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WooHoo.. Elaine!

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Chitting- Sounds like something you'd do without one knowing!


There, it's out here now!:D And since I posted it, it will get looked past and those who do look will be left confuzzled!:D


You dared me!


:lol: You bad, bad girl!:lol:


Everyone else is probably wondering, "What is wrong with those women?"

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It's the the Chinese gymnasts wearing glitter thread. Jill was regaling us with all of Bela Karolyi's mispronunciations and I fell in love with the word that he used for cheating, which is chitting.


Heather and I were just being silly at 1 a.m.:D She took "chitting" to a whole 'nother level.:lol:

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It's the the Chinese gymnasts wearing glitter thread. Jill was regaling us with all of Bela Karolyi's mispronunciations and I fell in love with the word that he used for cheating, which is chitting.


Heather and I were just being silly at 1 a.m.:D She took "chitting" to a whole 'nother level.:lol:


Why am I not surprised. :lol::lol:

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It's the the Chinese gymnasts wearing glitter thread. Jill was regaling us with all of Bela Karolyi's mispronunciations and I fell in love with the word that he used for cheating, which is chitting.


Heather and I were just being silly at 1 a.m.:D She took "chitting" to a whole 'nother level.:lol:


Oh man, I can't believe I missed the late night chitting party. It looks like you were having fun.

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:001_huh: Hey, "No chitting aloud, allowed here." And get rid of that glidder.!



It's the the Chinese gymnasts wearing glitter thread. Jill was regaling us with all of Bela Karolyi's mispronunciations and I fell in love with the word that he used for cheating, which is chitting.


Heather and I were just being silly at 1 a.m.:D She took "chitting" to a whole 'nother level.:lol:

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It's the the Chinese gymnasts wearing glitter thread. Jill was regaling us with all of Bela Karolyi's mispronunciations and I fell in love with the word that he used for cheating, which is chitting.


Heather and I were just being silly at 1 a.m.:D She took "chitting" to a whole 'nother level.:lol:

Thank you Laney. Now I am not confuzzled anymore.:D

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It's the the Chinese gymnasts wearing glitter thread. Jill was regaling us with all of Bela Karolyi's mispronunciations and I fell in love with the word that he used for cheating, which is chitting.


Heather and I were just being silly at 1 a.m.:D She took "chitting" to a whole 'nother level.:lol:



Man, what are you people doing up already? I think I've got a glitter hangover this morning. Someone hand me the anti-bling sunglasses. :001_cool:


Glitter-Fest '08

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As long as chitting doesn't cross over into fiffing (or is there a 'ph' in that somewhere??) I think I can handle it. Although, I have no idea how fiffing can go on without both parties being aware, so, I don't think that's an issue. But anyway...

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Jill was regaling us with all of Bela Karolyi's mispronunciations and I fell in love with the word that he used for cheating, which is chitting.


Heather and I were just being silly at 1 a.m.:D She took "chitting" to a whole 'nother level.:lol:


I wonder if Mr. Karolyi knows that somewhere in Oklahoma, thanks to him, some little country kids are going to tattle on siblings with a Romanian accent.


"He wahs chitting!"


And I'm sure you haven't been any more base with your explorations of "chitting" than my husband has, LOL!

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But, if you're going to introduce new vocabulary, you have to include all the derivations --


chit - v. = 1. deceive or trick; 2. elude, beguile, -- not related to chat, but often used together. ---chitter, n. ---chitingly, adv. ---chitorous, adj.


Ex. - Chitters are often found chatting with those who wear excessive glitter.



See? Now don't we all feel less confuzzled? :D

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