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Am I the only one who's OVER this trend of taking a picture for every. single. step. in a recipe? I don't mind it if it's showing some easy trick, or if the picture is needed to clarify a step, but do we really need a picture showing someone spraying PAM on a cookie sheet? Have we gotten so stupid that we need a visual of how to put ingredients into a bowl? I like pictures of the ingredients, especially if the recipe calls for something unusual or something I've never bought and wouldn't know where to find. I like pictures of the end result. It's nice to know what I made looks the way it's supposed to. But I hate having to scroll through all these stupid pictures to get to the recipe! Bottom line, people. Just give me the bottom line! LOL

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Agreed.  It's barely tolerable if they post the complete photo-less recipe somewhere, but it's awful to cook from a recipe that's strung out for miles.


I did do a series of recipes where I broke that rule, but it was more to record how and what I cooked in a certain place than to convince anyone to actually cook from the recipes.  Because no one would do that.

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I like to see a picture of the finished product to see what I'm aiming for and pictures of complicated steps (such as with bread or pastries). Otherwise, I just want to see a standard recipe. My favorite recipe blog is Mel's Kitchen Cafe and she sticks to that pretty well. I unsubcribed from the Pioneer Woman long ago because I couldn't tolerate scrolling through so many extraneous pictures and descriptions.  :willy_nilly: It seems like a lot of bloggers try to copy her style, so I avoid them as well.

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I agree.  It wouldn't bother me if the recipe was at the top of the page.  Up until last month, we had pretty slow DSL.  It would take so long for a photo-heavy blog to load, I would just give up.  Now, it doesn't bother me as much.  I do like to see a beautiful photo of the finished product.

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Yes, that drives me crazy too, especially PWs blog, where it takes forever to load and I can't even scroll down to get to the recipe without it jumping back every time a picture loads.


I like Our Best Bites. They usually aren't too picture heavy unless it's a step-by-step tutorial where the pictures are useful :)



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I like to see a picture of the finished product to see what I'm aiming for and pictures of complicated steps (such as with bread or pastries). Otherwise, I just want to see a standard recipe. My favorite recipe blog is Mel's Kitchen Cafe and she sticks to that pretty well. I unsubcribed from the Pioneer Woman long ago because I couldn't tolerate scrolling through so many extraneous pictures and descriptions. :willy_nilly: It seems like a lot of bloggers try to copy her style, so I avoid them as well.

Mel's kitchen cafe is the only one I check frequently!

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Thanks for letting me know ladies!


I've always taken pictures of all the steps because I thought that was how you were "supposed" to do a blog post about your recipe, but I will cease immediately!


Seriously....you've saved me a ton of time.  :hurray:

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Thanks for letting me know ladies!


I've always taken pictures of all the steps because I thought that was how you were "supposed" to do a blog post about your recipe, but I will cease immediately!


Seriously....you've saved me a ton of time.  :hurray:


OK, I'm curious - how did you determine there was a specific way you were supposed to do it?   (If that sounds snarky, I don't mean it to!)

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OK, I'm curious - how did you determine there was a specific way you were supposed to do it?   (If that sounds snarky, I don't mean it to!)


When I first started putting recipes on my blog, I looked at how some of the more popular blogs that i followed did it and that's what they did. Pioneer Woman being one of them. 

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