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The beach....


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Disclaimer: I have only been to the ocean a handful of times. We live near Lake Michigan and I LOVE the beach! Right now, my kids are 6 and 3 and the Lake Michigan can make me nervous with littles, so me only go there a couple times a summer. BUT there are lots of little lakes and we spend most of the summer staying within walking distance of one. I love the sand between my toes, I love the water, I love how much my kids love it. If I didn't have kids, I would still love to go lay on the sand or sit in a beach chair with my feet in and read a book! It is very relaxing. There does come a point in the summer where I prefer the pool because I do get sick of washing sand off of everything. But I don't hit that point until the end of July. The beach we go to is only crazy busy on holiday weekends. It's relatively busy on regular weekend, but sometimes during the week there is only us and maybe 2 or 3 other families. At the very beginning of the summer, before the PS kids get out, we have the place to ourselves. You cannot imagine how much I am looking forward to that right now.

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I don't mind the sand because I don't take a bunch of unnecessary gear when I go. When the kids were little we were near with an outdoor shower. They carried nets and buckets and played and explored with what they found on shore or near shore. Really, it's much more enjoyable when you learn to do it as a minimalist. That's my opinion, anyway.

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As a coastal MA girl, this sums it up for me:


“I really don't know why it is that all of us are so committed to the sea, except I think it is because in addition to the fact that the sea changes and the light changes, and ships change, it is because we all came from the sea. And it is an interesting biological fact that all of us have, in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch it we are going back from whence we came.


JFK (who obviously believed in evolution. lol)


I also agree with HomeschoolDad about coming prepared. Although he forgot the chilled white in the cooler. As long as you don't bring glass on the beach, you can have your afternoon cocktail. :)



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I grew up in NE Philly too! Morrell Park to be exact. We spent our summers in Wildwood. We go to North Wildwood now.

DW was near Cottman and Castor.


Growing up for us, Wildwood was a single visit in the middle of the vaca on Stone Harbor or LBI. Haven't been there in a couple decades. Ditto Cape May.

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I love the smell of the sea...the sound of the ocean...the warmth of the sun...the sand in my toes (although I could do without it getting other places...haha).  Looking at houses here in Italy, the ones with a sea view I would actually sit at for about 15 minutes just taking it all in, and I would feel the stress melt away for a moment.  Then it was back to reality (that the house wouldn't work), and we were on our way.


An ocean/sea view is a whole 'nother ball game. I do like that.



Okay, this will sound kind of weird but I don't really like the beach.  I don't like sand or sun or hot weather.  I think the only places humans should voluntarily get wet are in a shower or bathtub (and maybe in the rain).


But I do love walking on the beach right before sunrise or after sunset.  And as Seasider said, looking at an ocean makes me feel close to God (as does looking at mountains).



I love the mountains!



I grew up in a landlocked state and moved to another one. The beach is still rather amazing to me, and my younger DD has never even seen the ocean.


I grew up landlocked, too. The prairies of Canada. :)

I actually asked this question after a conversation with my sister. She's thinking about visiting and I told her this time, if she comes I am done playing tour guide/tourist and taking her to amusement parks, etc. because it's not in the budget. She said there was lots of free or cheap things, like hanging out at the beach. Gah! That's a TOURIST thing to do!! We've gone to the beach 5 times since living here - once when we moved here, then when sister visited, when bro & family visited, when parents visited, and when my cousin and her kids visited. My sister loves the beach and would be there every day, all day. That just does not compute in my brain. :)


Even when we vacationed in Myrtle Beach, with a hotel right on the beach, we spent approximately 1hour there. The rest of the time, we were off doing "real" stuff, or floating in the lazy river. LOL


A walk on the beach is nice. The views are amazing, I agree. I still prefer a lake, trees, and grass. :)

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I love it, but not so much with kids, lol.


I don't know, there's just something about hanging out on the edge of the earth, breathing in the salt air, craziness behind you, wide open peace in front of you...


I miss the beach.

But, again, it's just not that calming with kids!

I love the beach! Actually one of my favorite things about it is watching my kids play. They are just so fully entertained by the beach that they can play for hours on end. I also love the sound of the waves, the sand between my toes, how beautiful it is, the immensity of it, the sunsets, tide pools, etc. What I do not like is taking wet sandy kids into the car afterward. I wish they had showers at every beach at least just a spout to rinse off at before going in the car. I have learned to come prepared with tons of towels and clothes. No matter how many times I say to not get you clothes wet this time that never happens  :lol: , so I don't bother anymore. I also don't like it if it is extremely cold and windy. I think the OP needs to come explore the Oregon coast. I have been to a few southern CA beaches and the Oregon coast is better in my humble opinion. It is colder, but less crowded and more beautiful. ;)

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