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GRIMM???? Who watched?

Mom in High Heels

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I am so excited that Grimm is back on!  It was a great season opener, with loads of action and excitement.  




Beware!  Beware!  Spoilers below!  Don't read further unless you want to know.  What happened last night, to cause such a fright.  It's such a great show!  But if you watched, you already know!


Okay, I am bad a rhyming!  I'll stop.



So, bad Nick was awesome!  I knew that venom, or whatever it was, was going to cause him to become badass.


Hank!  Oh, Hank!  His little "I'm back" dance was funny and adorable.


Juliette was a little annoying.  I know that's she's on board with the whole Grimm thing, and loves Nick, but blah, get out of the way and let people do their jobs!  


Wu!  He needs more screen time.  He's so funny in his own quirky way and has great timing with his reactions.  


Monroe!!!!!!!!!  I adore Monroe!!!!  He's my favorite character!  I love him so much!  He's so weird and quirky.


Adeline.  Blech.  Getting her powers back though...quelle surprise.  I think the gypsies were just messing with her, making her do all that stuff.  Icky stuff.  And telling her at the end she had to gather all the dead flowers.  Ha!


I'm really looking forward to this season!





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Ok, i hate high heels and i'm not that enthusiastic, but we seem to like the same shows, so  . . strange.


Monroe is hands down my favorite character, tho i didnt think he was at his best on this episode.  Nick . . eh.  Yeah, bad boys not by thing, I think Nick is just a dumb pretty-boy with special powers.  Boring.  I agree Juliette was annoying.  I was pretty sure the gypsy chick was for real - she wants that baby.  I really want to know why.


I keep thinking they are out of antidote again - why isnt Whats-her-name going back to make more?  


Ok, and its just the cynic in me, but all this "Nick is our friend, and we will travel to the ends of the earth to help him in his hour of need" - that crap annoys me.


Still, i love the show and i'm glad its back.  


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No one else watched????  I find that hard to believe!


Ok, i hate high heels and i'm not that enthusiastic, but we seem to like the same shows, so  . . strange.


Monroe is hands down my favorite character, tho i didnt think he was at his best on this episode.  Nick . . eh.  Yeah, bad boys not by thing, I think Nick is just a dumb pretty-boy with special powers.  Boring.  I agree Juliette was annoying.  I was pretty sure the gypsy chick was for real - she wants that baby.  I really want to know why.


I keep thinking they are out of antidote again - why isnt Whats-her-name going back to make more?  


Ok, and its just the cynic in me, but all this "Nick is our friend, and we will travel to the ends of the earth to help him in his hour of need" - that crap annoys me.


Still, i love the show and i'm glad its back.  


Well, opposites attract, so maybe we're meant to be friends, even though you don't like heels (WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?) and aren't enthusiastic about the shows we both apparently like. ;)


I agree that Monroe wasn't at his best in this ep, but there wasn't a whole lot to do.  His popcorn line cracked me up though.


Her name is Rosalee, BTW.  I kept saying to JB, why don't they have more antidote ready to go?  You'd think they'd be prepared for more victims, instead of having to keep mixing up small batches.  Of course it could have a short shelf life.  I laughed when all the victims were cured and were like "Uh, what's going on?  Where am I?" yet no one seemed to ask "Why are my clothes torn and why am I covered in blood?"


I get that they are willing to help Nick.  They know that he's the one that can see and help defeat all the weird creatures hiding in plain sight.  I'd help him too!  Plus, isn't he from one of the strongest lines of Grimms?  I'd be all "What do you need me to do?  I am there for you!"


Oh, and Juliette needs to take some acting lessons.  She's just so one note.

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I haven't watched it yet, I plan to tonight,


Juliette and nick have been annoying the crap out of me last season. I'm much more interested in Monroe and oh... Ugh.. What's the police captains name? They seem to be doing more for nick than nick is doing for anyone else including himself.


I don't have a problem with go to the ends of the earth friendships as part of the story, but geez. It sure seems one sided. Nick just about forgot he even had a woman he supposedly loves. That was just a plot mess. I couldn't identify with either if them acting the way they were last season.


I'm eager to see what this season does to change that bc I like the show and all the other characters.

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Yeah, i'm starting to like the captain more, too.  He seems to be a more interesting character, more depth, more history.  


I'm just terrible with names.


I do see your point about Nick being vital to everyones survival, that make sense - but i'm an introvert/loner type, so shows that gush about friends just annoy me.  But its ok, mostly this is all about supernatural mysteries solved in large part by an intelligent werewolf and his herbalist girl friend . . .


It does seem funny to me that i really dont much like the romantic leads (Nick and Juliette).  But its all good.


Oh, it was nice that Juliette got to show that she actually has some medical knowledge.  The writers seem to forget sometimes that being a vet is not just being a glorified cat sitter.

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Maybe we should share what all shows we all like? Common binds and all that jazz?



Downton Abbey


Vampire Diaries and True Blood (sigh. They are done for. Last season for good reason.)

*The Walking Dead


Sleepy Hollow (it's so cheesy that I sorta like it)

*Welcome to the Family

*Blacklist (That girl is getting on my nerves. She should know her connection to his by now. I thought she was his daughter until the Stewmaker epi. Who was the girl whose photo he took out for himself? So maybe I was wrong about that. So much for FBI training. But the rest of the story is so good I can get over that bit.)

Dr Who



OUAT in wonderland


The Middle

Raising Hope


Dh makes me endure ;) :

New Girl

How I Met Your Mother

The Goldbergs (he is highly annoyed that several of their 80s' references are inaccurate tho)

Master Chef

Hell's' kitchen

Colbert report


*These are my favorites that I try to stay current on and excitedly wait each episode. The rest I just watch as I can late at night when I have insomnia or sick babies or whatever keeping me up.

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OMG!!!!!!!!! We have another favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY we must be sisters in a past life!!!! I watched I loved and was sad to see it end LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was kinda hoping they got the plane there though because I love visiting faraway places LOL I really loved seeing them all again and was soooo happy!!!

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Maybe we should share what all shows we all like? Common binds and all that jazz?



Downton Abbey


Vampire Diaries and True Blood (sigh. They are done for. Last season for good reason.)

*The Walking Dead


Sleepy Hollow (it's so cheesy that I sorta like it)

*Welcome to the Family

*Blacklist (That girl is getting on my nerves. She should know her connection to his by now. I thought she was his daughter until the Stewmaker epi. Who was the girl whose photo he took out for himself? So maybe I was wrong about that. So much for FBI training. But the rest of the story is so good I can get over that bit.)

Dr Who



OUAT in wonderland


The Middle

Raising Hope


Dh makes me endure ;) :

New Girl

How I Met Your Mother

The Goldbergs (he is highly annoyed that several of their 80s' references are inaccurate tho)

Master Chef

Hell's' kitchen

Colbert report


*These are my favorites that I try to stay current on and excitedly wait each episode. The rest I just watch as I can late at night when I have insomnia or sick babies or whatever keeping me up.


We have a lot of the same faves too!!!

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Oh, it was nice that Juliette got to show that she actually has some medical knowledge. The writers seem to forget sometimes that being a vet is not just being a glorified cat sitter.

Ha! Every time I've ever complained about doctors to a certain relative, rare bc we don't see each other much, his son the vet pipes up with, "well if you were a cat, this is what I'd do..."


Yeah. Vets spend a lot more time in med school than many human medical specialist. I've often said in a zombie apocalypse I'd rather have a vet than an human GP.

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I'm watching last seasons finale so I can remember what was happening before I watch the new episode (I keep the last episodes on the dvr since there's a super-long break).


Maybe we should share what all shows we all like? Common binds and all that jazz?


*The Walking Dead
Sleepy Hollow (it's so cheesy that I sorta like it)

OUAT in wonderland

How I Met Your Mother - This season and last season have really been bad.

The Goldbergs (he is highly annoyed that several of their 80s' references are inaccurate tho)  watched a couple episodes.  I found it annoying but dh wants to give it more time.

*These are my favorites that I try to stay current on and excitedly wait each episode. The rest I just watch as I can late at night when I have insomnia or sick babies or whatever keeping me up.


Our favorites also include:

Big Bang Theory

Falling Skies









and we just started watching the new American Horror Story: Coven.


We like science fiction.

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I dont watch very much - I dont have cable


Doctor Who (when I can find it)


On hulu:

OUAT and wonderland



The Voice

The Daily Show

The Glades (dumb, i know)

Raising Hope (is it done?  my trashiest fave)


I have also been watching on netflix:

How I met your Mother (almost done)



I think thats it?  

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I don't have cable either. Everything we watch is netflix or hulu.


Our favorites also include:

Big Bang Theory

Falling Skies



Oh we like those too! I anxiously waiting to watch this season of Falling Skies, but it's not available until season end on Netflix.

Shames goes for psych and BBT.


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Color me disappointed.  At least a little.  I didn't like the cliffhanger ending last season at all.  I don't mind a cliffhanger, but I need it to wrap *something* up.  Ending in the middle of a fight scene is just lazy plotting IMO.  Not to mention that fight scenes are my least favorite part of shows like this.  I get that they're necessary, sometimes they're okay, but mostly I tune them out.  And then we get another episode that ends just in the middle for no apparent reason.  Bah.


And I'm with you, Cara.  Forget the bad boy thing.  Zombie Nick was just boring.  And the whole "you can't come back from it once you've killed" thing is a bit cliche.  Adeline with the gypsy woman did have me cracking up.  Of course I have to pick all these dead flowers.  Ha.


As for other shows...  Um...


The Americans

White Collar



Doctor Who

Brooklyn Nine Nine

The Mindy Project

Parks and Recreation

Game of Thrones

Daily Show

Avatar: Legend of Korra


I don't have enough shows right now. :(  I also watch OUAT and Modern Family with the kids.  Honestly, we're all kind of more into Legend of Korra now.  Actually, I'm going to add that to my list because it might be my favorite show currently airing.  Good grief.  I'm not sure what that says...

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OMG!!!!!!!!! We have another favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY we must be sisters in a past life!!!! 



Must be!


I like many of the shows listed.


Sherlock (of course!)


Game of Thrones

The Blacklist


Sleepy Hollow

Castle (♥♥♥)

Big Bang Theory



Downton Abbey


OUAT Wonderland


Brooklyn 99


Shows off the air, but I can still watch over and over:


JAG (after watching all 10 seasons, I'm certain I should have a law degree)

Stargate SG-1

Stargate Atlantis



Merlin!!!  (OMG, I watched all 5 seasons in a few weeks and almost wept during the last episode)

Cold Case 




Good grief.  I watch too much TV.  

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We just watched it. Juliette has annoyed me from day one. I keep hoping she will get killed off the show, maybe by one of Nick's enemies thereby making his character a little darker. :)


Love love love officer Wu. He is my favorite!!!


Love Monroe and Rosalee. Love the captain.


I'm a little sick of Adeline and her smirk.


I want non-zombie Nick back but I want him to "Grimm-out" a little more!


My ds said, "Why are there so many wesen in Portland? Sheesh. Remind me never to move there!"

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I watched the first 4 seasons of Vampire Diaries but now I'm over it. I do love the spinoff though, The Originals. Awesome!!


Ditto.  Though I haven't tried the Originals yet...  I keep thinking maybe I will...


A bunch of the shows people mentioned are ones I once loved, but have since given up on, like Supernatural.


You know, everyone mentioned their dislike of Juliette... I used to really dislike her.  I sort of thought her main purpose was going to be to get killed to give Nick something to be dark about later on.  But now I kind of hate her less, though I'm not sure when she grew on me.  Still, I wouldn't be unhappy to see her go.

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I watched Grimm last night. I pretty much echo Heather's opinion of it.

Adelaide is an annoying whiny pesky brat.


I watched the first 4 seasons of Vampire Diaries but now I'm over it. I do love the spinoff though, The Originals. Awesome!!


VD for me is like knowing there is only one chapter left in the book, I'm going to finish it because well, might as well.


I hadn't given The Originals any consideration, but I might have to watch an episode now.


Normally I don't even give spin offs a second thought, but Wonderland is holding my interest better than I thought it would.

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I hadn't given The Originals any consideration, but I might have to watch an episode now.


Normally I don't even give spin offs a second thought, but Wonderland is holding my interest better than I thought it would.

Normally I feel that way, too, but I am enjoying Wonderland and The Originals is so much better than I thought it would be. Klaus' character has much more depth now. It is really a good show.


I just watched the premiere of Dracula with Jonathon Rhys Meyers and I liked it. I also liked the first episode of Reign.


Does anyone watch Scandal? Is it any good?

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I'm all caught up on Grimm now.   I cannot believe that it was another "to be continued".  Really?!?!  How long are they going to stretch out this particular story line.  It could easily have been done in one episode.


Usually I'm a big romantic with shows and love it when the couple finally works things out.  I don't feel that attached to Nick and Juliette.  I really don't care if they wind up together.  But I LOVE Monroe and Rosalee.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched it! We love Grimm!!!!


I want to know more about Captain Renard. And WHEN is Wu going to find out?!?!


Nick is too much of a "by the book" kinda guy. Turn himself in? Seriously?! You'd think after the last two seasons he'd learn to chill about rules a bit. It's not like he's never killed anyone before, and it's not like he was in control of himself or even willingly put himself in that position. Geez, he was trying to save people and got slammed! But what is up with the icy, dead guy thing going on? Is it triggered by emotions? Is he in danger of dying...or going psycho again?


Juliette isn't one of my favorite characters, but she serves her purpose.







Who else thinks the gypsy hexinbeast might be Renard's mother?

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Yeah. Vets spend a lot more time in med school than many human medical specialist. I've often said in a zombie apocalypse I'd rather have a vet than an human GP.


Good thing Hershel survived then, isn't it? ;)


We don't have cable or satellite. We watch a few shows off the digital antenna, and the rest on either Amazon, Netflix, or Hulu Plus. We buy some shows on Amazon (like Walking Dead & Doctor Who) because we don't want to wait until they become free. We can buy whole seasons of several different shows for less than what we used to pay for one month of Directv.


With dh and ds:

The Walking Dead

Merlin (we only have 3 episodes left)

Doctor Who






We recently finished Burn Notice (the series ended)


With dh:

We like a lot of British detective shows-

George Gently

New Tricks

Inspector Lewis

Midsomer Murders

Life on Mars (British version - much better than the U.S. one)

Murdoch Mysteries (a Canadian show we watch on Amazon)

Covert Affairs

Falling Skies - Season 3 recently became free for Prime members


On my own:

The West Wing

30 Rock

The Daily Show


Arrested Development

Doc Martin



I watched 2 seasons of Downton Abby then lost interest.


It looks like a lot, but we only watch one or two episodes a night. If a show is airing on a broadcast channel, we might watch one of our streaming shows either before or after the broadcast show. I watch my shows when dh and ds have an action movie to watch that I'm not interested in.

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The gruesome Adeline baby thing is getting tiresome.


I didn't like bad Nick, but I liked how they all pulled together to protect him.


Poor Wu! I feel sorry for him and wish they'd bring him into the fold, but keeping him clueless gives some great comic relief.


That would be interesting if the hexenbiest was the captain's mother. Speaking of mothers, I wouldn't mind seeing Nick's mother come back.


I don't dislike Juliette as much as I did in previous seasons. I don't think she's much of an actress though.

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