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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Another sick day for me, I think.  (We'll see in the morning.)  But for all of you tacklers out there.  Enjoy the day!


I will clean the kitchen at some point.

Anything else I'll put down as I do it.



Get in steps?  Hard to do when I'm sick

Monitor blood sugar and blood pressure

Keep living room tidy.

Digestive enzymes

No rice


(No green smoothie or dog grooming on the weekend)

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I have done nothing but tackle for days and days.  My mom and stepdad got here on Thurs and we're going to the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium on Sunday, but I have things that NEED to get done too.


B'fast (my mom will probably take care of that!), lunch, dinner (cook or go out?)


At least 2 loads of laundry!  


Sweep LR, DR, kitchen and entry


Empty dishwasher


Give Bella a bath (she's stinky!)


Wrap the rest of the presents!  My mom had an entire suitcase FULL of presents for the kids.  We try not to go overboard, and have done well, but she went NUTS.  Han Solo is going to be totally overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff.  We're going to have to do a serious clean out of his toys.  We do that frequently anyway, but he's getting so much (a ridiculous amount, IMO), we don't have enough space for it all!




Jean, I hope you're feeling better soon!  Are the kids better?

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Forget the steps, Jean! Just rest and take care of yourself.

Plans for today:
-take kids ice skating - I'm not sure yet if I will take them or dh, I don't like ice skating We all went together.
-Greek & Latin vocab
-study Latin

-buy bed linens (online)

-buy pyjama's (online)

-buy nail polish
-prepare several history lessons - in progress
-evening walk with friend
-read a book - in progress :D

-get enough steps (fitbit)
-vit D & multi & fish oil

-NO SUGAR - fail

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Not much :)

- a load of laundry- in dryer

- dishes

- finish going through dd's toys- done

- try to pick up living room, dd and dh decided to "camp" in the living room last night, dd is still playing in it all.- done

- pack hospital bag just so it's ready

- dinner- done

- drop off rental movies and buy Christmas candy- done

- bedtime routine

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The kids arrive tomorrow...so the house will get a deep clean today.


  • vacuum, dust and mop
  • clean all bathrooms
  • wash all towels and replace with fresh ones
  • make sausage balls for snacks this weeks
  • wipe down kitchen and tidy refrigerator
  • go through list and make sure I didn't forget anything
  • iron and put away clean laundry
  • hit the hay early as the kids will be here tomorrow and I'm going to need all my energy. :)
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I hope you feel better today, Jean!


I am up and ready to go, but all the kids are still asleep. I will get them up soon and we are off to mass.


Finish wrapping

clean study


watch football

clean the downstairs during commercials (surprisingly effective)

work on quilt

make a menu for Christmas eve and day-grocery list if needed

get holiday practice schedule on calendar

Get minion to shovel snow


Enjoy the day with my family!



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--bfast out after :)

--finished a really good suspense book

--transfered 741 Christmas songs into our iTunes library (from dsis's iTunes library)

--figured out what we're eating this week

--ate some candy

--and some cookies :lol:


To do:

--finish addressing the Christmas cards

--make dinner

--dd13 FLL robotics practice 6-8

--exercise: Pilates legs and butt

--decide when to cook/bake what this week!


Yesterday dd18 strong-armed dd13 into totally cleaning out and rearranging her closet :party: She saved me SO much time and stress!


Dh and dd13 are wrapping all the cousin gifts now :)

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Monday morning here.

Currently doing battle with the printer
Will finish a few school things up

Must make a trip to the post office

Really must go to the tip (dump)
Must grocery shop
Must stash perishables in aunt's fridge

Will hopefully *want* to make my Batik cake and not eat it until tomorrow (postponed until tomorrow for fear of temptation)

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work 7-2pm

work 6-8pm-ish (have to go shut down the diner for the next 4 days meaning all perishables need to be dealt with, pilot light on fryer off, cleaning like crazy etc)

wrap presents


pack bags for the 3 kids still here because once we leave for the city tomorrow they won't be back here until jan 2nd

clean backroom

clean alcove

correct humidity salamander tank

soak in a nice bubble bath and read for a while

think about a to do list of what to get done while the kids are away

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The kids arrive tomorrow...so the house will get a deep clean today.


  • vacuum, dust and mop
  • clean all bathrooms
  • wash all towels and replace with fresh ones
  • make sausage balls for snacks this weeks
  • wipe down kitchen and tidy refrigerator
  • go through list and make sure I didn't forget anything
  • iron and put away clean laundry
  • hit the hay early as the kids will be here tomorrow and I'm going to need all my energy. :)


Got everything done on my list....just made 2 cherry cheesecake pies, cookies are cooking in the oven and sausage balls are in the works to go in after the cookies are done.  

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Good evening!


I did almost everything except for wrap presents.  My study is still a bit of a mess, but I finished my quilt top!


Christmas cards are ready to mail tomorrow and menu is mostly planned. I will need to get to the store tomorrow.


Well, I am off for Sunday Night football, beer and roasted pork sandwiches.  I love Sundays!


Hope everyone is feeling better tomorrow, Jean and no one else gets sick.

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