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In the case of the winter that is breaking records....what's happening where you live?


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Ice ice, baby...and no salt in the state, although I hear a barge was sent up to Maine to get some....although there is a ship that could come down, but it's non a US-flagged ship, and because of a 140 year old state matitime law, it can not dock in NJ. Meanwhile, the state is using pickle juice on the roads. It will hit 50 this week, tho, so...yeah.


I'm thinking a worthy science experiment would be to mix nontoxic paint with water and spray it on mh driveway to see if I can speed up the melting if the ice is black. That would be sciencey, right?

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Unseasonably warm temperatures and drought. We've been assured the flies and other insects are going to be really bad this year because the weather didn't get cold enough long enough to kill anything.


A storm would be really nice about now.

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You are all making me smile and that's why I started this thread.  The 8 inches of unexpected snow we got Monday seemed to take us all over the edge the edge here.


Today, it's a balmy 40 degrees, my windows are open!  If I could get to my grill I would grill the burgers I have planned for dinner.  Instead, I will enjoy the peek at the sun thru my windows and keep plugging away at taxes. 
Tomorrow we are supposed to get rain and some thunder.  But that will help the snow pack melt. 


Here's to no water in basements!!



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In middle TN, we never got more than some ice on the trees  (not roads) and a mere dusting of snow.  I'm rather jealous of all these beautiful pics of snow!  Areas to the north, south, east, and west got it, but we got nothing.


No kidding.  Coldest winter in memory and not a single day of sledding.  We feel a bit cheated.

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The past 5 years here have had the worst weather extremes in my memory.  We've had record droughts-fields just plowed under, dead.  We've had massive flooding.  We've had barely existent winters or extreme winters (this year-most years we barely get 1", we've had feet of snow this year).  Summers have beaten heat records or been crazy cool (also last year). It's been completely insane. 

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