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another Where do you Keep Yours question


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I download the PDFs of manuals from the manufacturer's website and save them in Google Drive. In the internet age, there's no reason do anything other than recycle the physical booklets.


Warranty info I staple to the receipt and file in a folder. No sorting beyond that.

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Decluttering . . . Yes!  We've had a metal divider that we just shove warantee info, instruction manuals, back up discs, et c.  I like the idea of putting them in a 3-ring binder and I have plenty but . . . where do you keep that stuff?


I used to have a 3 ring binder but the stuff is just too disparate in size to do that anymore.  There were too many, after a while, to keep them in my file cabinet.  


I have a wire undershelf basket in my pantry / store room where I keep it. http://www.organizeit.com/12-inch-under-shelf-storage-basket-white.asp?intid=related  

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On top of a cabinet in my kitchen. Don't be like me.


Well, Really don't be like me. Er. Like my DH. Don't be like my DH. We have been married nearly 30 years and it was only recently that I realized he had every manual for everything we have ever bought stuck in a paper sack under his side of the bed. I only found out when we got a new kitty who discovered the bag and I kept finding shredded grocery sack paper all over the house and started to poke around for the source.

Upon going through the bag, I found manuals for three dryers, but not one for the dryer we currently own. I have never figured out how we had three manuals as I don't think we have owned that many over the years.

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i used to keep all that stuff in one place, and it sort of disappeared. Now I keep those papers, manuals separated by type. The camera/electronics manuals go into a drawer with the cameras, etc. The kitchen appliance manuals are in a waterproof, zippered file pocket in a kitchen cabinet. The power tool manuals are in a covered plastic file box in the tool area, Furnace, hot water heater, etc are in the kitchen next to the appliance manuals. Garden equipment next to tools. It works so much better for me to have small batches of manuals rather than a giant file box with everything. 


I agree with pp about downloading manuals from internet. I do this for small things like stopwatches, alarm clocks, cheap cd players -- it is easier to ditch the little, odd shaped instructions and rely on downloads.

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