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Has anyone done the Project 333 clothing experiment??? (minimalism)


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Went through my closet the other day and filled up a whole garbage bag to donate!  Yay!  I'm not down to 33, but I've made a good start!  I changed out all my hangers so they match and everything hangs so nicely now.  Planning to go through it again in a couple of weeks and see what else I'm ready to part with.  ;)

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FYI, Oprah's magazine this month has a feature about Project 333.



As for my own trial w/ it, I've already deviated (a little bit). We've had such crazy/unusual weather (snow/ice) more than once which sent me to pull out extra items. Overall, I've stuck w/ it ok so far.


Probably I can/will do better w/ a spring into summer weather season, when the weather will be (hopefully) more predictable.

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I'm working on mine. I have downsized considerably, enough that all of my clothing fits into my closet (a very small walk in). I'm doing one month at a time, we have the ice and snow too, then I'm downsizing from that. I'm not counting shoes, jackets, jewelry, or accessories. I have a small stash of those that I enjoy. 


This month I put my 33 items on one color hanger. As I wear them I move them to a clear hanger. Things that don't get worn by the end of the month will be eliminated or reevaluated if weather was an issue. 


I have bought a few things because I'm trying to replace so-so items or fill gaps. By spring (like the real spring, which may be May at this point), I hope to have my winter wardrobe downsized and be starting on the spring items. 

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My chosen wardrobe has worked well for me. I had 29 items (not including accessories, shoes, and exercise clothes) on my list. I have pulled out 3 short sleeve tshirts for additional layering and repurposed 3 pullover fleeces for everyday wear from my workout clothes 'cause it's been too dang cold.


I'll probably switch over to a warm weather wardrobe in early/mid April.

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haven't ever heard of this LOL but every so often (1-2/year) I go through all of our clothes and gather up what isn't worn anymore/what we don't like and donate to friends or charity.....definitely have more than 33 now and as much laundry as I've been doing lately I've been seriously thinking about hitting our closets and seeing what needs to go.....



And we thought you only wore a purple dress.  :D

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I am trying this and I must say that while I can do it and it has been interesting, I am getting very tired of wearing the same things. True, no one else notices, but I do.  I will do this for spring and summer (clothes already boxed), but I definitely need more variety in the winter.

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I'm amazed that people don't have 33 items of clothing.  


Jackets, coats, shoes, pants, sweaters, blazers, tee-shirts, athletic wear, jeans, shorts, skirts, dresses,   -- even if someone had only 2 of each of these they'd be up to 24.  


And I believe the challenge includes accessories -- bags, scarves, etc.


I'd exclude my workout wear for the same reason I exclude my swimsuit.  It's not like it is worn around town.  On a rainy day workout I wear 5-6 items (2 pants, 2-3 shirt layers, 1 rain shell).  I have a whole drawer dedicated to getting through the week. 


I don't wear accessories unless my wedding bands and glasses count.  I sold or donated my purses when I left my job too. 


My winter wardrobe at this point basically consists of 3 pairs of pants (2 are jeans), some shirts/short dresses I wear over jeans, a hoodie and my sweater collection (which I finally shrunk down- there are only so many different black cardigans you need after all).  I do have my seasonal stuff put away in the off season (small bedroom).  I keep a couple of nicer dresses in the closet but haven't had occasion to wear them since, huh, I don't remember. 


Most of this is a function though of dropping weight/getting in shape and not needing to replace many of the items I have shrunk out of. Well, that and my insanely low standards, LOL.  After I quit my job, my weight loss accelerated to the point where the only thing to do with my work clothes was to donate them to Dress for Success.  Because when I need suits again, I am not going to need them in sizes 16-18-20, so help me.  And my last job was very casual anyways- when I wore my old dress clothes there, they thought I was interviewing elsewhere.  My boss there was rarely in anything nicer than old overalls or torn jeans.  I only had the suits and slacks etc because I had previously worked at a different organization. 


My lifestyle right now is such that I am usually wearing jeans and sporting a ponytail.  And unlike a lot of moms, I am totally fine with that.  I don't feel the need to dress up anymore.  I do some contract work.  I just pitched someone while wearing jeans and a grey cardigan.  I was offered the contract on the spot.  Not every industry/area expects dressy clothing.  In fact for the sorts of places I work, my casual dress is a plus. 


When it is warm I switch to more skirts and dresses. 


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Ok, did some paring yesterday (and got all the things that aren't mine out of my closet)

1 everyday jean

1 nice jean

1 khaki cords

1 black dress pant

1 lacy white sweater

1 long blue sweater

1 cream turtle neck

1 brown turtle neck

maroon cardigan

brown cardigan

That makes 10 things, we shall see how it goes

I didn't count underthings, scarves or workout clothes (2 running tights/2 UA shirts) or my cuddl duds.

Still wearing the same 10 things. It hasn't really been a problem. That either says I love this stuff or I am really boring. I'm not sure which it is.
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