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Exercise Thread ~ 12/29 - 1/4


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I didn't get much exericise in last week, becuase I've been sick.  I'm still not back to normal, but I believe by tomorrow I'll be able to restart.  We're leaving town, but I plan on at least getting kettlebell in, and maybe 1 or 2 short runs.  I got a new running watch for Christmas and I haven't been able to use it because of this cold.  And I really need to cut out the sweets.  All of the cookies in the house have been bad.  

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  All of the cookies in the house have been bad.  

You are not alone!  :)


No more cookies or treats for me until New Year's Eve.  (Which is kind of a shame because those are some yummy cookies.  I may have to just throw them out, or quickly feed them to my very skinny teenage boys...)


Off to do my bike workout.  

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Hoping to get in a hill hike today. I managed to get one in most days this past week. :D


And glad to hear that I'm in good company re the solo mama time. It's as much of a draw as the exercise itself.

Tell me what your 'hill hikes' are.  They sound appealing somehow.  :)

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They are appealing :D Basically I've found an area that involves a lot of uphill hiking, followed by some flat and then downhill hiking so I'm able to work different muscles based on the surface I'm on. I've got a couple of options for hills, steep and shorter or less steep but longer. Plus it's a loop so I can do it as many or as few times as I like.

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They are appealing :D Basically I've found an area that involves a lot of uphill hiking, followed by some flat and then downhill hiking so I'm able to work different muscles based on the surface I'm on. I've got a couple of options for hills, steep and shorter or less steep but longer. Plus it's a loop so I can do it as many or as few times as I like.

I live in a very hilly area, and I'm trying to vary my workouts.  I might add some hill hikes of my own.  


Just finished 30 minutes on the bike followed by a lovely 40 minute walk near the lake.  

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I live in a very hilly area, and I'm trying to vary my workouts.  I might add some hill hikes of my own.  


Just finished 30 minutes on the bike followed by a lovely 40 minute walk near the lake.  


I'm thinking of getting a bike to add to my 'workouts'. Or perhaps you meant a stationary bike? Your workout sounds lovely!

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I've been really bad about posting on this thread...but not bad at exercising! I've analyzed my workouts for the past several months to discover I exercise 4.5 days per week (average). Not bad considering I started the year at 2 days per week (average)!


My goal this year is to up my average by one day per week, to 5.5 days. I do a combination of walking (outside/treadmill), elliptical, and Pilates workouts from Blogilates.com. My formerly-frozen shoulder has recovered enough that I can now move to 5lb hand weights without any pain at all.


Today's exercise---45 min on treadmill while watching "What Not to Wear" :D

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I didn't get much exericise in last week, becuase I've been sick.  I'm still not back to normal, but I believe by tomorrow I'll be able to restart.  We're leaving town, but I plan on at least getting kettlebell in, and maybe 1 or 2 short runs.  I got a new running watch for Christmas and I haven't been able to use it because of this cold.  And I really need to cut out the sweets.  All of the cookies in the house have been bad.  

Kim, I hope you feel better. I can fully relate to the cookies problem. I can't wait until all the chocolates are done. Hope your trip out of town is a nice one. 



And glad to hear that I'm in good company re the solo mama time. It's as much of a draw as the exercise itself.

Yes, Fully agree. :)


No more cookies or treats for me until New Year's Eve.  (Which is kind of a shame because those are some yummy cookies.  I may have to just throw them out, or quickly feed them to my very skinny teenage boys...)

I need to develop more discipline like you. When it comes to my eating as of late, I'm quite disgusted with myself. 


Fitness Blender day 9. I have to modify some moves due to my injured tailbone. Can't wait until it's healed and no longer hurting.

Hope your injury heals quickly and that you feel better very soon. 


Eating has been my workout today.  

Yes. A girl after my own heart.  :lol:



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Dragged my body to the gym this morning only because my dd's were already up.  All the wheat and treats I've been eating has caused my arthritis to flare up in my right ankle.  A few miles later on the elliptical machine and then free weights and it's amazing how the pain has receded. The phrase "use it or lose it" though cliché is so true with arthritis.


 Feeling good is such a blessing.

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I was able to get in a short run this morning, but it's so cold here! (My folks live in PA) today was the "warm" day, but the wind was brutal. I ran 3 miles, then did some kettlebell. I did 3x2/ side TGU's, then 3x 10 swings, 5 squats, 10 push-ups, followed by ab work. It felt good to work out after taking almost a week off. This cold is getting into my chest, but overall I'm feeling better. Now if i could avoid the cherry almond cookies my mom made.....:)

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My schedule is all screwed up with the holidays, my hubby setting up new business and depression seeping in.


Sunday: I slept... a lot.


Monday did spin and sculpt classes


Tuesday was a 7-5:30 work day. My kids were miserable, so I stayed home and watched a movie with them....I was asleep by 9:30. Happy New Year!!


Today ( new years day.). I am sitting, drinking coffee, waiting for a snow storm to kick up, and deciding if I have the energy fr yoga or to just sleeeeeppp.


Tomorrow....signed up already for spin & sculpt....if I pay, I go....

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Nothing today. Something I ate didn't agree with me last night and I slept terribly. Tomorrow will be a better day. 


My schedule is all screwed up with the holidays, my hubby setting up new business and depression seeping in.


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Happy New Year! :)


Starting off the new year with a meniscus tear, my knee is currently swollen and unstable and won't reliably support my weight. RICE, brace, and orthopedist is this week´s plan. I'm mourning the loss of the carbohydrate-rich diet that went along with all the exercise and activity. Ahhh, sugar, it was nice knowing ya...


I've decided to pull out Cathe's X-Train and get started with the uoper body workouts. Hopefully, once the swelling goes down, I can walk, bike, and return to yoga.

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Happy New Year! :)


Starting off the new year with a meniscus tear, my knee is currently swollen and unstable and won't reliably support my weight. RICE, brace, and orthopedist is this week´s plan. I'm mourning the loss of the carbohydrate-rich diet that went along with all the exercise and activity. Ahhh, sugar, it was nice knowing ya...


I've decided to pull out Cathe's X-Train and get started with the uoper body workouts. Hopefully, once the swelling goes down, I can walk, bike, and return to yoga.

Sorry for your injury.  I hope it heals fast.  One of my fears is that I won't be able to run and will have to eat like a normal person~shudder~

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Happy New Year! :)


Starting off the new year with a meniscus tear, my knee is currently swollen and unstable and won't reliably support my weight. RICE, brace, and orthopedist is this week´s plan. I'm mourning the loss of the carbohydrate-rich diet that went along with all the exercise and activity. Ahhh, sugar, it was nice knowing ya...


I've decided to pull out Cathe's X-Train and get started with the uoper body workouts. Hopefully, once the swelling goes down, I can walk, bike, and return to yoga.

Heal up fast. Your username and your positve, uncomplaining outlook don't match up :D

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Happy New Year! :)


Starting off the new year with a meniscus tear, my knee is currently swollen and unstable and won't reliably support my weight. RICE, brace, and orthopedist is this week´s plan. I'm mourning the loss of the carbohydrate-rich diet that went along with all the exercise and activity. Ahhh, sugar, it was nice knowing ya...


I've decided to pull out Cathe's X-Train and get started with the uoper body workouts. Hopefully, once the swelling goes down, I can walk, bike, and return to yoga.

 Ughh.  Today marks the 9th week since my meniscus injury- it's doing great, so glad to have all 4 limbs useful again.  Treat it right and be patient and your knee will thank you.  


Missed my morning workout 2 days in a row with company.  Made up for it by eating lots of fancy "company" sorts of rich foods.  :huh:  Tonight I have MMA, I will finally be able to kick the bags again- Wahoo.

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yesterday and today I did a 5 mile leslie sansonne video. I don't like cardio videos all that much, but we are having a snow storm. I keep some Leslie Sansone and a couple other cardio DVDs for when it is too cold or snowy to do  much else. I do have a Nordic Track but the upstairs is SO cold that I don't want to go up there.

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2 Miles of Leslie.


That's always unpleasant. Hope you feel better as the day progresses. :grouphug:

Thank you. I feel better today, yet not completely well yet. 


This should be on every scale in every woman's house. 



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