ds10 was in his car wreck).  In Feb the same day I was going to submit my resignation letter at the diner I was fired for refusing to change my plans to accomodate a change to my hours that the boss made without telling me.  I went home, sent a fb message to ds15s old boss and started at the new job 10 days later.  At xmas I got a promotion at the afterschool care and I am now the assistant director.  The other job is at A&W and they have informed me they would like me to be a supervisor by the end of the year which means increasing my hours to make sure I can train in all areas, open and close etc.  It would be nice to just be home with my kids all day again and not work 7 days a week but I like the work I do and the people I work with (especially my afterschool kids) and they appreciate me.


On the health front, despite the dr swearing up, down and sideways that I have cushings, the endo has said I do not though I have cushingoid symptoms and insulin resistance.  They are not sure what is causing all my other symptoms as my blood work comes out textbook perfect everytime.  So as far as I know I am clear of any pit tumors and my dr worried me for nothing.


I signed my divorce papers finally last week, we hit 13 years of separation on Mar 1st so I was more than ready to sign them.  I am still shocked that ex paid to have them drawn up and filed, and increased the child support. It will still be a wait to get the finalized papers in the mail but this counts as good as done imo


Life in this town has gotten easier.  While there is still some idiots wanting to stir up crap, since I worked at the diner things have improved.  I worked with some of the people I had issues with before and they got to see me in a different way.  I get waved at more often than flipped off these days when people drive by.  Makes it much easier.


Ds10s lawsuit against the driver of the semi that his his camp van is still underway.  They flew in a specialist from BC to examine his leg and determine his long term prognosis.  ds still has a lot of pain in that leg and takes pain killer and uses tiger balm 3-4 times a week.  Dr feels he will have life long pain from the way it healed (essentially he gets a "snake bite" with every step he takes).  From the sounds of it he will have a tidy sum waiting in trust for him to turn 18 when it is all said and done. Hard to think jul 2 will mark 3 years since the accident and he is still dealing with pain.


Both boys are now being treated with meds from a shrink.  ds10 just for adhd, ds15 for adhd, aggression and depression.  The day they put ds on meds I told the shrink I wasn't leaving unless 1 of us was medicated.  I didn't care which one but something had to give.  He took my concerns about ds seriously and what a world of difference it has made.  It was sort of the silver lining to him being arrested last october.  The arrest was for fighting and it made the shrink pay attention instead of blaming everything on homeschooling etc.  ds did his community service, had the charges dropped so no record and got psychological help.  Since then his behaviour has greatly improved, the CO at cadets has noticed a huge change and while he would still rather play video games he is starting to do his school work and make plans for post secondary. ds10 is finally able to focus for more than 2 minutes at a time.  He learned to read finally (before the meds but now fluency is getting stronger), and can make it through his martial arts class without getting in trouble from lack of focus.  He actually smiles sometimes now.


I remain mostly estranged from my sister and her family.  The best decision I have made about my extended family was to walk away from that relationship.  I saw her twice in the last year and neither was great but at least it didn't end in yet another fight.  I talk to my brother sometimes but as he is dealing with his wife walking out and being a selfish brat (she has openly said she left because she wants the fun life of a single urban girl, not a suburban wife) we don't talk much because I don't want to add to his pain by bad mouthing her and right now all his focus is on her.  She is dragging him along, putting him in the friend zone, coming around to hang out and then leaves telling him its still over etc.  Makes me want to b*tch slap her so flipping hard.  At any rate I did the next best thing to preserve my relationship with my brother, I unfriended her on facebook and only bad mouth her to my mother.  The kids have been told to not call her auntie though they have not seen her in months so it is a non-issue.  She only earned the title auntie because she married him, she walked out, she lost the title, just like she got the title wife by marrying him and now she has the title b*tch instead lol


I think that is about it.  So life is mostly good.  I have yet to open the doors to friendship to anyone.  You can only get hurt so many times before you realize it is not worth it. but that is okay because I have been able to put my energy in other areas and it is paying off.


So yeah long winded but a lot going on in the last year lol.


I am looking forward to this summer, ds15 is going away to a 6 week long cadet camp, dd 14 is going to a 3 week long camp, both littles are going to gramma's to do 2 weeks of summer school since I won't have my babysitter for 3 weeks (they will do a daycamp program here in town the 3rd week).  The daycare is closed for the summer so I will be increasing my hours at the A&W up to fulltime for the summer.  It will be awesome to only work 1 job, up to 40 hours a week with no kids to rush home to.  To come home and focus on me and my pets and just relax.  I might even get 8 hours of sleep a night instead of 4...ahhh heaven

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MG kitty came about when I was having a hard time irl and online and was mad at the world.  I found it doing an avatar search and loved it.  I have tried to change it a couple times since but most seem to enjoy MG kitty enough that I keep it though I know some skip my posts to avoid seeing it.  I have another .gif here too of a sniper kitty that I could use instead ;)


Not sure if I've ever mentioned it, but my dd does a great impression of MG kitty. I wish I could catch it on video.

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I am so glad things are getting better Brandy, you've been through quite the time. 

So good to hear the kids are doing better. (Tiger balm is fantastic stuff, did you get the red extra strength one?)

I hope you find an irl friend, but in the meantime, you always have us. <3


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I am so glad things are getting better Brandy, you've been through quite the time. 

So good to hear the kids are doing better. (Tiger balm is fantastic stuff, did you get the red extra strength one?)

I hope you find an irl friend, but in the meantime, you always have us. <3

No, he uses the one for sensitive skin, still works pretty well though.  Thinking I might start making my own camphor salve to save money but the tiger balm is fabulous at this time.

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