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Holidays are always the toughest. I haven't seen my boy for more than 9 months.

Rose in BC

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It's hard because on one hand I'm sad. On the other we have two other kids who deserve a happy celebration. Christmas was a similar struggle. My heart breaks with love for my boy who can't feel that love.

I understand completely. I fake it around my younger two, then cry privately when I go to bed.


You all are in my prayers.

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No. That fell apart at Christmas. Right now he's in a youth foster home, trying to "divorce" us. Really. And social services is kind of supporting him. They've told us he's 16, and they work with his wishes. Even though there is nothing against us as parents (I mean they aren't doing this because they're rescuing him from an abusive home. ). This has been going on since January. We're fighting this. Next court is May 1. Last week I had a conversation with social services pleading them to use common sense, it may have helped. They are having a meeting this Friday to discuss our situation. So the good is he's not on the street (although we have no idea where because he's 16 and can decide if we should know or not). And occasionally he's visited my family in same city.


Our experience has been eye opening.

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This is such a heartbreaking path for your family.  I pray someone injects common sense into the process, and helps you help your boy.  If my 16 year old is late for school, it is cataclysmic, but your guy can be out and untethered from his loving family.  It is craziness.  I only hope each day of your wait is bringing you closer to a harmonious resolution.  Many virtual hugs for your momma's heart.

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