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Exercise Thread ~ 3/2 - 3/8


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I think I missed like all of last week. Not the exercising- I did a lot of exercising but I didn't do the thread.


Today was a rest day aside from stretching and a deep house cleaning day.


Tomorrow I have bootcamp, running and skating planned. Plus daily stretching. We will see if I get to all of it.

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Do you mind if I join you? My dd14 and I just joined a gym last week and I'd love to stay motivated by reporting here, and I also like seeing what others are doing. :-)


Yesterday I walked 2 miles on the treadmill and elliptical and did all the leg/butt machines (I'm very new at this exercise thing, so I'm doing it gradually).


Today we're snowed in (I thought we were past all this snow!), so I'm going to find some kind of cardio workout and upper body exercises on YouTube or amazon prime. Any suggestions??

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I'm back- hopefully for a while! I'm finally feeling better! The last few weeks I started doing short walks. This week I'm starting a bit more. I'm going for 30 min 5x a week. 


Today I did a Denise Austin video on Amazon Prime, some body sculpt or something. It was good for my out of shape self just a bit of a challenge but not enough to kill me. I'm trying to jump in slowly as I don't want to end up feeling worse and losing ground.


Vcoots- I was just looking on Amazon Prime today, I don't recall seeing any specific upper body videos. From what I recall they only had a handful, a bunch of Jillian Micheals, Denise Austin and a few others.


I'm considering trying to do a class at the gym while the kids do TKD but I don't know if the timing will work out, I still have to have childcare for the youngest and my 1 yo isn't very keen on anyone but me besides the fact that I'm paranoid about germs this time of year. I'm thinking perhaps I could swing it once a week though, I'll have to see if they are offering anything I want at the right time.

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I'm back- hopefully for a while! I'm finally feeling better! The last few weeks I started doing short walks. This week I'm starting a bit more. I'm going for 30 min 5x a week.


Today I did a Denise Austin video on Amazon Prime, some body sculpt or something. It was good for my out of shape self just a bit of a challenge but not enough to kill me. I'm trying to jump in slowly as I don't want to end up feeling worse and losing ground.


Vcoots- I was just looking on Amazon Prime today, I don't recall seeing any specific upper body videos. From what I recall they only had a handful, a bunch of Jillian Micheals, Denise Austin and a few others.


I'm considering trying to do a class at the gym while the kids do TKD but I don't know if the timing will work out, I still have to have childcare for the youngest and my 1 yo isn't very keen on anyone but me besides the fact that I'm paranoid about germs this time of year. I'm thinking perhaps I could swing it once a week though, I'll have to see if they are offering anything I want at the right time.

I'll check out Denise Austin--thanks!!


Dd and I found an upper body/cardio workout online. It was about 35 minutes and kept us sweating. :-) it was fitness blenders? Iirc

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Bootcamp- check.

It was a rainy rainy wet wet morning so all of the bootcamp abwork was standing and squating so when I got home I did 3x through of 25 bicycles, 25 sit-ups, 25 each side "muffin top squashes" and 25 pulse crunches. Plus 25 more push-ups since the sets at camp were light on push-ups.


Run- going now. There is a break in the rain, knock on wood.


Skating is on for post-kids-in-bedtime. Woot.


I need to work in some stretching.

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Today's workout is 2 sessions in the day. I finished kettlebell. 'Twas easy. 


Now the goal is to get lessons done on time so I can get in the bootcamp portion in before I need to take the youngest to karate. If only my kids had the same goals as I do.



vcoots, you'll see me post just about nothing but Fitness Blender links. I am so in love with Fitness Blender. I love their scheduled workout you can purchase for $6. Love them. I tell everyone about Fitness Blender.

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Sunday, 4 miles on treadmill at gym.  Monday, skated with the kids for over an hour.  Today, just finished intermediate yoga for runners - challenging (just over 1 hour).


Hoping to try out fitness blender tomorrow.


My neck and spine are starting to feel less stiff after doing a pilates and Jackie video last week for the first time with a lot of unassisted ab work.  My neck needs support!

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Ok, so I ended up not skating last night.  I was so tired I was actually falling asleep while quizzing my older son for the spelling bee.  So, anyhoo I opt to stay home and the terrible luck of it- I missed the backup DJ who is a woman and plays decent music.  My one complaint about this rink is that the DJ seems stuck in the same set of songs and there is only so much cheesy old school hip hop and techno a girl can take.  I was really bummed to read that text from my friend. 


So this morning I did bootcamp and that was rough.  Then I ate my car breakfast, piddled around with my phone and a magazine and got off my tush for a run which was more of a 2 to 1 run-fast walk combo. 


Swimming and yoga stretching planned for later today. 



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Wow! You guys put me to shame. So please don't read the measly little workouts I do. :-)


DD has a cold today, so I went to the gym by myself. Walked a mile on the treadmill at 3.8 at an incline of 2.0 (That's an accomplishment for me)! Then I did all the lower body machines and did a cool down on the elliptical.


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vcoots we can be shamed together :)


I did 30 min of a Jillian Micheals workout today, Boost Metabolism and Banish Fat or something like that, it was on Amazon Prime. I'm a bit sore from yesterday, which I'll take as a good sign :) Todays workout was just the right amount of challenge, the mountain climbers totally killed me but that's good! I can definitely feel that my body is doing so much better. Before when I'd try to workout I'd just feel worse but it is making me feel energized instead. I can do more high impact without it bothering me either, I think that is just a matter of time to heal well from birth. 

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Sunday- off

Monday- off- snow day closed the gym and the martial arts studio.  I stayed home and baked:)

Tuesday- gym still closed but I did get to go to martial arts.  Sparring night- it was really fun but I am sore from blocking with my legs instead of getting out of range.  Ughh. My sensei keeps harping at us that the best block is not being there when the kick or punch comes.  I think I got an object lesson that I might have finally internalized.   I feel like an old woman today:)  


Wednesday- I should be at the gym right now but I'm fighting with myself.

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Wow! You guys put me to shame. So please don't read the measly little workouts I do. :-)


DD has a cold today, so I went to the gym by myself. Walked a mile on the treadmill at 3.8 at an incline of 2.0 (That's an accomplishment for me)! Then I did all the lower body machines and did a cool down on the elliptical.

Welcome to the group! 

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So this morning I almost didn't get out of my car at boot camp. It was pouring. But I thought to my self that it surely couldn't keep up at that rate and I went for it albeit quite reluctantly! It did ease up but thank goodness for my amazing rain shell.


Meeting after so no time for an extra run.


I stretched a little bit already and will do some yoga this evening. The sun is peeking through a bit so I am going to take the boys on a shorter but quite hilly hike later this afternoon. And that will do me for the day I think.

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Yesterday (Wednesday-it's 3am, why am I awake?!) I did a mile on the treadmill and then did upper body machines. I upped the weights and really felt the workout. I think I'll do the same for the lower body machines later this morning when I go. My goal this week is to get enough time at the gym to do 2 miles on the treadmill and a mile on the elliptical each day, as well as the weights.

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Wednesday- finally stopped fighting with myself and went for a trail run- 3.6 miles. I love, love, love running on crushed gravel.  It felt great on my knees.

Thursday- ski machine, katas, light weights and stretching at the gym this morning.  Martial arts class tonight.

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Today is supposed to be a 4 mile run and core work, but I'm sick.  I was going to try and run for 30 minutes, but as I'm sitting here with the chills, probably a low grade fever, I think I will just take a hot shower and drink some hot tea.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. :)

I hope you are feeling better today.

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This morning was kettlebell. I ran, did deadlifts, swings, squats, presses, and TGU. I ended my workout with a Tabata of snatches. I haven't done snatches in a while, so it kicked my b*tt. :) I still need to get in my push ups and pull ups.

You are such a bad@ss!! I wish we were closer so we could work out together!!

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Tuesday got my 3.1 in under 30 minutes! (28.52). Or for me! Trying to get it down by 25 for some races this summer. If I could lose a few pounds, I might be able to get there!


Wednesday I did barefoot class and then cycle. HR monitor logged 1100 calories burned! I am good with that :-)


Going to try to get a run in this afternoon... If not, then later on this evening.


Training is officially begun for spring races... Several 10ks in the plans along with a few obstacle mud runs in May. Must get busy at the playground as soon as this darn snow melts!!!

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45 min Bodystrikes by Ilaria I just got this in today and it was great. It;s a combo of kickboxing and ballet moves with lots of squats.  Simple but effective routine and although it was challenging my muscles and making me sweat the time seemed to pass quickly. I'm looking forward to tackling this one and working up to some of the advanced moves I cannot do yet- like the 1 leg lunges!


I almost didn't workout today because I'm not feeling well (sinus junk is going around the family) but I'm glad I did, hopefully it passes soon.

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I've been throwing around the idea of training for a triathlon, we have a local one at the end of August. Perhaps I'm having a midlife crisis but I want to challenge myself in some way. Doing a triathlon has always been on my bucket list and I think of it every year since they started the local one a few years ago. My biggest impediment though is that I cannot swim very well at all. I took classes as an adult and still cannot do it very well. Last week I was talking to a lady and she said she did it last year, she was last but she finished. Now, she doesn't look like she is in that great of shape tbh which gave me hope (I know looks aren't always an accurate picture of fitness and obviously she's more fit than me if she finished it!). It gave me hope as well that she wasn't embarrassed to be last, why should I, because every time I think about it I think about looking like an idiot with my cheap gear and slow and crappy form. Anyway, just throwing that around. I messaged the lady to ask her more about her training. 


Oh, and I just subscribed to fitness blender on youtube so I can see if I can view their workouts on my tv. 



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It seems I can do at some FB workouts on my tv. I tried to start one but the baby woke up, getting ready to try again. I looked it up and I'd have 24 weeks to train for a triathlon, perhaps foolhardy or not?



Is it a full Tri, a half or a sprint?  


If you are doing a full or half you need to invest in some sort of plan.  A full can keep you going for well over 12 hrs.  Even a half is pretty tough.  I'm not saying don't do it, just know it will take solid planning.


If it's a sprint, focus on the run and bike parts, and learning how to transition.  The swims for those are short, just make sure you can do a decent crawl.

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It is a sprint triathlon- I suck the worse at swimming though. Perhaps I'm feeling delusional. I did look some at training plans. I found a 20 week plan, which would be about right. 

Event Details: 400 meter swim, 16 mi bike ride, 3.1 mi run

I see another event that is a few weeks before that is:

300 yard swim, 12.2 bike ride, 3.1 mi run


Hmm, that second one would be a fair amount less, although I'd have 2 less weeks to train. 



Did 2 Fitness Blender workouts- 17 Upper Body/Cardio and 13  min Pilates/lower body


Not sure what I think about them. Actual moves were great, the first kicked my butt! I don't like the white background with no music though.

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It is a sprint triathlon- I suck the worse at swimming though. Perhaps I'm feeling delusional. I did look some at training plans. I found a 20 week plan, which would be about right. 

Event Details: 400 meter swim, 16 mi bike ride, 3.1 mi run

I see another event that is a few weeks before that is:

300 yard swim, 12.2 bike ride, 3.1 mi run


Hmm, that second one would be a fair amount less, although I'd have 2 less weeks to train. 



Did 2 Fitness Blender workouts- 17 Upper Body/Cardio and 13  min Pilates/lower body


Not sure what I think about them. Actual moves were great, the first kicked my butt! I don't like the white background with no music though.


Have you looked at USA Triathlon? A video from USA Triathlon about swimming. I see women in the locker room at the pool that do triathlons. It seems like an all consuming activity. They have coaches for each event and a coach for the gym.


I thought about doing an ultra mini triathlon, but running is just not my thing. Biking and swimming yes, but no running.

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Thanks for the links, I'll check those out. 


I'm not a big runner and have no desire to do a marathon, ever, but the sprints have closer to 5ks, which seems reasonable to me :) The lady I was talking to is just training on her own, which is what I'd be doing, I'm not looking at going pro :) I need more lessons on swimming but I have a friend who is a good swimmer and I've talked to her multiple times about teaching me. I've considered as well trying it as a team event but she's not very reliable (love her but I couldn't count on her!). I want to try something hard. I don't know what my deal is, as I said perhaps I'm having a mid-life crisis. I don't know. I've been looking at my bucket list and seeing what I want to do and what I can do.

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It is a sprint triathlon- I suck the worse at swimming though. Perhaps I'm feeling delusional. I did look some at training plans. I found a 20 week plan, which would be about right. 

Event Details: 400 meter swim, 16 mi bike ride, 3.1 mi run

I see another event that is a few weeks before that is:

300 yard swim, 12.2 bike ride, 3.1 mi run


Hmm, that second one would be a fair amount less, although I'd have 2 less weeks to train. 



Did 2 Fitness Blender workouts- 17 Upper Body/Cardio and 13  min Pilates/lower body


Not sure what I think about them. Actual moves were great, the first kicked my butt! I don't like the white background with no music though.



The difference between 400 meter and 300 yard isn't that great, even at a slow crawl it's less than 5 minutes.  I'm not good at swimming but if I took my time I could do 400 meters in a decent time.  Can you go somewhere for a lesson on swimming?  That could make a huge difference.


I think you should be able to do the sprint tri with the time you have.  Go for it!  My dh loves doing the sprint tri. He tries to do one a summer.  

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Thanks for the links, I'll check those out. 


I'm not a big runner and have no desire to do a marathon, ever, but the sprints have closer to 5ks, which seems reasonable to me :) The lady I was talking to is just training on her own, which is what I'd be doing, I'm not looking at going pro :) I need more lessons on swimming but I have a friend who is a good swimmer and I've talked to her multiple times about teaching me. I've considered as well trying it as a team event but she's not very reliable (love her but I couldn't count on her!). I want to try something hard. I don't know what my deal is, as I said perhaps I'm having a mid-life crisis. I don't know. I've been looking at my bucket list and seeing what I want to do and what I can do.


A thought:


You could also check out your local pool for Master swims. I just started doing these sessions 2x a week. I like that the workout is structured, I get coaching on technique, and I am pushed to a higher level than what I would otherwise do on my own. 

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Thanks for the links, I'll check those out. 


I'm not a big runner and have no desire to do a marathon, ever, but the sprints have closer to 5ks, which seems reasonable to me :) The lady I was talking to is just training on her own, which is what I'd be doing, I'm not looking at going pro :) I need more lessons on swimming but I have a friend who is a good swimmer and I've talked to her multiple times about teaching me. I've considered as well trying it as a team event but she's not very reliable (love her but I couldn't count on her!). I want to try something hard. I don't know what my deal is, as I said perhaps I'm having a mid-life crisis. I don't know. I've been looking at my bucket list and seeing what I want to do and what I can do.


A thought:


You could also check out your local pool for Master swims. I just started doing these sessions 2x a week. I like that the workout is structured, I get coaching on technique, and I am pushed to a higher level than what I would otherwise do on my own. 


It's a good mid-life crisis. I am more fit than I was a few years ago, especially my cardio.

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A thought:


You could also check out your local pool for Master swims. I just started doing these sessions 2x a week. I like that the workout is structured, I get coaching on technique, and I am pushed to a higher level than what I would otherwise do on my own. 


It's a good mid-life crisis. I am more fit than I was a few years ago, especially my cardio.

Our pool only has aquarobics, no other swimming classes. As I said I did lessons there years ago but I was not impressed. I don't think I improved at all. I could call to see if the same lady is still doing lessons, perhaps they have someone new. 


The big problem is logistics of it all. I can run and bike with the kids but I cannot swim and there is no childcare there. My husband's schedule is rather sporadic these days so it makes it hard to plan around. I thought about arranging to go with my friend and then we could take turns but I need her to teach me as well, which would mean no one to watch the baby.

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