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French Bulldogs anyone?


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I love French Bulldogs.  Ellie has at least one.  I researched them, and from what I recall there are some issues they're prone to.  I decided that they wouldn't be a good match for our family.  But a neighbor at the front of the neighborhood got one, so I ooh and aah over.

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Our cavalier is unfailingly gentle with my one year old, thrilled to play ball with the three year old, adores being brushed by my six year old, and adores training sessions with my nine year old. He's a whole family puppy and he's adorable, to boot.


The frenchies are cute but I haven't heard as much about them and kids.

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I don't know Shelly.  We have a cat and our cav seems very different, other than the wanting to curl up in my lap lol.  I remember seeing somewhere (dogs 101 maybe) that the shiba inu is most like a cat. 


My dd has extreme anxiety and our cav will actually run to her when she is having an anxious meltdown and lick her until she starts laughing.  I will love him forever just for that!  He is a black and tan.  Which color do you have?

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Lol, one of the reasons I liked the cav when we were deciding about the best breed for us is because it does not have high exercise needs.  We walk him twice a day for twenty or thirty minutes and have a fenced back yard.  And that is just about right.  Ours likes fetch but mostly what he loves is tug.  Animal planet has shows about different breeds that you can watch on YouTube, Dogs 101.  Dd and I must have watched them all.   My second choice was the havanese.  

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Oo! My grandparents had a Frenchie named Buster (or most often "Bastard," Grandpa's favourite nickname for him).  He was a very bright dog and was well trained.  He fetched Grandpa's slippers on command.  He would also fetch the newspaper and Grandpa's cane if he dropped it.  He was very patient with us kids, but we were not to pick him up.  He did not like that.  I don't think any of us ever tried it.  We were just told that was the rule for playing with Buster.  He was not a dog for wrestling with, but he liked to play catch with a Frisbee and also play chase-around-the-yard.  He was a very active little guy, even into old age.  He got arthritic towards the end.  I think he was around 15 or so when they had to put him to sleep.  It was very sad, but he was in a lot of pain that couldn't be helped. 


I haven't thought of that dog in years!  Thanks for bringing up the smiling memories. :001_smile:

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Tell him in the long run it's a lot cheaper than another human kid. ;)


Seriously . . .. This is morbid, but how old is your Akita?  I like to bring in a new dog before current dog gets too old or (even worse) passes away and we find ourselves dogless.  I never want to be in that state, and I justify it to DH by telling him I can make a more rational decision on a new dog if I'm not desperately trying to fill a vacuum and so might be tempted to make a bad decision on a dog that really isn't a good fit for us.  This is, of course, assuming you feel sure your Akita will tolerate a newcomer.

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Tell him in the long run it's a lot cheaper than another human kid. ;)


Seriously . . .. This is morbid, but how old is your Akita? I like to bring in a new dog before current dog gets too old or (even worse) passes away and we find ourselves dogless. I never want to be in that state, and I justify it to DH by telling him I can make a more rational decision on a new dog if I'm not desperately trying to fill a vacuum and so might be tempted to make a bad decision on a dog that really isn't a good fit for us. This is, of course, assuming you feel sure your Akita will tolerate a newcomer.

She just turned 10, so getting up there. While she is in very good health and shows no signs of old age, big dogs just don't live to be 15+ years old. I am pretty darned sure she will accept and new dog as she has done it twice before. She is not a fan of other dogs in general, but has never been anything but accepting of a puppy we bring into the home. Your argument is a good one and I will give it a shot. His main reason for saying no right now is two fold. First of all he loves Akitas and would just as soon never have any other breed of dog again. I agree and will always want an Akita as well, but we can have two dogs! His other hesitation is that we currently live in a trailer home (huge, 2000 square feet) while we save to build a house. Well, I'm not sure I can wait! He is the type that says no but once it is in the house he will fall in love. Maybe I just need to send him a picture of a Frenchie everyday lol!


P.S. Yes much cheaper than a human baby!

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all I think of with a French bulldog is kay arguing with one in men in black.

Frank was actually a pug.


My dog has French Bulldog friends at the dog park. They are soooo cute. I will say though that they bark when they play...a lot! My dog loves it but some people will literally leave the park when they get there. The owner says that is how the breed typically plays.


I would get one in a heartbeat, though.


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Frank was actually a pug.


My dog has French Bulldog friends at the dog park. They are soooo cute. I will say though that they bark when they play...a lot! My dog loves it but some people will literally leave the park when they get there. The owner says that is how the breed typically plays.


I would get one in a heartbeat, though.


This is good to know. Thanks. That wouldn't bother me, it's the barking for no reason that is problematic.

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Any tips on convincing a DH that I need a new puppy? Ask permission, or ask forgiveness? ;-)

I waited for his next business trip. Then I emailed him a picture of his adorable child with her new adorable puppy. He was over the shock by the time he got home. A couple times he has tried to make an issue of some puppy behavior and "see I was right blah, blah, blah, something or other." But that's it and he has even bitten the bullet and picked up poo in the backyard.

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I waited for his next business trip. Then I emailed him a picture of his adorable child with her new adorable puppy. He was over the shock by the time he got home. A couple times he has tried to make an issue of some puppy behavior and "see I was right blah, blah, blah, something or other." But that's it and he has even bitten the bullet and picked up poo in the backyard.

This sounds like how my DH would react. As soon as that puppy crawled up into his lap, it would be over.

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