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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I guess I'm in.  


To do:


B'fast, lunch, dinner (crockpot cream cheese chicken chili)








-Latin vocab

-Greek vocab



Bake a batch of muffins to freeze (and maybe eat one or two)


Vacuum LR, loft, and the boys' rooms


Clean kitchen


Sweep LR, DR, entry and kitchen


Um...other things...

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Oh let's see

- dishes- done

- finish washing and drying comforters- last one in dryer

- clean out fridge- done

- finish mom's and brother's taxes- done

- clean master bedroom- done as its going to get for today

- make nursing pads and continue to find things to crochet and hand sew- well I got the fabric all cut out and organized

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- Denver steaks thawing

- bedtime routine

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Good Morning!! 


Tress--hope your headache has subsided...I awoke with one yesterday that lasted 24 hours and I'm so relieved to get up without it this morning. 



  • algebra --ds is having trouble, and we didn't get to it yesterday.  
  • ds has piano lessons today 
  • quick tidy of house
  • pick up grocery items for the weekend
  • exercise 
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For today:


--schoolwork: maths, sciences, English, next-to-last episode of "The Civil War" (dd needs an hour of downtime after watching an episode----she really dislikes studying wars)

--go to DMV (or tomorrow)

--exercise: Pilates legs/rear

--emails to return

--figure out why my Science email didn't arrive for last week's edition


--plan out today's meals on Sparkpeople (today is a 500 cal fast day on the 5:2 diet)

--errands: Pathmark, Joann's if I go to the DMV today (need a pillow form), Best Buy for new phone case for dd19 (dh totally surprised her with an iPhone 4S yesterday!)

--dd ballet 6:30-8


So my meals today:

4 cups of decaf w 4 T of half and half

Salad (romaine, yellow/orange sweet peppers, salsa, 1 oz shredded extra sharp cheddar)

Omelet (2 xlg eggs, sautéed mushrooms, tomato, onion)


I can then either have a smidge of sweet potato w dinner or a decaf latte after dinner.


I can get through this by thinking I will be able to eat what I wish tomorrow (which tends to be quite healthy usually--it's not like I'm going to binge-eat cookies and chips!).

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I can almost see the weekend on the horizon!  


get up, showered and dressed


daycare kiddo arrives (8am)

showers for older kids

run dishwasher

start 1st load of laundry

write out bills

go pick up our free bagels from Brueggers this morning / have morning snack


     dd6: phonics, math, handwriting, reading

     dd10: reading, handwriting, MegaWords, Wordly Wise, math, history

     ds: reading, handwriting, Wordly Wise, math, history, science

     dd16: finish scholarship essay, APUSH, AP Language, Chem, Economics project, Pre-Calc,

chores: empty/reload dishwasher, 4 loads of laundry, wipe down bathroom counters, sweep floors, vacuum living room & bedrooms, trash/recycling/composting, clean toilets

dd10: art class (12-1) and birthday party (1-3pm)

dd16: dance classes (4-5 and 7-9pm)

daycare child gets picked up (4;30)


go to gym (7:15-8:45)

relax and get to bed at a decent hour

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Good morning my cyber-friends! Hope you are all bright-eyed and bushy tailed this morning.


I got up this morning excited (or telling myself I was excited) for my morning constitutional, walked out the door and it was raining. Usually I can hear the rain in the rain gutters before I get out of bed, but apparently not this time. So, I did some stretching and resistance band exercises and called it good.


So, here I am with my coffee, Bible and devotional in a quiet house.It's a good thing.


On the docket for the day....

** school

** finish plans for Rocketry class at co-op

** babysit friend's boys this afternoon, while she and her dh go meet/bring home their new fost-adopt daughter. They've very excited. I saw a picture and she's got a sweet smile, both on her lips and in her eyes, so I think it's going to work out. Praying about the meeting this morning. And I bought her a "Fancy Nancy" book, as this is their only girl.

** dd7 has Kingdom Kids this afternoon

** dinner at my parents' house this evening


Have a good day, ladies!

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It's snowing here again!  Have I mentioned I live in SE Texas?!?!  

I have laundry to do but holding off to get all the wet clothes from the boys playing outside

School--it's not snowing enough to call a snow day ;)

Vacuuming that I didn't do last night

Something for supper--I have some soup in the freezer that I will probably take out

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Good morning! I am back from am practice. It was -9 F when we left at 5 am. Dd1 swims outside and it was -6 F when we left. Her coach looks like the Michelin Man with all his layers.  She said it wasn't bad until the walk to the locker room. I thought it was cold inside the bagel shop where I had coffee and read the paper.  :laugh:


Dh and ds1 are off on the college trip and everyone else is still sleeping.


To do:


shower and make bed

school for ds3, dd2

help ds2 with edits on paper--ponder getting him tested for dysgraphia again

check in on deadlines with dd1

work on school administration

pick up study

more decluttering

get dinner ready to go for tonight

pm practice: swimming

pick up from judo, poor ds2 will have to walk if he wants to go.  He did that on Tuesday and I received enough comments that I am officially the worst parent in the club.  Dude, read The Long Winter. It is not that cold here.



green smoothie

write 30 minutes

art/craft 30 minutes (if my fingers warm up!)

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Hugs Tress. Those really stink. I don't get them often, but when I do, I'm down for the count. :(


What's done-


Dd1-math, cursive, spelling, writing, science, geography, and test prep workbook

Dd2-math, handwriting, phonics, reading

Dd3-played games with the sitter :)


Breakfast-bagels and cream cheese

Snack-cucumbers, black berries, strawberries



Laundry in dryer

Beds made

Downstairs floors swept and mopped



To do-

Fold laundry

Toilets, bathroom counters

Dinner-change of plan-grilled chicken, grilled asparagus, brown rice, salad, dark chocolate dipped strawberries :)

Take big girls to gymnastics

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Hello! It'll a little after 11:00am PST. Got quite a bit of school done, but the best part of the day is the rain! The hills were so brown, the poor cattle had nothing to eat, no rain for spring wildflowers, but now, looks like we'll have some grass and wildflowers. It's not drought breaker, and the politics around here are ugly because of the water problems, esp. with the environmentalists. They cause the most problems! But, at least the grasses and trees are getting a drink right now and there is some snow in the mountains.


School is on it's way to getting done, the kids are reasonably cooperative today. Gotta think of something for lunch!


Have a good rest of your day everyone!

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I'm glad that you got some rain, Krissi.  I hope you get a lot more soon.


My noonish report:


All my potions, libations and other medical tortures have been endured for the morning.

Pet care is done.

Kitchen is clean.

Kids did morning school - Alg 2 for ds, reading and half of math for dd.

They are eating lunch and then will head out to paint.


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Good Morning!! 


Tress--hope your headache has subsided...I awoke with one yesterday that lasted 24 hours and I'm so relieved to get up without it this morning. 



  • algebra --ds is having trouble, and we didn't get to it yesterday.  DONE
  • ds has piano lessons today Wrote down the wrong date...the lesson is tomorrow.  :huh: 
  • quick tidy of house DONE
  • pick up grocery items for the weekend DONE 
  • exercise --may not happen as I'm pretty frustrated with myself.  :closedeyes: 



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Struggling here today.  It took me an hour but I managed to lug 4 baskets full of laundry downstairs, sort them all and start my first load of whites.  (It would have taken my dh or even my kids less than 15 minutes.  Sigh.)  And no, they couldn't help me this time since they are off painting this afternoon.


I'm going to have to rest for awhile.  

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Pre-dinner update:


--schoolwork: maths, sciences, English, next-to-last episode of "The Civil War" (dd needs an hour of downtime after watching an episode----she really dislikes studying wars)

--go to DMV (or tomorrow)

--exercise: Pilates legs/rear

--emails to return

--figure out why my Science email didn't arrive for last week's edition


--plan out today's meals on Sparkpeople (today is a 500 cal fast day on the 5:2 diet)

--errands: Pathmark, Joann's if I go to the DMV today (need a pillow form), Best Buy for new phone case for dd19 (dh totally surprised her with an iPhone 4S yesterday!)

--dd ballet 6:30-8


So my meals today:

4 cups of decaf w 4 T of half and half

Salad (romaine, yellow/orange sweet peppers, salsa, 1 oz shredded extra sharp cheddar)

Omelet (2 xlg eggs, sautéed mushrooms, tomato, onion)


I can then either have a smidge of sweet potato w dinner or a decaf latte after dinner.


I can get through this by thinking I will be able to eat what I wish tomorrow (which tends to be quite healthy usually--it's not like I'm going to binge-eat cookies and chips!).

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Take it easy, Jean. Don't push yourself. I know, easier said than done!


Well, school is done!

Kitchen is almost cleaned up!

Dropped dd off at Kingdom Kids

Had a few more late RSVPs to rocketry class, so I need to prepare for them!

Picked up extra kid #1 from bus stop. The school district makes you meet the kindergarteners at the bus. :(

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Chiming in at the end of the night since I was gone all day.


So last night I got to my brother's in Calgary (5 hours from me)

this am I went to the endocrinologist, still more queries than answers but have some more tests to do.  Finished up there and drove the 3 hours north to Edmonton.  Got to town just in time to go straight to the lawyer for ds10s MVA.  Swore an affidavit, got filled in on where we are in the case now etc.  Then scooted through rush hour traffic back to my mom's to get my kids.  Loaded everyone up, got gas and dinner and drove the 2 hours east back to Vermilion for the teens shooting practice.  They were 45 minutes late but that couldn't be helped.  After shooting came back home, unloaded car, got littles into bed, now checking in here before I go to bed.  Tomorrow will be crazy busy but at least all in town and I have another bad sinus cold so coughing like crazy again and needing some sleep.  I can not wait for Saturday when I can sleep in.

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