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Salt state side...


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Last year, when I was asking about moving back to the states after many years in Mexico, I received many good suggestions for books, preparing the boys, visiting friends, etc. Why didn't anyone tell me salt would taste so weird? For the first week, I couldn't figure out why my beans tasted so strange . It wasn't until I was able to hit the grocery store and stock up on kosher salt.


Now I am the weird woman who swears the beans tasted like metal..... thanks a lot.


The boys are adjusting well, by the way.

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Do you have soft water where you are now?  That can really change the flavor of things like soups and coffee.  We have a separate faucet that uses the unsoftened water, and that makes all the difference.


You could try cooking your beans in spring water or Culligan water or something like that, and see if they taste better.  If they do, then you know it's the water.

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Well that's strange. When I went to their site they explained why they used dextrose in their salt. I'm on my phone tho so maybe I'm misreading due to the small font. I do remember tho that all the table salt we used growing up was cut with dextrose. Apparently it has anti-caking properties. We've used sea salt for years so I'm going on memory. I'll check back once I'm on the laptop.

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I've never seen salt with dextrose in it.  At least they don't list it.


I was going to say that was nuts, then I went and looked at my Hain Iodized Sea Salt, and watcha know, there's dextrose in there!  That's not the usual brand I buy, but I tried it because most sea salt I can get here doesn't have added iodine, and I thought it would be good to have some iodized salt on hand.  Yeah, they also added a few other things - the non caking stuff, and also the dextrose. :glare:   Guess I won't be buying that again.


My TJ's salt that I also have has one ingredient: Sea Salt. 

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Ah - so the iodine and dextrose always go hand-in-hand? Do they make iodized salt with just iodine?

The place to find out is from corn-free folks. Anyone with a corn allergy should avoid dextrose. My corn-free friends just use sea salt; some use an iodine supplement, but I don't know details.

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I'm curious...was it iodized salt that tasted weird?


Yes, I finally figured out that this was the issue.


Did you use sea salt in Mexico?  You can get sea salt here in the US too.



This is exactly what I am doing. In Mexico salt usually isn't iodized, though.


What else has seemed strange? We've only been in Mexico for a few months, but there is already a lot of food (and other things) I'll miss when we move from here.

It is mostly cultural things. I have gone from always being the women with the least make-up to often feeling overdressed. After so many years in Mexico, my casual is no where near American casual. I have to remind myself that exchanges with men need to be dry(for lack of a better word). Lest they or their wives mistake me for a flirt.


Do you have soft water where you are now?  That can really change the flavor of things like soups and coffee.  We have a separate faucet that uses the unsoftened water, and that makes all the difference.

You could try cooking your beans in spring water or Culligan water or something like that, and see if they taste better.  If they do, then you know it's the water.

I can actually smell the chlorine in the faucet water. Yuck!


I guess I am cheating a bit. At the last minute, hubby's work placement changed, and we ended up near the Mexican border. I am able to get lot's of the things I would otherwise miss.

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