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What is it called when a Christian believes in Old Earth but not evolution?


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A friend at church (who is a brilliant scientist, and we attend a Bible believing General Conference Baptist church) believes this and I hadn't heard of it before. Does that belief have a name?


No debates, please! I can look up what it is if I have a name. (I mean, feel free to explain it if you have or know of this belief, but no debates.)


FWIW, I am YE but have always believed and taught my kids that OE vs. YE should never be a topic of argument among Christians.

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FWIW, I am YE but have always believed and taught my kids that OE vs. YE should never be a topic of argument among Christians.

I love this. I totally agree, and wish that others would teach the same. We are Old Earth, but there Is no reason to argue...as long as we are all living the Christian way!

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I always just considered myself "believing in creation".  I didn't think it had a special category such as "old earth creationist".  I have always believed that a "day" in the Bible can refer to other periods than a 24 hour day.


It is only within the last couple of years that I learned how many "young earth creationists" there are.  I have also been very surprised to be told that I don't really believe the Bible if I don't believe young earth. 

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