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Upper level science

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As ds is getting older, I am starting to see the flaws in homeschooling.  One in particular is science.  I just don't have time to teach it and ds doesn't have the motivation to learn from the textbook.  He's been very willing to just read it, take notes like I showed him how to do and he's done.  He's not understanding what he reads and just doesn't care.  It's not an attitude thing, it's just lack of motivation.  


Yes, if he was my only homeschooler, I could easily teach him all the science he would need.  My problem is that I have two other students (I'm sure many of you have more), one of whom very much leans toward ADD/ADHD.  My day pretty much ends at 3 pm when my oldest special needs son comes home.  


Basically, there are just some subjects that need to be taught.  I feel like science is one of those subjects (math is also one of those subjects, but I majored in that in college so no problem).  I don't have the time to learn this subject on my own first and then teach it.  I feel like he needs a teacher.  I live in a small town currently so outside classes are out.  The public school doesn't let homeschoolers sign up for science classes and there are few teens his age that we could partner with.  I like Apologia in that it is easier to understand and speaks to the student but he HATES Apologia with a violent hatred.  He's never had such a reaction to anything we've tried like he has with Apologia.


I'm switching his Physical Science to the John Tiner books with Memoria Press additions because he's not understanding his science anyway and I'm hoping for him to learn something and just get interested.  He's only in 7th grade, so he doesn't need the labs yet and he finds labs to be an annoyance anyway.  He's always been a "tell me what to do and I'll do it, but don't add on fun crafts and/or experiments to make it harder to just get done" kind of kid.  A few years ago I got him the Horrible science books and he devoured them so the Tiner books may be better.


So, what do you do for science when you don't teach it and the child isn't motivated to learn it on his own?  I think he could be really good at science but I just have to find something that sparks his interest.  



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We, too, need a teacher when it comes to Science. Our solution will be (hopefully) classes at our local community college. Ds will start with Chemistry in the fall. He is very much looking forward to it.

I say hopefully only because we haven't actually done this yet, but out plan is to take all Science classes at the community college. We cannot attend Public Highschool classes as homeschoolers where we live either.

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BJUP with dvds. Haven't tried their online classes (we are old here), but I love the dvd option. I do caution about trying to use them for everything. I think that could kill a kid! But, they are great for science and foreign language. I've found 2 subjects is all my kids could handle for dvd usage.

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>>He's only in 7th grade


My dd is in 7th, too, and struggling with both history and science.  My high school boys take science outsourced from another homeschool mom (awesome teacher), but I couldn't afford to put her in, too...and she wouldn't have done well with Apologia, either!  For us, its just about getting through it!  Starline Press (secular, modelled after School of Tomorrow/ACE) is very self-teaching (read and fill in the blank.)  She likes it because its easy and straight-forward.  My daughter also is thrilled so far (we just started) with Lyrical Earth Science...she doesn't love the reading, but the songs make it bearable.  My boys would not have been ready for Apologia in 7th, but they are doing fine with it for 9 and 10th grades. (OK...the 9th grader isn't exactly passing....but he's liking it, and learning lots...he just has no organizational skills whatsoever.) There is a lot of maturing that happens over the next couple years, so I wouldn't rule Apologia out entirely....he may just not be ready for it, yet.  My plan is to put her in an outsourced class once one of my boys is done (after next year...so she'd also be 9th by then.)   Next year we may try an online course....still undecided on that one.  I think you have so many more options in homeschool to find what is right for that child!  If you teaching it isn't working, move to something self-teaching or outsource online (since you can't outsource locally.)

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