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My 20yo has been to the ER twice in two weeks. She was initially diagnosed with a ruptured ovarian cyst. It was first thought to be appendicitis, but the CAT scan showed a cyst and did not get a picture of the appendix (actually the report was appendix not showing). Ten day later we go in and they do an ultrasound; no cysts show. She has been nauseous, vomiting and unable to eat for two weeks.


Today we go see a nurse practitioner. He says it has all the classic symptoms of appendicitis. Why did I spend two nights in ER just to be diagnosed in the NP office? I feel as if the ER trips were useless!



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Does she need surgery, Linda? Did the NP order additional testing and have her admitted to the hospital?


Why do you trust the NP (and his diagnosis) more than the doctors at the hospital? (I'm not being snarky -- I'm really wondering about it!)


EDITED TO ADD: Looks like we were posting at the same time, so I see you've already answered my questions. I hope everything is OK, and will pray for your dd to get better very quickly! :grouphug:

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Ugh...I hope you get some answers tomorrow. Could it be gall bladder? When was the last time she had blood work done?


Have you heard of corpus luteum cysts?


I had them and it was HORRIBLE. They came and went during my cycle until one got so big I had to have surgery bc it was twisting my ovary. At the time, they didn't know what kind of cyst it was. It was only after the surgery that we started putting all the pieces together.


I just want to tell you this in case the cyst reoccurs.



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Linda: I am sad for the problems your DD has experienced the past 2 weeks. Appendicitis can be very tricky and the symptoms can be similar to those of other problems. I wonder what kind of doctors saw her in the E.R. And what kind of examinations they did and who interpreted those examinations. Sounds like some incorrect assumptions were made in the E.R.


I remember a story, about the DH of the Nurse to the Surgeon (in Texas) who did surgery on me, to fix a hernia in 1988. The man was in great pain. I believe what eventually happened was that the Surgeon did “exploratory surgeryâ€, something I am usually deeply opposed to. The problem was in fact his appendix, which was not in the normal location. This was about 1989, so the details are fuzzy.


More recently, in May 2009, I was standing, with my group, in the front row (the most expensive area and there are no seats there), behind the barrier, at a concert in Bogota, on a Monday night. The young woman to my right had been in the seat to my right, 2 nights before that, in the first concert. She was probably about 20 or 22 at that time. I am the oldest person in the group, and they were concerned about me, before the concert... Well, she apparently, with time, was in intense pain. She had her period. Before I realized what was happening, they had her over the barrier and inside the Red Cross station. The assumption by the M.D. who was in the Red Cross station was that it was her Appendix. One of the other women in our group went with her and she was taken to a hospital, in one of the ambulances they had standing by at the stadium. I cannot remember what the problem was, but it had nothing to do with her Appendix, or, her Reproductive system. She is OK now...


Hopefully, your DD will be AOK, ASAP. Lanny

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Thank you all for your concerns and prayers. The ob/gyn says it was most definitely a cyst and he does not think it was appendicitis. (I really trust this man -- he actually delivered her 20 years ago). But she is still experiencing pain, nausea,and some vomiting. He is not sure why, but say the pain is not severe enough for the appendix and there is no sign of infection.


So now what? We really don't know what to do.



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