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What age for Grammar-Land?


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I just stumbled across Grammar-Land and I think DD would get a kick out of it. The Amazon version says it's suitable for ages 10 and up. Can it be used with younger students? I would read it to DD, who will be seven by then. We studied grammar this past year and she seems to already have a good grasp of the parts of speech, pronouns, past tense, subject/predicate...the basics.

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I think any time between 7ish-12ish could be suitable. The topic is basic in some ways - just parts of speech, so if an older child has had extensive exposure to that, it would be boring. However, it's also much more in depth about parts of speech and overlaps between them than other materials for young people, so it could be hard for some younger students. The characters and story are cute, which leans younger.... But the assignments from the judge are really long for a young student, and sometimes a little tricky.


Anyway, that's all slightly conflicting advice, but we did it age 8 and got a lot out of it, though some of the finer points were lost.

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Thank you...maybe I'll hold out then.



I think any time between 7ish-12ish could be suitable. The topic is basic in some ways - just parts of speech, so if an older child has had extensive exposure to that, it would be boring. However, it's also much more in depth about parts of speech and overlaps between them than other materials for young people, so it could be hard for some younger students. The characters and story are cute, which leans younger.... But the assignments from the judge are really long for a young student, and sometimes a little tricky.

Anyway, that's all slightly conflicting advice, but we did it age 8 and got a lot out of it, though some of the finer points were lost.


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I think you could easily do it with younger students if they have a good grasp of language and are accustomed to being read to out of good literature.  I am doing it with my dd8 this year, and she is doing fine with it.  But she is very good with language, so YMMV.

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Just to throw out another option, but I think we might start with Lively Language Lessons (which just covers nouns, verbs and adjectives) using the Ruth Heller books.  We will probably modify it a bit.  Then move on to Sentence Family.  THEN move on to Grammar Land. :D :D


That's the plan, anyway. :p   I think it'd help to have an understanding of the basic elements of grammar before trying to put them into a story structure...

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Oh, neat! We love Ruth Heller's books for science. Had no idea she wrote ones for language arts too.


Hmm...might have to figure out to work this into our LLTL 2 studies. Thank you!!



Just to throw out another option, but I think we might start with Lively Language Lessons (which just covers nouns, verbs and adjectives) using the Ruth Heller books.  We will probably modify it a bit.  Then move on to Sentence Family.  THEN move on to Grammar Land. :D :D


That's the plan, anyway. :p   I think it'd help to have an understanding of the basic elements of grammar before trying to put them into a story structure...


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I am doing Grammar land with my 6 year old and she is managing - though we do discuss the part of speech in a simpler way before we reach it in grammar land. She likes the story and asks to do it though some of the assignments she has needed some help with. I am just using it as an introduction to parts of speech - thanks for the other resources, they will be useful.

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We did Grammar Land at 7.  We went very slowly...I think I broke a chapter up over a week.  I also mixed in the Cleary books with it to reinforce.  The assignments were a little tough and we did end up doing some of them on the board, but the take away was good.  We followed up with FLL 3.  It was the right time for us. 

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We used Grammar Land at the end of 3rd grade (after finishing FLL 3 and needing something to do for the end of the year.)  It was a hit with my kiddo, and a nice review of our grammar that year.  Some lovely mom out there put together printable worksheets for each chapter - they were really nice to use.  

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