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what parent thing to you do


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I am driving my son NUTS and I can't help myself.


Scene: he is off to dance class. He is ready to walk out the door and I stop him. I walk over and fluff the front of his hair. He rolls his eyes, huffs and groans at me, and stalks out the door.


I can't help it. He sticks his hair down to the point that he looks like a blonde Mister Spock. It looks horrible and I can't help but fluff it a bit to break up the Spock look. I know it is his hair and he should have the way he likes but I see it and I just can't help but fluff!


I am such a mom!


my friend was forever tucking her college student daughter's bra strap under her tank top even when it was the style to have it showing. Her daughter went to great lengths to have it be of a coordinating or contrasting colour etc, but her mom was forever tucking them away. She would say 'I know it is supposed to show, but it is driving me nuts. Just let me do it this one last time!"


That was before I had kids and I laughed because I didn't understand why it bothered her. And now here I am, a hair fluffer.


What little thing can you not help but do? Or what do you have to stop yourself from doing?


I can't be the only one.

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I am always tucking my daughter's bra straps.  Drives me nuts.

I am on them both about their posture constantly.

I fluff and fix hair.

I hug them in public.

I am sure if I ask them this question they will have a long list.

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I still check my youngest daughter's nose and wipe it if need be.  That said, she doesn't seem to mind.


I fix the hair that is hanging funny in front.


I push the glasses up on their nose.


Mostly I try to pretend I don't see stuff.  ;)

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My son's hair will hang in his eyes. He doesn't have bangs, so the cut is supposed to mean pushing your hair back. He doesn't care. I push it back for him because I find it hard to talk to cousin It. In public, I mime pulling my hair back for him to do it. I figure that's better than reaching out and doing it myself, but I do have to restrain myself.

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My mother had a hard time turning off the mom thing.  When I was 18 she told me to say thank you after my grandparents paid for a meal.  She didn't give me a chance!  I was NOT amused.  But now that I'm a parent, I guess I get that it's hard to just wake up one day and not be the mom in that way anymore.


My husband still seethes over the time his mom reminded him to "take Grandma's bags upstairs for her" just as he was reaching for the suitcases. So now when one of us starts to lecture on something the kid is probably already going to do, the other will mutter, "Grandma's bags. Grandma's bags."


Still isn't easy to keep my mouth shut, though.

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I leave my kids hair alone - but bra straps sticking out bug me. My girls know they better not let me see it. Underwear belongs UNDER clothing!  It's a serious pet peeve of mine. I tell them when they are 18 and living somewhere else, they are legally old enough to be stupid but, until then, keep it tucked. ((And, daily I count my blessing that the biggest things my kids give me to worry about are peek-a-boo bra straps!  But, shhhhhhhh, don't tell them that!))

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It is hard for me not to fix DD's hair.  She always just pulls it back in a pony tail.  When she was little I used to fix it all the time, but now she won't let me touch it except when she needs it done special for dance.


I try to remember not to call my younger DS by the nickname I called him when he was younger.  He really hates it and I feel bad when I slip.


My mom used to tuck my hair behind my ears.  It always irritated me.

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Well, I am relived I am not the only one. I am only a hair fluffer, so far. I rarely have to mention posture because they are dancers. They get stopped on the street by little old ladies and praised for their posture, lol. Every now and then my older boy will slump and all anyone has to say is, "Is that (insert name of ballet teacher) I see?" and WAP! he straightens right up. It is Pavlovian at this point. :lol:


But, then, the real question is whyyyyy does he mash his hair down like that then? If he knows I am just going to fluff it up why does he try to leave the house looking like a dork?

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My two oldest are adults and I have a dil (whom I love dearly) and granddaughter living with me so my current mom thing is to keep my lips zipped. A lot.


The thing I do to my 16 yodd is to push the hair from the side of her face when we are schooling. I think she is beautiful and want to see her face. :) I don't even think about it when I do it, but it drives her nuts, so I am trying to consciously NOT do it.

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My mother had a hard time turning off the mom thing.  When I was 18 she told me to say thank you after my grandparents paid for a meal.  She didn't give me a chance!  I was NOT amused.  But now that I'm a parent, I guess I get that it's hard to just wake up one day and not be the mom in that way anymore.


We had a family friend who always asked her adult daughter if she needed to go to the restroom before leaving our house.  Luckily her daughter didn't mind it much.

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