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Can you help me find a workout program?


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I think I'm looking for something like P90x but more bodyweight moves and shorter- about 30 min would be good- I don't have 60-90 minutes a day and am just starting to get back in shape. I want a mix of HIIT and muscle building moves. I like yoga, pilates and basic bootcamp style workouts. I'm not a big fan of dance or kickboxing. Any rec's? I've heard some about Insanity and Asylum but I haven't researched them. I thought about doing classes locally but the logistics of that with my husband's changing schedule doesn't seem the easiest right now. Thanks!

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Try Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30. (Or the new one: Hard Body.)


They have 20-30 minute workouts, you need only light hand weights (I use 3-5 lbs), and it's a mix of muscle and cardio intensity. Some people can't stand Jillian. I like her. Her workouts are what I use to get in shape fast. They're cheap. Buy one dvd for less than $10 to see if you like it. 

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You can try super slow exercises, some body weight, some with hand weights--they are killers.  I am a fairly strong person and find these difficult.  On the positive side, they don't take very long to complete.

The idea behind them is to do them as slowly as possible for as many as you can do--but you really have to push yourself.  For example, you do a wall squat until you feel yourself sliding down the wall.  It is really a mental challenge, too.  I have found that I give up way too easily.  Ideally you should do them with machines.   There are about 5 different moves:  pushups, pullups, wall squats, shoulder press, row.  This is from the Body by Science book.

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Burstfit, with Dr. Josh Ax, would fit your description pretty well.

Chris Freytag's 10 Pound Slimdown or HIIT set might work.

Rachel Cosgrove's Drop 2 Sizes DVD program is very good and fits your criteria...


I do a lot of shopping with CollageVideo.com and Totalfitnessdvds.com. Their sites are easy to search and they have preview clips...

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Do you already have p90x?  I like to do a very modified (LOL) version of some of the strength training.  I just use the book instead of the videos, since I've seen them all before.  I can easily get done what I want to get done in 20-30 min, including abs.  I alternate that with running on other days.

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Wow, lots of recs, seems like lots of people mentioned T25, which I've never heard of before, I'll have to check that out. 


I do have p90x, I did it before baby #3. I've done it some since but I just cannot bring myself to do it again. 


I think for now I need to just follow someone else's program and not make my own.


kleinehexe- I looked at the Fitness Blender before but I want something I can do on the tv. I know that is a small point but I like to be able to see what I'm doing well and have plenty of space. I couldn't figure out how to make that work with FB, although the workouts look good.


I do have JM's 30 Day Shred, which I did before but I'm not a huge fan of her style and would prefer something different.

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Pinterest has tons of workout sets. Pick one...put on some music and have fun! If you like it, put it in your rotation....if you hate it, you only "wasted" a few minutes. I have found some pretty good circuits/ HIIT workouts! There are also some phone apps like sworkit which are pretty good.

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I appreciate the pinterest suggestion Faith and I love that it is cheap but I'm looking for videos as I don't like working out in front of the laptop.


Jennifer- thanks for the heads up about p90x3 I saw that but didn't know the details. I'm not sure if I'm up for more Tony but I'll check it out.

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Hmm, I'm looking and looking here. I like the mix of strength and cardio of p90x3. I was looking at Chalean but it seemed reviews say there isn't enough cardio and criticism of t25 is that it is too much cardio. I looked at the Burst fit as well mentioned above. I want to know what kind of exercises they do and it seems hard to find details listed. 

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Oh yes.  T25 is all cardio. But it incorporates all parts of the body, so you get the strength training without actually lifting weights.  As much as I like Tony and P90X3 right now, I find a couple of the videos very boring!  It's all lifting or pushups or pullups.  I do them, but I don't love them.



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Hmm, I'm looking and looking here. I like the mix of strength and cardio of p90x3. I was looking at Chalean but it seemed reviews say there isn't enough cardio and criticism of t25 is that it is too much cardio. I looked at the Burst fit as well mentioned above. I want to know what kind of exercises they do and it seems hard to find details listed. 


I have some breakdowns of BurstFIT on my workout blog.

Just look over to the tag cloud on the right, click BurstFit.

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Thanks Allison, the specific info is great.


Thanks Jennifer for the info about T25.


I'm thinking that perhaps I'll just look for some specific programs, like 1 hiit dvd, 1 pilates, 1 bodyweight strength dvd. I have tons of yoga dvds already. 

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I bought this firm express dvd set recently (12 workouts for less than $25).  http://www.amazon.com/The-Firm-Express-DVD-Kit/dp/B0056H4GHK/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1393871013&sr=8-2&keywords=the+firm+express


It is pretty good.  There are some high intensity bursts (4 I think) in every workout.  And, its not boring since there is a different video three times a week for a month!

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Alright, I found a workout dvd that I'm going to try:Bodystrikes by Ilaria. It is a mix of bodyweight moves, with kickboxing and ballet, it reminds me of a class I used to take and love. Its 45 minutes but I don't figure I'll make it all the through for a time. I'd like something similar for the upper body, which I see she has but it is I'm sure way beyond what I can do. Anyway, I'm going to try that for now and see how I like it and use it along with dvds I own and some on Amazon prime.



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