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I just bought Molly! (AG doll, not drugs you goofballs!)


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When I was in the third grade I had a playground accident and had to go to the hospital and miss school and a weekend birthday party. When I returned to school on Monday, I discovered a present from my teacher--three books including Meet Samantha and Meet Molly. I fell in love instantly.


Later, I discovered the existence of the dolls and tried to convince my parents to buy me one. However, they were too expensive for our family's budget and my mom pointed out that I had never play with a doll in my life and she didn't expect that I would really play with one at 9. Little did she know that if I had a doll that awesome I totally would have played with dolls! I had a very vivid imagination and a stuffed bear that had to suffice.


When I was 15 I used my own babysitting money to buy an American Girl doll that looks like me. I converted my walk-in closet into a bedroom for her and outfitted her with accessories like those I had as a child like a miniature Care Bear and Popple. Once I made her a historical outfit for history fair at school. But I still really liked the idea of Molly. When my husband heard that Molly was being retired he insisted that I buy myself one for my birthday since I've wanted that doll for over 20 years now. I'm looking forward to her arrival!

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I also thought Ecstasy. LOL! Thanks, Miley Cyrus.


My dd has Molly. I thought she was getting too old for it when my mom finall bought it for her - she was 9, I think. She played with that doll for a few years! Everything is carefully packed away for later.


We had a few of the real Molly outfits, as well as some Kerstin clothes and Target knock-offs. Some of the knock-offs are pretty cute.

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I must still be young enough to play with dolls because I had no idea about the drug connection, LOL!


By the time my little girl is old enough to play with AG dolls I can dress my other doll in 1980s clothes and write a book about my childhood and it will be historical to her!

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