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Halloween costumes!


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Didn't know if anyone wanted to post pics of their kids' costumes (or their own!)


I don't think I can get it to show the pictures, but I can link them:


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Astro as Snake Eyes (this is an earlier picture with the wrong mask - the right one was messed up, but DH fixed it while we were trick or treating on Main Street this afternoon - I don't have pics with that one yet)



Pink as Wonder Woman


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We had great fun with our Magic School Bus costumes, even if most of the unenlightened masses had no idea who we were supposed to be.  Sadly, even our librarians were clueless when we showed up for preschool story time.  I suspect the Hive will be more appreciative.


DS came up with the idea a few months ago, shyly sidling up to me and saying, "I could be the bus, and you could be Ms. Frizzle!" then blushing furiously.  We ended up settling on him as Ralphie and Daddy as the bus.  The back of the shirt reads, "TO THE BUS!"  Baby sister LOVED her fuzzy Liz costume.  She usually hates having her clothing changed, but as I was trying it on her for fittings she grinned and kicked with glee.  Apparently she loves fleece.  I was SO glad to find her hat at Kmart so I just made the bodysuit.  DH made the shirts with his heat press.  I embellished the thrift-store shirt dress with inspiration from the book/episode, "The Magic School Bus Gets All Dried Up."  Since we live in the desert and I already owned boots from last year's Jessie (Toy Story) costume, it was perfect!  The church/school that hosted a harvest carnival had the perfect prop waiting for us!






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Here's my dd's costume.  Spiderella, I think it was called?  She picked it out on her own, I have no idea.


As you can see, she wasn't too happy about having to sit around while I took pictures of her.  She wanted to go RIGHT NOW. :p



ETA: My attachment broke.  Let's try this again.



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Can't upload photos on my iPad, but Middle Girl dressed as Harlequin, and whenever asked about her costume, struck a pose and announced, "Io sono Arlecchino!" She was enchanted when one neighbor replied,"Ah, che bella Arlecchina!"


Wee Girl dressed as a leopard. She decided she wasn't interested in a separate costume for our parish's All Saints dress-up, so she is going to be from the Bible story of Christ and the Ten Leopards. She is the grateful leopard who turned back.

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Kathy Selden, but in this version she sang and danced -- I don't think she did in the movie, although I could be wrong.




I'm too lazy/technically challenged to load the video of dd singing and dancing.  Suffice to say we now know who in our neighborhood had been involved in a production of SIngin' in the Rain, has been involved in musical theater in general, has kids who have ever been on stage, etc. etc.  


The most fun was when people sang along with her!


Edited to add:  Okay, I managed to put a youtube on my blog here: http://talesofhomeschool.blogspot.com/2013/11/halloween-2013.html  (this has taken a shameful amount of time -- 9:30am and I'm still in jammies!)

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DD8 as a Desert Hissi from Neopets-or maybe a winged version of the Goddess Wadjet as the Uraeus from Egyptian history/Mythology. She went back and forth between the two, but since the same costume worked for both, I guess that's fine. Either way, she's a flying snake.


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