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The back of my dd's hands are very dry and red (m)

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This is the only hand cream I really like. Most of them burn and make my hands turn red, but I haven't had this problem with the Aveeno. It also doesn't feel too greasy, which is also a pet peeve of mine. You can find it at Target, or any of those type stores. Even my supermarket carries it.

Michelle T

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Aquaphor, by Eucerin, doesn't sting. It's like vaseline in consistency, but it has vitamin K or something like that in it for healing of skin. We have the same sort of problems and use this a ton in winter.




I second this...coat the hands liberally and put socks over them for the night. Several days of this and you'll see lots of improvement!

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Yes, my eczema/psoriasis problems on my hands just won't get better in winter unless I put cotton gloves on after slathering on the aquaphor all over.


I'll also tell you that one of the most soothing things I've found for my psoriasis is a cream by the Derma E company (I get it at our health food stores). It's called Psorzema and it works great! Best help I've ever had for psoriasis in unmentionable places, LOL!



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I have psoriasis and I've found Aquaphor to be the best thing. You can put it on her hands before bed and then put socks on them so it won't rub off on her shirts. Also, find a creamy soap (like dove) for her to use during handwashing. During the day I use an olive oil cream made by Kiss my face, which works really well. Also, taking fish oil will help the skin.



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My oldest ds has this problem in the winter, especially the backs of his hands and his wrists. The Aquaphor doesn't sting, but doesn't heal the skin either. We've found that a liberal application of Lansinoh at bedtime will actually heal the skin. We are also experimenting with vitamins and fish oil this winter to see if we can keep it from coming back.

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We love Palmer's here - it never burns. And it's cheap! Cheap, smells like chocolate, and works wonders....a great pick.


Hand-washing is a killer. Switching to Dove creamy liquid hand soap helped here. There's another one (softsoap, maybe?) that uses the word cashmere in its description. It's foamy and is very gentle as well. Another hand-washing problem I noticed was that my dd wasn't getting her hands nearly dry enough after washing. This greatly contributed to them getting chapped.


Or perhaps I should scratch all that and tell you what my Grandpa tells me....

"Aw, slap some bag balm on there and it'll be fine!" :D

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