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blood pressure updates....headaches....


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I originally posted a few days ago but there has been a drastic change and wanted to update.


Dh drove me to Urgent Care today.  At home, my monitor was reading 174/100.  At the office (2 hours later) it was 180/100.  The doctor was very concerned and started me on a calcium channel blocker.  He gave me several pages of info including "do not pass go, go directly to ER" symptoms.  I commented that I already had 3 on the list.  He said if I ever got to 4, go right away.  And take his notes and medication so the triage nurse would understand the urgency.  He said it was an early hypertensive event. 


He said he doesn't think the headache I had just over 2 weeks ago was a migraine.  He thinks it was a hypertensive crisis.  Wow!  I'm supposed to f/u with my family physician on Monday when his office reopens (closed all this week).  If I can't get in there Monday or Tues, I'm supposed to go back to Urgent Care doc.  If I don't improve after being on the medication, I'm supposed to go back to Urgent Care tomorrow (or any other time I'm not better but not on the "do not pass go" list).  This is scary!!!


I don't know what to think......After about 3 hours from first dose, the headache got better.  And the blurry vision is gone.  I didn't know my vision was blurry until it cleared up!  The whishing in my ears is much less.  The pain in my neck and shoulder is much, much better too.  Still dizzy but that could be the medication.  I can think better, I was really fuzzy at Urgent Care and have been foggy for a couple weeks.    Dh remarked my speech is clearer (really, what was it like before) and I'm able to complete sentences and find words better.  Dd has been saying all week that I can't tell the difference between the grey, white, tan, or brown Lego pieces (we've been working on some Christmas presents).


Wow!!  I've always had low BP.  106/70 is about average for me.  Dd goes to a pediatric cardiologist and we keep a BP log for her (hypotension).  I never saw this one coming.  No idea the headache was a BP problem.  Not hormones.....



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I'm glad you went in!


FWIW, the same thing happened to my MIL.  She was one of those very rare people who made it into her late 70's with her BP still doing just fine.  Never out of the normal range.  She fairly suddenly started having headaches and some of the other symptoms you've had, went to urgent care and her BP was sky high.  She was sent to the ER and immediately put on a BP medicine.  Her own doctor did have to tweak her medication a bit over time, but the good news is that was a year or so ago and her BP is behaving itself nicely now, with just one medication.

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