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Exercise Thread ~ 4/20 - 4/26


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After 2 days of letting my leg heal some I did a very slow low impact workout today. I didn't even break a sweat. This easy going workout is hard for me. I'm used to all out push hard and feel the rush workout type gal. This is will take discipline. I'm not known for patience.


However, I do NOT want to make my injury worse and possible cause serious damage. I can bend my leg to 90 degrees now before it starts to tell me to stop so that's good. Still really tender tough. I've given up on the brace. It put pressure on my knee cap in all the wrong places. I'm going to get just a plain old ace bandage. 

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Clocked 1.5 miles walking after dh all through Home Depot! He is hard to keep up with in there, and he always goes from one end back to the other and back and forth a million times, so as a joke, I mapped it! Haha".


Took a leisurely Easter walk with ds...2 miles looking at bunnies and doggies, and kitties and squirrels and flowers and a horse with very long hair....lol.

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All the Right Moves - Fusion Fundamentals - an excellent yoga-type workout.
Fat Burning Breathing with Ellen Barrett - on you tube and just 6 minutes. Love Ellen. :)


My leg hurts so much. 

:grouphug:  - hope it feels better. 


I've been meaning to try that. I been thinking that anything called "cardio barre" might be not quite either, lol.


How did you like it?

Not my favorite barre workout, but I definitely worked up a sweat. It was more intense than others I've tried and not too lengthy, The triceps and inner thigh work was great. My triceps are the worst and take forever to tone up. :glare:  Abs and triceps are my biggest problem areas. 


However, I do NOT want to make my injury worse and possible cause serious damage. I can bend my leg to 90 degrees now before it starts to tell me to stop so that's good. Still really tender tough. I've given up on the brace. It put pressure on my knee cap in all the wrong places. I'm going to get just a plain old ace bandage. 

Take care. Sounds like you're doing the right thing. I can relate to the patience problem.  :grouphug: 


Clocked 1.5 miles walking after dh all through Home Depot! He is hard to keep up with in there, and he always goes from one end back to the other and back and forth a million times, so as a joke, I mapped it! Haha".

Took a leisurely Easter walk with ds...2 miles looking at bunnies and doggies, and kitties and squirrels and flowers and a horse with very long hair....lol.


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Low impact cardio but I skipped the squats and lunges. I replaced them with slow jacks (not jumping jacks). Followed by low impact kickboxing again skipping any lunge or squat type motions. I had a bit of a heart rate increase and got warm and it felt good. I am so not one of those people who can go days/weeks without some form of exercise.


Any time I felt an ouchie twinge in my knee I stopped the motion.

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Ended up walking about 6.5 miles this weekend.  I also ate ALL weekend long. All the wrong foods. I feel horrible- and achy and like I need a weekend to recover from my weekend:)  


It's going to be a coffee pot Monday.  Martial arts tonight.

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All you folks with injuries, please, please baby yourselves :o   Both DH and I had injuries that we ignored and it took simply ages to get better. Even now, years later we are both very cautious. DH has a calf/tendon problem that occasionally prevents him from running and definitely keeps him from running as much as he would like. I hurt a shoulder and have pretty much stopped lifting weights. That is how I started using Tracy Anderson. Her unweighted arm work and light weights was all I could stand for a long time. I don't do nearly as much yoga as I would like because all it takes is one too many downward dog and I am out of commission.


I know how difficult and frustrating it is. It can help to spend some time looking for something different that won't use the injured part. As much as he doesn't like it, DH will go for a bike ride to get some cardio while giving his tendon a rest. I started


Speaking of taking it easy, today I did 'Callanetic Evolution".  I got it from the library along with the 'cardio callanetics" by the same people. I am watching the cardio version right now. Honestly, I am not sure I like it. It is sort of weird and not very difficult. I found myself following the advanced person and that NEVER happens to me, lol.  The cardio DVD looks better. The cardio is very dancy, but doable, if a little bit floaty, airy fairy. I can see that it looks simple but should get you into a cario zone.


I think I prefer other barre work to this. Now, I am sure that I can work on positioning and doing a better job, etc, I am not sure than once is a fair shot. But, I think I have been doing too much other barre to find it a challenge. However, I did like the ab work and the ab instructions very much. But at over 25$ per DVD I can't imagine buying it. If it were 10-15$ I would do it.

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Speaking of taking it easy, today I did 'Callanetic Evolution".  I got it from the library along with the 'cardio callanetics" by the same people. I am watching the cardio version right now. Honestly, I am not sure I like it. It is sort of weird and not very difficult. I found myself following the advanced person and that NEVER happens to me, lol.  

I have quite a few Callanetics DVDs. This one's my favorite. It took a while for me to like them. Haven't done this one in a while. 


Today I did 

t - watch it on youtube if you feel like having a laugh at the workout clothes and hair.  :lol:


Brain health:



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Ouch. How did you fall? Are you able to work out after two injuries?



Today was Quiet Cardio and pilates. I still had to modify like crazy to avoid squats/lunges and basically any motion of bending my knee much. I can't even do some stretches like child's pose or the deep glute stretch. Sorry, can't bend the knee that far. Then I can't do a full body stretch while on my back because it puts pressure on my tailbone.


I tell ya I'm so cripple right now.

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Ouch. How did you fall?


I fell from a ledge....it was stupid and I didn't even try to break the fall in any kind of smart way.  Just landed on my side/back.


I tell ya I'm so cripple right now.



I know exactly how you feel.  And yet the thought of not doing anything...right?


I can do...just modified..


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Ladies, I'm still here but not feeling the best. I was starting to get more energy but now we have a cold or something going around. Every day is a new chance though. I have started the progesterone cream and have had my blood work done, so here's hoping I figure something out soon.


Best of luck to all and try to take it easy.

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Tuesday a.m.- elliptical.  I concentrated on trying to keep my pace at 180 strides per minute (with 4- 20 second sprints sprinkled in) and ended up doing 2.54 miles before running out of time.  Which was 11.2 min per mile.  I sweated like a pig, which is unusual for me.  It must be all the easter ham.


p.m.  Martial arts tonight, I hope.  Last night was the best- i had to perform a kata for the class and my 12 yo son who was watching from the side and who not only outranks me but has more innate talent in his little finger than I have in my whole body, came up and high-fived me.  When my sensei striped me I felt like a five year old getting their very first soccer trophy.

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I know exactly how you feel.  And yet the thought of not doing anything...right?


I can do...just modified..

The thought of not doing anything is just too horrid to contemplate.


My mom is the opposite. She loves to have any excuse to not have to get off the couch. An injured knee would be a dream for her. It's a nightmare for me.


Resisting the urge to bandage it tight and do a nice hard workout for days now. I'm succeeding.


How long before I should consider going to my doctor? I don't want to go and pay a chunk of change to hear, "Rest, ice, compress, elevate" cause yeah, I can figure that out without a price tag. 

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The thought of not doing anything is just too horrid to contemplate.


My mom is the opposite. She loves to have any excuse to not have to get off the couch. An injured knee would be a dream for her. It's a nightmare for me.


Resisting the urge to bandage it tight and do a nice hard workout for days now. I'm succeeding.


How long before I should consider going to my doctor? I don't want to go and pay a chunk of change to hear, "Rest, ice, compress, elevate" cause yeah, I can figure that out without a price tag. 

How long has it been?  I waited 2 days.  Finally my 19 yo dd told me I had to go in.  In the end it did boil down to rest, ice, compress, elevate, and then some therapy- but I am glad I went because then I was able to know what I could and couldn't do.    

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The thought of not doing anything is just too horrid to contemplate.


My mom is the opposite. She loves to have any excuse to not have to get off the couch. An injured knee would be a dream for her. It's a nightmare for me.


Resisting the urge to bandage it tight and do a nice hard workout for days now. I'm succeeding.


How long before I should consider going to my doctor? I don't want to go and pay a chunk of change to hear, "Rest, ice, compress, elevate" cause yeah, I can figure that out without a price tag. 

How long has it been?  I waited 2 days.  Finally my 19 yo dd told me I had to go in.  In the end it did boil down to rest, ice, compress, elevate, and then some therapy- but I am glad I went because then I was able to know what I could and couldn't do.    

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I hurt it last Thursday so not quite a week yet. Have I mentioned I'm not patient?

How bad does it hurt?  Is it getting better?  If it's not better at all then I would go in.  If you can't use it at all I would go in.  If you have a high pain threshold then I would really recommend going in- to a sport orthopedist- not a general guy.   

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I did the 60 min Callanetics aerobics/workout. Again, it was kind of meh. I kept wanting to break out into Bar Method or Pure Barre, lol. I do feel the exercises, but none of the familiar 'burn at the barre' level of exertion. My legs don't get that momentary shaky feeling.

The cardio workout wasn't too bad. I mean, I didn't sweat but I did breath a little bit hard and I had to take off my thin fleece hoodie.  I bet if I knew the cardio routine really well and could "perform' it, as Tracy Anderson says, it would make a big difference. I can see the foundation of a really great workout in there, so I will keep using them for a few more days while I have them from the library.  I've heard such good things about it, so I really want to like it. Maybe I will buy Super Callanetics, but I hear it is brutal. I was hoping there was a midway between meh and brutal

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Nothing today - except some neck and shoulder stretches. Everything feels sore. It was really bad yesterday. It's better this morning. I hope I can get back to exercise tomorrow.


Yesterday I fell about 3 feet onto my side onto concrete.    

Take care of yourself. Ouch!  :grouphug: 



I tell ya I'm so cripple right now.



Ladies, I'm still here but not feeling the best. I was starting to get more energy but now we have a cold or something going around. 


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I was finally able to workout yesterday. I did my BA workout and 100 swings. Hopefully this cold or whatever it is stays away and the poor kids recover quickly.


Has anyone here dealt with energy issues? I'm taking my vitamins- sublingual b12s, d3, and Omega 3s which really seem to help but when I get 5 hrs of sleep and the baby wakes me up 3 x in that time I'm just totally wiped. She hasn't slept well the last 2 weeks. I want to be active but I find it nearly impossible when my body is so exhausted. Thankfully last night was better and I hope that I'm on the uphill but between her waking me up and me not always sleeping it makes it hard to make plans. I'm trying to figure out what has changed and why it has gotten worse again. I don't know if it is seasonal allergies, the claritin helps but I'm still affected. 

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When I had little ones that woke up nights I did not workout on days I was up a lot. If I felt exhausted I rested. Hope you find some answers soon and get some energy.



How bad does it hurt?  Is it getting better?  If it's not better at all then I would go in.  If you can't use it at all I would go in.  If you have a high pain threshold then I would really recommend going in- to a sport orthopedist- not a general guy.   

Actually, I was mistaken I hurt it a week ago today. So it's been 7 days exactly. It is better then last week. In my opinion not by much, but I want to completely healed. I'm not digging this invalid thing.


I keep trying different wraps and braces but none are comfortable. I'm pretty good in the morning (a little stiff/sore) but as the day goes on it starts to hurt and swell a little. I try to elevate and ice throughout the day. However, we have stairs that I have to ascend and descend all day. I can bend my knee almost all the way now. I don't force it. I hear crackling when it bends and that freaks me out. Doesn't hurt but I feel it and hear it. Shudder.


My other knee is actually starting to bother me because I've been using my good leg for most of my weight for the past week. :glare:  I don't remember these problems when I was in my 20's. 


I am not working out today. I've decided to just try and let my leg just have to deal with walking for now. We'll see how long that lasts.....at least for today. I'll see how it feels tomorrow.

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Soror,  without adequate sleep, everything seems so daunting.   Hopefully your little one will let you rest.  I would tell you to nap during the day if you can but I see you have 4 under 10yo so that's not going to happen.   Sorry.    I will send over the sleep fairy asap for quelling night time chaos.


I did my WO and no way am I adding barre.   I don't know what I was thinking.   I did add FB hamstring.   Wow.   ouch.


MA later!  The fun stuff!

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6 mile run today, with half mile repeats.  It felt great.  It was much cooler out than I thought it was, so I was cold the first mile, but then felt ok.  It's beautiful sunny out.


And I have to share.  Today, my 2 youngest boys went to a private school in town to participate in the Presidental Physical Fitness challenge.  Someone picked them up at 9:15, and I'm about to go get them.  What a nice day!  I fed the boys, ate my breakfast, cleaned up, then went for my run.  Came back and had a hot shower and a quiet lunch.  Oh, and my bathrooms got cleaned.  I could get used to this.  I've been homeschooling for 15 years; right now I'm having a bit of envy for those who can pack their kids off to school. :D  What I could do with all of this free time!  

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I am soooo excited!  I just ran 6.82 miles with the splits being 12 minutes 17 seconds.  I've always had 5 miles as some sort of mental barrier.  I just Knew that I couldn't run more than 5 or so at a time.  I basically ran 2 miles and then did race walking/and side-running to loosen up my muscles then back to regular running for another 2 miles, and then repeat.  Cardio wise I could have run more but my joints started to complain.

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Rieshy!   10K?  Check!


Oh my goodness, I just noticed that most of ya'll have your own little soccer team.   I don't know how you do it.  That takes a lot of dedication and coordination of schedules to getting your WOs in. 


Hope everyone is feeling better.   My acute pain is gone and I'm just dealing with general bruising.   


I changed up my WO schedule after the last active recovery and I have one less hard WO a week.  So far this week I can already tell that this is exactly what I needed.   I can start adding back in more skill work days.  Yippee!


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I've decided to see a doctor. My knee is still swollen and sore. I'm scared of developing scar tissue that might cause future problems. Besides, everything I've read says that PT will help people heal *faster* and that is exactly what I need.


Sigh. More medical bills.

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Those that do yoga, in a studio class or video at home ? I went to a great studio couple times in the past week but it's going to be hard to make

It consistently. Is it still effective for someone with

Less than a dozen classes under their belt. ( in the last 25 yrs) to stick with it at home or invest more time in a studio first? I did the warm vinyasa which I really like but she didn't come adjust any positions absinthe did regular non heated flow which was very slow paced but she did adjust movements.

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Ă°Å¸ËœÂ©. Oooowwww!!! Sorry you are injured. Glad you are seeking medical attention. Here is to quick healing!



I've decided to see a doctor. My knee is still swollen and sore. I'm scared of developing scar tissue that might cause future problems. Besides, everything I've read says that PT will help people heal *faster* and that is exactly what I need.


Sigh. More medical bills.

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Back to my regular schedule, also getting ready for my first 10k of the season Sunday morning.


Monday: cycle/sculpt

Tuesday ran 4 walked 1. Hill run

Wednesday: Barefoot class/cycle class


Today imam going to run 3 slow and easy...then rest Friday and Saturday so I am fresh Sunday morning.


Hope all those who are injured rest up and heal quickly.



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Yeah, I don't need the medical bills but I need someone to tell me that my knee will be okay and I will be back to my normal routine. I'm losing my mind. Without exercise I feel crappy. I've also never dealt with this kind of injury before, and I don't want to do something wrong.


I've been dealing with pain from my broken tailbone since December, and having to modify my wo since then. So, add another injury and I've become unglued. Last night I was awake because my knee hurt in every position except when I was flat on my back, but being flat on my back puts too much pressure on my tailbone and then that hurts.  :cursing: 


I just want to be fixed!

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Those that do yoga, in a studio class or video at home ? I went to a great studio couple times in the past week but it's going to be hard to make

It consistently. Is it still effective for someone with

Less than a dozen classes under their belt. ( in the last 25 yrs) to stick with it at home or invest more time in a studio first? I did the warm vinyasa which I really like but she didn't come adjust any positions absinthe did regular non heated flow which was very slow paced but she did adjust movements.

Almost my whole yoga "life" has been alone.  The rural midwest wasn't exactly a hot bed of yoga 30 years ago so I made due.  With the internet resources I think yoga at home is totally valid.  I remember getting a book from the library and working from that.  Oy :crying:


Yeah, I don't need the medical bills but I need someone to tell me that my knee will be okay and I will be back to my normal routine. I'm losing my mind. Without exercise I feel crappy. I've also never dealt with this kind of injury before, and I don't want to do something wrong.


I've been dealing with pain from my broken tailbone since December, and having to modify my wo since then. So, add another injury and I've become unglued. Last night I was awake because my knee hurt in every position except when I was flat on my back, but being flat on my back puts too much pressure on my tailbone and then that hurts.  :cursing:


I just want to be fixed!

I hear you on the bills but it's worth it to find out if this is a rest issue or if something can be done.  Sorry everything hurt last night  :sad:   I get how you feel when you can't do something.  My mood is really tied to my workout.  Endorphins or stress relief or just me time.  Whatever it is it's real.  Get better soon!

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Yeah, I don't need the medical bills but I need someone to tell me that my knee will be okay and I will be back to my normal routine. I'm losing my mind. Without exercise I feel crappy. I've also never dealt with this kind of injury before, and I don't want to do something wrong.


I've been dealing with pain from my broken tailbone since December, and having to modify my wo since then. So, add another injury and I've become unglued. Last night I was awake because my knee hurt in every position except when I was flat on my back, but being flat on my back puts too much pressure on my tailbone and then that hurts.  :cursing:


I just want to be fixed!



Let us know how it goes!  And be careful with your doctor- if the first word out of his mouth is surgery- don't freak that's often the first thing they say.  Mine said surgery at first but then after the scans  or mri or whatevers and after seeing how motivated I was he changed his mind.  He also mentioned that with osteoarthritis he really hates to do any surgery or trimming of meniscus because studies have shown that the surgery itself ends up increasing the severity of the arthritis.


Today- FB's bikini body Pilates and then stretching.  

Tonight- MMA

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Rieshy!   10K?  Check!


Oh my goodness, I just noticed that most of ya'll have your own little soccer team.   I don't know how you do it.  That takes a lot of dedication and coordination of schedules to getting your WOs in. 



No way?!? Now I'm even more excited; I didn't think about it being a tad more than a 10K.  


I may have a small team at home but my age range makes it easier rather than harder to get my workouts in.  I remember being where Soror is with 4 children under 10.  I had to either miss sleep or workout by walking with the kids- or swimming "laps" at the pool around kids.


Now I get to do marital arts with my teens- and go running during the day while the kids are having reading time or workout in the a.m. with various kids.

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Still swollen? Then it is good you see a doctor. They might give you some steroids or something similar to bring down the swelling quickly. That might give you a lot of relief. 


I didn't get to exercise yesterday. My older son is in a ballet and my husband works as crew for the ballet so my afternoon/evening schedule is totally off. And then, the day after the ballet my dh is out of town for at least 4 days. So, this week and next my exercise is catch as catch can. If I were a morning person I could get up at 5 or 6 and get it done but that will NEVER happen. Ever.


I will be cheering you all on!

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