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whine....(female content) among others.....


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Pure and simple, this is a whine....


I went 104 days without a cycle.  I'm 51 and off HRT so I was hoping I wouldn't have another.  Well, guess what....yup....surprise!!! 


Not only did the miserable thing start, my weight jumped about 5 lbs and all the extra is in the hips and lower abs.  Jeans that fit 2 days prior won't even get close now.  I thought maybe one of my daughter's jeans had made its way into my closet.  Nope, they are mine.  And they don't fit. 


And, the terrible awful joint pain came back.  The deep pain in my shoulders and hips returned. 


And, my BP is almost too low to take my beta blocker.  Why does starting a cycle drop BP so much?  I have had high BP since Dec. (last cycle before this one was in Nov) and was happily normalized on my beta blocker.  Can't skip a dose or 2 because the beta blocker is also blocking PVCs (of which I have too many too often) and migraines. 


I was really feeling pretty good.  Energy was consistant, sleep was restful and good, Aches and pains were lower than had been in a LONG time.  Finally, I thought perimenopause was letting go of its grip.


And, last week was the 2nd anniversary of my father's death. 


And, last week, I found out my much beloved dog has cancer. 


And, last week, we found out we can't afford the house we want to buy. 


Would love some chocolate and some wine, but the jeans are still too tight and the scale is still hovering up not down......


Thanks for listening to the whine.........

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:grouphug:  I'm sorry you're having a rough time. Hopefully that water weight will drop as quickly as it came on.


I really hope so too because IMHO water weight is the most miserable extra weight to carry.  I'm on day 5 and it is still hanging out around the midsection.  Sigh....the nurse practitioner said1 of 3 things will probably happen:


it (Weight, PMS, ache/s pain) could all just resolve and go on its merry way.

It could hang around a while as the hormones fluctuate

It could get better then get yucky again


Only time will tell.......

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:grouphug:  Stress does funny things to my hormones and cycles.  Try not to worry about the weight, I'm sure it's all water and will melt off in no time.





Dr. Lavender's orders:


1.  Bath with epsom salts.  I'm partial to bubble baths accompanied with champagne, myself. ;


2.  Sweatpants


3.  Wine


4.  Chocolate


5.  A black and white romantic comedy, or whatever else tickles your fancy. :)





(Okay, okay, I'm not actually a medical professional and this does not constitute medical advice, yadda yadda... :coolgleamA: )

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