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Are you organizing?


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Dh did the ENTIRE attic yesterday :eek: He gathered all the like items together (they were when we moved in seven years ago but the kids just put stuff wherever they see an empty space..), went through all the boxes and totes, hung a bar for all the costumes and dress-ups (yay!), and filled the recycling bin.


The basement play area needs a similar treatment, a bit of rearranging and purging of outgrown toys and crafts. We'll tackle that in the future.


We have a set of metal shelving units separating the two sides of the garage, filled with boxes and totes from my parents' house. It's mostly papers and memorabilia from my parents, my grandmothers, and one great aunt. I still have a hard time going through their things and it's been two years. I hope to tackle all that this summer with my sister's help----and then we'll go to her house and tackle all the family photos she's been storing.

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Today we decluttered dc's rooms.  Five bags of clothes for donation, and books for the library store. 


I'd like to paint the fireplace, reorganize/paint laundry room.  Unless the wind calms down, this won't happen.  I wouldn't mind tackling the entry closet, as well.  It's such an odd shape that goes underneath the stairs.  Very Harry Potterish. 

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I've hated our family room since we moved in last year. It's always been a room we walk through, not inviting. Well, at a neighbors house last week with the same layout as mine, I loved her family room. It was the proper size rug that pulled it together, along with better furniture placement. So I reorganized the furniture. Took up the rug I had, and ordered a new one. Can't wait for it. Then going shopping for a couple chairs and donating the loveseat.

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If Christmas lights make you happy, then put them somewhere all year long.  You can put a wad of them inside of a glass vase or hanging lantern. You can put them in the space above your kitchen cabinets.  You can staple them around windows.  You can put them out on the porch.  


I downloaded Homeschool Tracker in November and it is so helpful.  So, I think I am going to get some more of their work on that.  


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Today, I am starting with our hall entry closet. It's not terrible, but I don't think we use the space efficiently anymore.


What are you working on?

Not working on it yet, but hoping to start later this week on this project:

Fake a mud room


I have been needing/wanting a mud room type location (esp. for backpacks, jackets, etc...), saw this idea & thought it was brilliant. So, I'm planning to pull everything out of our front hall closet, declutter/find new homes for stuff & redo the space like this. Fortunately (or unfortunately), we have an electrical problem that necessitates an electrician coming to our house this week & I've decided that while he's here, I'm going to have him go ahead & add an outlet into the closet so I will be able to put a small shelf in to use for charging phones & for plugging in a light (so we will be able to see in this tiny 'mud room'). I'm so looking forward to this because I've been trying to figure out a way to create a space like this, yet had never considered our existing closet area as a possibility!

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If Christmas lights make you happy, then put them somewhere all year long.  You can put a wad of them inside of a glass vase or hanging lantern. You can put them in the space above your kitchen cabinets.  You can staple them around windows.  You can put them out on the porch. 




Years ago, I hung some small cup hooks around my kitchen window. At Halloween, I hang a set of pumpkin lights around the window over the sink. For winter, I hang a set of snowflake lights there. It's really nice & makes me smile. (My snowflake set just died & I ended up buying a blue/white snowflake LED set at CVS to replace them.)

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I'm a Peter Walsh fan. Thought someone else might enjoy this article too:



I did this


• Cardboard Box Trick: Take every single gizmo in your kitchen drawer, put it in a cardboard box on the kitchen counter. For the next month, every time you use one of those spatulas, ladles or knives and wash it, put it back in your kitchen drawer. At the end of a month, whatever is still in the box with the exception of the turkey baster, you've got to ask yourself: If I haven't used it in a month, will I ever use it? Consider getting rid of it.

before Christmas & my kitchen drawers were almost empty through the holiday season. (It is wonderful.) I figured I didn't need a lot of that stuff anyway. So, now I have a box of kitchen stuff to donate.

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I'm a Peter Walsh fan. Thought someone else might enjoy this article too:



I did this

before Christmas & my kitchen drawers were almost empty through the holiday season. (It is wonderful.) I figured I didn't need a lot of that stuff anyway. So, now I have a box of kitchen stuff to donate.

This is a fabulous idea, thanks for sharing.


My dh and I worked on the master bedroom yesterday. We ended with a huge bag of donations and a bag of trash.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As part of Project 333, I got brutal with my wardrobe. I have a small walk in closet (1920s small). For once, with the exception of coats I'm using, all of my wardrobe is in the closet. Summer stuff is in plastic bins, even that 1 box of clothes that doesn't quite fit is in there. I have 3 about 4' hanging bars and two shelves. I now am using 2 1/2 of the rods. I hope to get it down to 2 rods by spring and make room for the laundry hamper. 


And some of you may relate, I found a brand of inexpensive underwear I like. I was thrilled! I bought 2 packages and plan on buying 1-2 more. 


My next projects are the garage, where stbxdh still has a bunch of stuff (long story), and I've decided to redo my kitchen floor on my own. 


In the meantime, I'm buying 3 small Target bookshelves for my dining room (which is now a library). I like these shelves because you can have 3 shelves of binder height books. Once I buy those, I'm done with bookshelves, which means I will have to get brutal with my books and actually downsize some. Since ds is in high school, I don't buy as much and once he gets done with a subject, I'm trying to keep only the best materials (yes, I want a nice permanent home library). 


If you give a homeschool mom a project...

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These last couple of weeks we hammered out another round of "junk room" purging. The room really isn't as junky as it sounds, rather it is our storage room. But before Christmas we sold our stained glass supplies as we haven't had time for the hobby lately. We hung up the pictures that were sitting there and got rid of more things that we decided "if we haven't used it this long, it can go". Next for that room I will have to tackle old photos...not looking forward to that, there are lots.


I also tackled the kids playroom and my craft space. I am proud of the growing collection of empty bins we have piling up in the basement. It all means more chaos is gone from our home, freeing us to enjoy and use the stuff we have.

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We are tackling our entire house right now.  In 7 weeks, we are moving from our 2100 sq ft house to our 360 foot RV full time.  I am selling off almost everything.  I started trying to do it myself but after my first bad experience (and only experience), I am now paying someone to sell it for me.  It works great because the clutter gets picked up once a week so I'm able to really make progress, not piles.  We still have a long way to go, but from the posts above, it may be something to consider if you have stuff that is sellable but are just donating it so you can get it out.

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Tax season, so I am cleaning out my file cabinet.  I have way too many years of bank statements and am cleaning that up.

I also am going thru DVD's and CD's and getting rid of what we don't listen to and making a better system to find them.  I bought a folder for the CDs and am putting the cases downstairs in storage. 

Lastly, I bought some organizer things for my closet.  I had a custom built system put in last year and my husbands side works fantastic.  I am trying to get along without a big dresser in our bedroom, but my side of the closet is just not working yet.   If my DH would just move all fo his cloethes to the empty bedroom downstairs we would be fine!

I am kidding of course, but still working thru what works on my side.

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